Skill Reveal - Summon Stone Golem

DarkenLord wrote:
kcstar wrote:
Wow... pretty underwhelming. Worth nothing in a oneshot meta... in other words: if you depend on this golem your built already sucks.

Since when build diversity consists on focusing the current Meta? If you really think they should focus one shot builds and nothing more, you don't really know why PoE is so great. And also...didn't you notice that it actually benefits some of the one shot meta builds? Since some of them lack survivability, the taunting effect is a great help.

They push more and more towards deeps, there is no need for tactical stuff like a golem that taunts. Maybe a year ago I would agree something like "oh, maybe they shift the meta in the near future" but 2015 happend... and 2.0 happend... dps, dps, dps is all what matters... on players side as well as on mob side.
PS: No, I didn't notice your observations... but you play on a different level. Maybe such a golem is needed in early game.
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Last edited by ScrotieMcB on February 30, 2016 0:61 PM

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Golems could be used as two part combination spell in future.

1) Summon Golem
2) Extract its essence and launch it towards pointer location, dealing element damage

Or some weird keystone like "Aspect of Golem".
Instead of summoning golem, you have his aspect over your head, like Emperor thingy from labyrinth and it shoots attacks.
Well i gues you can have him on a 4l with stone golem + minion life + minion ele ress + icreased area of effect (since the taunt comes from the aoe earth skill).

Nice its look like a Poop golem XDD
My question is how useful will the amount of regen be? If we're talking 2% regen could you free up skill points in a RF build if you're willing to re-summon the golem constantly? All the golems have the issue of just not having anywhere near the survivability needed so if the buff is really worth the hassle is a question.
can we see the actual gem pl0x
narbays wrote:
Why not a lightning golem? Like the other elements?

They already anounced that lightning golem will come out. Does noone folow ZiggyD on youtube? He had a interview with a POE staff member or w/e and he already confirmed stone and lightning golem.
I really cba with these golems, imo they are a distraction on the screen, offer little support and i am to lazy to link it to a CWDT gem or selfcast it, even though i got gem slots left.

rather have a gem that leaves a smoke/fire/ice/shock trail, like AA but without the
recast or other -phys dmg n shit. nothing OP.

Just a simple trail for an empty slot.

Actually talking about slots... maybe a unique that gives 6% dmg increase for every slot that does not exist on your armor.
4 x head
4 x boots
4 x gloves
6 x chest
(shields/rings maybe?)

18 x 6% = 108% dmg increase for ZERO slots on armor.

could be a build enabler in a new way, something like that.
edit: most armors have a minimum of 1 slot, but w/e you get the idea.
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Last edited by Starball#2489 on Feb 11, 2016, 11:49:00 AM
do golems get thier own buff ?? i mean will this golem regen his health ... it will be great if Y
idk if it will be better than chaos golem in terms of defense/survivalability... hope so
% based or flat life regen?
IGN: Arlianth
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