[2.4] "The Lawn Mower™" God Tier Blade Vortex / UBER & SHAPER deathless / with video! Atlas Ready!
How good is this alternative? I was looking around and found this.... ![]() It is "Intuitive Leap" in the jewel socket in order to obtain: 1- Melding (6% increased maximum Life + 10% increased maximum Energy Shield) 2- Dreamer (25% increased maximum Mana + 15% increased Mana Regeneration Rate) **3- Overcharged (8% chance to gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Kill)** Is that bad or maybe a thing to consider? |
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" Looks like a waste of a jewel imho. IGN:Flickfrap
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I respeced to this build on prophecy after I got my shavs and a lot of regret orbs.
I'm doing it slightly different and running heretics veil so I can have another gem instead of blasphemy. Lower es and lower res is the problem with that hat though of course. Got my skyforths and 2x lvl 4 enlighten last night. (lvl 4 over lvl 3 only gave me 19 more mana though..) but now I am able to add in haste finally. Anyway just wondering if you have any suggestions for gear changes or improvements. Jewelery is obviously bad and it's a bit heavy on the uniques so resistances aren't amazing, but I had to make some sacrifices while saving up for skyforths. What should I prioritize next? Rare spell dagger? drop veil and get good hubris circlet? rings and ammy that arent total ass? Cheers for the build even if you dont have time to answer this rambling shit |
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How much crit do you guys get with pathfinder? im not using diamond rings coz i wanted to be ele weakness capped and it seems ridiculously low for me
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" So crit chance seems to be low with ranger. I've been testing inc crit strikes over empower 4/inc crit multi gem. With that combo + diamond flask I'm crit capped on pathfinder. Higher tooltip + more flask charge reliability due to crit cap opieop. Almost done with testing various things and will put the new gem links + tree + asc options for pathfinder when im done. |
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8.3k ES Inc duration 32k h.o tooltip 130k w flasks and charges Conc effect 51k h.o tooltip 190k w flasks and charges only 545 crit multi atm I can go Throatseeker by 100 and have 8k es and and 599 crit multi Or i can go Unnatural Calm by 60 and stay at 545 but have 9.4Kish ES Decisions, decisions. IGN:Flickfrap Last edited by LoPan#2848 on Jul 18, 2016, 12:07:53 PM
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Hey have a couple of questions/thoughts about the build specifically the ranger pathfinder version.
I feel like not getting Master Herbalist is a HUGE loss of dps especially combined with Atziri flask. Maybe with the GG gear you have it's not need but I play in temp league where most of that isn't available. My 2nd question how important is warlords mark now. With pathfinder I can keep up Atziri flask and Vinktar 24/7. I feel like warlord's and potentially dual curse is wasted now any thoughts on this would be nice to hear. Im having a hard time figuring out which flasks I want to run. I really would like to incorporate Rumi's but I dont see a way without dropping quicksilver or something else, because you need a bleed or shock remove flask. Would love to hear your setup. |
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" U don't need shock removal and warlords ane dual curse is pretty important imo. You'll notice a big dmg drop off w.o assassins and you need the leech w warlords. Rly you just want freeze and bleed removal and other flasks are just perks although I feel vinktars, taste of hate and atziri is the best w bleed or freeze rolled on ruby for the constant resist overcap. IGN:Flickfrap Last edited by LoPan#2848 on Jul 14, 2016, 1:50:08 PM
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" I use Master Herbalist in the upcoming update im doing to guide as we speak. Demo'd the new ranger setup (not in guide _just_ yet)on stream yesterday against atziri and uber. One shotting uber split phase and forcing her into split phases in one shot as well. Pretty disgusting DPS. By far the most I've seen from this build since it's creation in 2.1 With Warlord's and pathfinder. you have options. So you can live on the dangerous side and soley rely on vinktar's which is absolutely fine. MOAR DPS. If you want the extra protection incase you run out of vinktar's for whatever reason use warlords or ll gem and you won't be FUBAR. Good chunk of DPS lost though. That's basically what it boils down to. What doesn't though in this game. Tankiness at the cost of DPS, or DPS at the cost of tankiness. I'd answer the rest of the flask questions but it's cutting into the time I have to wrap up the huge update to guide im working. Your questions will be answered when you see my personal flask setup, might even give you an idea =). Last edited by Solishaw#0089 on Jul 14, 2016, 3:54:18 PM
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I'm planning on making this build and was a little confused about the use of Assassin's Mark. I thought one of the major benefits of Skyforth's was the Power Charge on Crit, allowing you to use a different curse.
Are the crit chance and crit multi from Assassin's Mark really worth it since the power charge generation is mostly worthless? |
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