Greengroove's Loot Filter Scripts v3.18.0 - OUTDATED
I will think about this. Thanks.
The concept with this filter is indeed different from most other filters. It's verry imortant for you to understand my logic: Pick up anything green immediately. Then pick up EVERYTHING pink. Do not think, just pick it up. If by this logic you pick up something that you don't want to pick up then something might need to be changed. For the borders it's a bit different. In general a green border means better than pink border. But not necessarily a need to pick up item. Just item with "potential". Thus green = more potential. I am currently working on reducing sound in high maps in general. Your suggestion is very valid. At the current meta the sound is not justified. My only concern with changing this is for a start of new leagues. I may have an idea how to fix this without compromising the leveling experience. maybe just 1 or 2 more entries can fix this. By reading your suggestion I gather that you are a very end game oriented player. If you don't want to see something like gavels or some non top rares or even scrolls,.. you can try and use the MF filter instead. Or just use that on high quantity maps. I can't update the current beta to all versions because I am literally still working on the filter. But you can switch it to the MF version with 1 click in Filtration. If you use Filtration you can customize the filter with block group browser. To my knowledge the only other filter atm that features (nearly) so many options is OFTRA filter. In Filtration you can literally customize the filter like you want with ease and fast. For example if wisdom scrolls and portals bother you it's just 1 click to hide them. You can customize the filter this way also to for example only show 2 handed axes while leveling and not the other weapon bases. Furthermore you can only enable to show magic or normal items. That is the ultimate power of this filter. And since most people don't know about this I really need to make a video about it. Thanks for the feedback. This will improve the experience for all the users. |
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Very well! Thanks for the explanation, I feel that it's natural to think about filtering in a different way than you do.
About gavels showing up, that's perfectly fine. More filtering is not my point, I am used to seeing plenty of less-desirable items, but with easily distinguishable visuals. I haven't used filters others than yours or neversinks', so my opinion is not very informed, but; I like your filter for clearing maps, though I find it less well-rounded and clunky in high loot situations. Might be an issue of me being used to something working in a much different way though. Glad to see response and looking forward to updates! :-) |
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* Slightly changed the sound for map drops. Maps with DropLevel >= 76 now drop with T3 sound instead of T2.
* A second entry has been added that covers maps DropLevel >= 73 to drop with T3 sounds till ItemLevel <= 78. These maps will now use the T4 sound in higher than 78 level zones. The beta file is updated. It's still 2.4.1d. Just needs an overwrite. This needs to be tested, so if you find anything please report. Since only 1 entry has been added I don't think there's going to be any problems. <3 Last edited by Greengroove#7929 on Oct 20, 2016, 3:30:51 PM
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Since filtration is super crash prone on my system, wondering if you could give me code to paste in to always show white and blue death bows (good for delerium ed and lab anything ES with soul strike).
Also wondering if you could recommend when to switch from levelling filter to endgame. Should it be when I can farm DL easily, or tier x+ (hoping for something a little more specific than 'when i have my endgame gear'? I would really love a strict LL/CI version of the filter (priority on the caster one), but idk if you will feel it worth your time. I think the majority of casters only play hybrid until their ES is good enough for strict, and it would be nice if the strict one didn't filter stuff likely to get life rolls (but yes for gear on which armor and ev have much higher values vs. ES), or weapons other than wands, blades, and staves as well as shields and possibly boots (though these are a bit trickier bc sometimes solid ms when you dont have enough can take precedence) w/a small chance to roll any ES). Some more thought: perhaps this strict stuff should only apply to items below 60 for .c recipe, but personally I only grab the wand sized clubs besides those mentioned for .c recs. weapon spot. Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Oct 22, 2016, 6:56:56 AM
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" Could you please elaborate why u need this? Code:
Rarity <= Magic Class "Bow" BaseType "Death Bow" SetBorderColor 74 230 58 # T1 drops color / Quest items SetFontSize 60 # PlayAlertSound 2 150 Border color is optional (green one in this case). Font size is also optional. You can remove that. And so is the sound. If you want to use sound just remove "#" in front of entry. You can put this on top of the filter, but I strongly suggedt you put it BELOW > #UNIQUE / OTHER ITEMS# section, in the Chance section. Switch to the endgame filter when you have all flasks and rez cap to comfortably play in maps. That is the best answer I can give you. It's just a matter of preference. I generally like to see less items if that is possible. The endgame filter will show all items with most potential. The leveling filter shows almost all rares, even the low level ones for armour. The low level weapon bases are filtered progressively with levels. I could work on one such version, but I need to know (understand) exactly what you need. In general I show any item that might have some potential for any build. I think even LL or CI can benefit from selling such items. In general the filter starts to show less stuff after ilvl 64 and 67. There is also an option to go full MF mode and only really show the best stuff. Of course it is also possible to customize with Filtration to anything between full MF and showing most items. I am open to suggestions, but in order to implement anything I need to understand what is needed and why. Then I can work out something. *EDIT The version GG 241e endgame Zoisite is now available. The full change log is available, but the main change is that the filter will now display any identified rare item! This is useful because some items can now drop Corrupted. These items will always be identified. This will also show any item that you picked up and then thrown on the ground. These items will use default formatting with red text. This is just the first step for now. I really need feedback on this. I have decided not to do this for magic items just yet. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to highlight normal corrupted items. Last edited by Greengroove#7929 on Oct 22, 2016, 1:37:49 PM
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Ok, I guess it is a point that that EV/Armor stuff could be sold, but honestly, I doubt anyone is bothering with it (it doesn't earn enough to really be worth selling during endgame, only might be useful to see everything on the first character in a league, I imagine). The ones worth selling are the ones that would be shown by such a filter, and if someone was really concerned about losing out on Armor/EV/Non Caster weapons (besides the 3 slot maces), you could just explain what is hidden by the strict version, and tell them not to use it until/unless that income isn't a concern.
Man. When that latest version isn't tagged beta (even though you say it is stable) I will totally check it out and give any feedback I come up with, so I'll keep an eye out for that. Also, thanks for the death bow code. Edit: After some more thought, I think my bigger issue lies with seeing blues and whites that I don't want, as opposed to rare items (maybe this will slack off soon since I'm at lvl 62 now). I don't tend to use alcs much this league bc essences (and tbh, it feels like the drop rate got nerfed or something, which would make sense), and I usually don't even bother with essences, bc its still just easier to buy exactly what Im looking for than be disappointed 90% of the time with essences. Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Oct 22, 2016, 7:09:17 PM
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I think using the latest version is a good idea. To my knowledge this is the only filter atm that has such functionality. Not even the latest Neversink filter 4.2.4 uses anything like it.
This is all very new. With the introduction of the new Sextant mods it is now possible not only to drop identified items but also corrupted ones! Prior to this game update there was almost no use for such a function. But now you can get such items in almost any map "completely randomly". It will be hard to follow what these maps are going to be without such a function. I assume you don't want to miss a reasonable rare with GG corruption. This way you almost certainly won't. Unless its a magic item or a normal item. So if it is a magic item it's most likely going to be shit and for normal items there is no way to highlight corrupted items. This may change in the future but here I made the first step. So like I said this is new thing in the game. It will very likely need a rework later on. So for now feedback is essential. To recap this is the change I am talking about in version GG 241e: Added an entry to display any identified rare item. This entry uses red font color instead of the normal yellow one. It should cover rare corrupted items, but it will also cover any rare item that you drop on the ground after id-ing. As far as armour chest go you have 3 options: * Use the MF filter (you will still see all top bases and anything of value in general). * You can use the endgame filter (it will show a bit more stuff but still only the stuff in the upper bracket). Besides you still need some items for the chaos recipe. * Make a hybrid custom filter with filtration. You can literally just take the Endgame filter and then disable the non top base chests if that's what you want. I have explained the differences between variations in detail in the About section in this thread. In general I use the Endgame filter. *EDIT yes you should see less items in general after lvl 64 and 67. If there's anything showing in maps that you don't want to see let me know and I'll have a look into it. Last edited by Greengroove#7929 on Oct 22, 2016, 7:29:44 PM
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Wow very nice work, i gotta try it!
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WARNING: Filtration currently doesn't support "Identified True" entry and will delete it when you edit the filter. You have to manually add that back or remove the entry. I am not sure what to do about this. I reported the bug to the author.
That entry is not essential to have in the filter but it can help a lot with some new sextant mods as well as for builds that use Cloak of Tawm'r Isley. This should be high priority to add to filtration. I hope he will fix this on his part. In other news I just posted a short video explaining how to customize the filter with Notepad or Filtration: |
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Ok I've got one last code request. Need some to show all Crude Bows, ty in advance.
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