Greengroove's Loot Filter Scripts v3.18.0 - OUTDATED

Why are your download links redirecting through Facebook?
Ah maybe It's because i took the link from FB chat... zzz I'll fix. Thanks.
I hate FB...
Last edited by Greengroove#7929 on Nov 21, 2016, 7:21:05 PM
Could you put up themed versions of the levelling filter?

I am attempting to do it with filtration, but its quite a bit more fiddling than most people might be willing to get through for a theme.. :) Thanks!

Edit: Ok, need some help. When I went to edit master theme, I could see no way to manually load/apply one, and when I just went to apply theme I got an error: Not all theme components had matches. Perhaps this is due to using the 220 version. Am I supposed to use the 232 beta? Ah.. I see there is no release for the 232 version for levelling. Guess Ill have to wait.
Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Sep 9, 2016, 12:35:12 PM
How come you are still using the leveling filter?

You are getting errors because the leveling filter is not updated. I will update it for you now. Check the folder in few minutes. Then you can apply the theme you want to it.

Let me know how it goes.

I know it may seem a lot of work, but making 3 (4 with MF version) of versions for each template is even a bit more work and more confusing. And the Endgame version is the one to use once in endgame.

The themes are still Beta as in I'm not sure I'll keep them all or make new ones,...
Using your zosite in Essence atm, great work Greengroove, and I see there is version 2.33, but title of forum is still 2.2.0, maybe if u would update that more people would check on it?
Talamoana warrior

I have another rather big expansion in mind. I will update the tittle after that.

I also hoped to get some feedback on the themes but after reviewing the videos I ended up keeping only 4 themes.

I plan to do an extended section for crafting Normal and Magic gear. This will allow great customization with Filtration for this league and the future. I'll need some time as I imagine it will be quite a substantial upgrade.

Version 2.3.3 *Beta

- Added Crude bow with highlighting.
- Changed sound for "Master Cartographer's Sextant" and "Shaper's Orb" to the same sound as Exalts,...
Hey, still checking out the first color scheme (Ametheyst). I want to try a good variety of maps and see how it looks, but I'm progressing on the slow side, bc I just do, so gonna take a while before I have much feedback to offer.

You asked why I was still using the levelling filter. At the time I was still levelling (takes me a little over a week to finish one char). I think there was an answer here about when to stop using it, but ofc I will want to start again anyhow once I roll an alt.
Makes sense. Just make sure you have fun while playing. ;)
Everything is looking good so far. Tested all the ones you released themed, working on jade right now, but I don't forsee any issues.
There are no issues atm. I may further refine how some items are displayed these days.

I was thinking to add the ability of choosing (each and any of) the crafting items to be displayed. I then decided not to do it because that would extend the code like a lot. And it is already very customizable now.

For example you can now enable to see the crafting helmets. You can chose either Magic, Normal or both. This will display the bases: "Lion Pelt" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Royal Burgonet".

You can do the same for any other class too. This does not affect any of the new 2.4 bases.
The bases can be removed or added with notepad.

All these bases are disabled by default in the Endgame version and enabled in the Leveling version of the filter.

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