Skill Reveal - Ice Trap and the Cluster Trap Support Gem

Septile wrote:
Can you use cluster traps with multiple traps for mega AoE?

Also I noticed that in the video cluster traps can throw traps up/down ledges, which is unlike multiple traps. Is multiple traps fixed or is it expected to never be used again? That ledge limitation has been debilitating for my trapper in certain maps.

i think thats possible. but you would have no dmg with that setup
Not interested in trapping at all.
nice Teaser, looks great, love Ice Stuff
Keep calm, play PoE, drink Tea & listen to Prog!
Cool looking skill. Pun intended. ;)
Cool, but not enough information about ascendancy!!! :)
This is going to be a stupid question, but how does Ice Trap compare to something that appears to function in a very similar fashion: Cold Snap?

Not that I'm not for this, looks cool, and certainly has some possibilities, but I"m trying to think about the differences in game play to the current Cold Snap builds out there. Seems like there would be many similarities.

I'd rather see something like a trap that acts like a bouncing betty and similar in effect to the Thislesage mob. When the trap is triggered, there is an initial explosion (I'd love to see a cold snap like explosion that has a freeze or chilling effect to whatever triggered the trap), and then it would rain down projectiles (similar to rain of arrows or bladefall) as an AoE style attack that instead of a freeze, have a stun and chill component to it.

I'd love to see more variation like this rather than what you've put into ice trap (although the animation and combined with cluster trap is cool indeed). Just my $0.02.
Though what does it look like without Cluster?
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
nice minor potion mate
Are there any plans to make mines playable without having to detonate them?
Mines are by far the most unattractive skill ever.
Having to drop + detonate them would be fine if we had a /castsequence macro, but we don't,
and manually having to press 2 keys to fire 1 skill is absolutely horrible, especially in a game this fast and grindy.

They should at least detonate on default if someone walks into them,
or make them work with trap gem.
"Im smartest. Your stoped. Dael wiht it."
I think he is getting power charges with Storm Prison Carved Wand. As for the skill it looks nice and i like the trap support.
Last edited by eWlu#1032 on Jan 6, 2016, 1:43:34 PM

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