Q&A with the Developers!

Why are unique flasks (mainly Taste of Hate, Vessel of Vinktar, and Rumi's Concoction) so strong? And why do some of the aforementioned flasks have amazing properties with no downside?
Last edited by Okazan#3939 on Jul 17, 2020, 8:50:18 PM
Is an item that enables unarmed bow builds in the works? If you answered no, are you guys open to such an idea? I want to be able to punch out arrows like in Diablo 2!
First, as always, thanks for involving the community as much as you do. It's exemplary. I haven't read all 55 pages so far, so this may already have been asked, but in any case:

My question:

With sub-classes coming in Ascendancy, which are essentially specializations, will this discourage experimentation and "freedom" in creating builds and lock us into the designers' visions of what a class should be more than is currently the case?

(Example: If I want to play a Shadow in 2.x as a Totem user, I can do this with no performance sacrifice if I pick the right skills, e.g. Freezing Pulse totems, as compared to the Witch or even the Templar. Will sub-classes change this?)
-Is there any plans to add a chaos status ailment like shock, freeze, ignite, but for chaos instead?

- What do you think of the current pace of leveling to level 100?
I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
Some questions i forgot in my previous post :

Any plans to change "curse immune" map mod to "x% chance to avoid curses" or "x% reduced curse effect", maybe scaling with map tiers?

Does passive tree jewel sockets have a lore explanation? Are we actually putting them in our flesh?

And finally, for the love of RNGeesus, can we please have a shavronne storm call MTX? Pretty please!
1. As it currently stands, the ascendancy tree's will massively buff players. Hitting crit cap will be almost trivial with 3.5% base crit, PCoC will be rendered obsolete in some builds with 10% chance for power charge on non-crit, summoners will become even stronger then they already are, etc. Are there plans to nerf values on the rest of the skill tree in order to compensate for this, are are we growing more powerful for a reason, such as a higher caliber of content.

2. Do you have any plans or thoughts surrounding the release of server tools for players to use, either near the end of the games life cycle or otherwise.

3. Do you have any plans for the buffing of certain build enabling or build around uniqe's that are underused or underpowered. Daydus is borderline unusable, oro's sacrifice seems to not need the downside, given massively reduced leech values the retch will never be worth investing in without vaal pact, and with vaal pact you end up wasting tons of points on leech rate you don't need, taryn's shiver has no good reason not be be a cold seering touch and give +2 to cold gem. The list goes on and on, and while I understand that not everything needs to be kaoms or shavs, they don't need to be in their current state of requiring far too much work for far to little reward.

4. The Scion has three large wheels focusing around three major defensive mechanics, but the life wheel appears to break pattern by not being Armour, the strength aligned defense found on strength aligned gear. Speaking of, the same phenomenon is found in the three stats themselves, dex and int give eva and ES, but str gives life. Is the reason for this purely for mechanical and balance purposes? have you ever considered re-balancing to make it more thematically apt?

5. Summmoner is currently one of the most micro and attention intensive builds in the game. The player has to keep up EE, curse, and flesh or bone offering at the correct times, and at the same time must wrangle the finicky summoned creatures AI into doing their will. Do you have plans to introduce aspects into non-summoner builds that would increase the micro/attention/mechanics required for them to be strong, perhaps share the complexity a bit.

6. Plans for underused skill gems? Elemental proliferation got slammed a few patches back, elemental his has been unused for awhile, It's going to take more then a jewel with item rarity to bring glacial hammer into the spotlight.

7. Why is atziri immune to ignite and shock? Freeze makes since, as long as it exists as a mechanic people will find a way to perma freeze, and although you seem to be ok with it, you obviously don't want it for atziri, but people aren't one shoting her with ignite any more than they are without it, that is to say so rarely it seems uncouth to prevent all other ignite based builds from even trying her, and none is going to trivialize the encounter with shock, if you hit her hard enough with lightning to shock for any length of time, you probably deserve the extra damage.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, thanks for making a sweet game, hope you awnser some of the less inane questions.
FanatickDk wrote:
Hey GGG i was wondering if there is any chance that you would make new animations for skills.
i know it's not a cheap options. but i feel like the game has grown so big the last years that the quality of animations should be better

They've made some changes. Look at firestorm for instance.
I shall purify you in flame, noob of nightmare!
Do you know how to improve the graphics engine?
Is it a time/resource consuming problem or is it a knowledge problem?

"Embrace the darkness"
Do you guys feel like you know what you are doing? with a community as dedicated and nerdy as Path of Exile's a lot of things slip through the cracks, for example Kripparrian's 100% reduced stun threshold groundslam build and ghudda's 100% slower enemies with temp chains. When has the community suprised you and taken your decisions in an unexpected direction? When have you felt like you made the perfect design choice and significantly improved the game?

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