Q&A with the Developers!
Has there ever been inspiration for people at GGG to try to make another game of a different genre?
Unique 3D art- http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/342452
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why scion had only 1 ascendancy?
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Will Talismans be added into permanent leagues, the same way strongboxes and ghosts were added? Or are they going to be gated behind Zana?
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i've been noticing a very irritating interaction between dominating blow and enemies who are frozen, no matter when in the window of opportunity for dominating blow's domination effect to take place, it doesnt matter if the target is frozen, they always shatter, not giving me a dominated friend, there any changes for this down the pipeline?
(not that i want to abuse a freezing dominating blow build or somthing, its just my main build is a support build that uses the gem and its a bit annoying when 99% of builds freezes enemies making it kinda useless =P) |
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When will the full comic book be available for purchase?
Unique 3D art- http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/342452
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will pvp (hld lld) become any important again in the future?
-~Shop for the price awarded player~- view-thread/375747 |
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Can we get a support gem or game mechanic chage so we can convert dot damage to other types?
I would really love to play my quad searing bond build with fire dot converted to chaos dot and then have a purple/black beam conecting some evil looking searinb bond totems. Make the chaos bond build a reality :D PLZ PLZ PLZ !!! "Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service. |
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What's the dev view on the magic find mechanic? Can it be developed, as in side grades like dropping low amounts of corrupted items, changing how iir/iiq works, what the goal is for iir on jewels, do they like how dom was and still is farmed, could they increase loot from malachai and what goals will bosses and end of act bosses have in terms of loot in the future, e.g. cards from specific bosses, what amount of loot they should drop, how hard should it be to get to end of act bosses to farm them.
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I would like to apply to work for GGG, let's say I have a work visa, are you guys hiring for support?
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When it comes to Raise Spectre mechanics in relation to other minion gems, usually the minion's power and life is tied to the level of the gem. Raise Spectre is different, but will there be any improvement to the mechanics of Raise Spectre, like being able to resummon spectres that were used in last session like how animate guardian works? Is it possible to have a spectre's life and damage be tied to the gem level?
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