Q&A with the Developers!
Ok, I can't search on the thread to find for the questions I'm about to ask, so I'm sorry if they are repeated:
What do you think about a self-found league? By self-found, I don't mean "solo" (please take a look on this old thread about the discussion of self-found vs. solo) What about a Linux build of the game? I know this is frequently asked, and I also know you use a full Microsoft stack, but I'd like to know how this has changed on the last year - are we closer or farther from a Linux build comparing with January 2015? What about a mobile-friendly version of the web site? Seriously, having to zoom in and out when reading the forum posts on the phone is painful. And finally, this is not really a question, but I wish the devs could see this thread about a way to avoid losing the portal when you disconnect on loading screen of an area. Thanks a lot. |
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" There is elemental leech in the tree now, its by duelist. |
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Will there possibly be a flask mod for bearers of flame/ice/thunder, like bleed, shock?
It would be very calming for some melee builds. Also: Will there be a MTX for Vaal haste? Like the new lightning flask, please make vaal haste super mode glow mtx! It would hype me so much if I just glow when it is up :) |
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How do you guys feel about the current monster physical damage output which arguably forces builds to invest so much into defenses that it bars certain cool and edgy ideas from every being even slightly viable especially for hard core? As much as rising the phys dmg output was a balancing factor, how well did it get the job done, you think? Lastly have you considered other means of rising the difficulty and the power creep. If so, could you shed some light on them?
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Will improvements to the trade system make it into the next patch? Pls pls put this as priority.
Also... Self-found league... yeah Last edited by fraggleroc#7596 on Dec 28, 2015, 11:32:46 PM
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1. Ever since I've been playing PoE, I have been trying to perfect a shadow melee tank. And thanks to the skill reset for the Talisman update, I've gotten my build to a decent 5k life, 300 life regen, 50% block chance, 45% phys dmg reduction, and 30k dps. Will one of the shadow Ascendancy sub-classes support any of the aspects I listed?
2. Has any of the GGG staff gone to G-Star? What was it like? Thanks, I really appreciate all that GGG has done. GGG is a model of what all gaming companies should strive to be. IGN: Tastes_Like_Piety: Lvl 88, Standard, Shadow Melee Tank Last edited by GeminiWorldship#3872 on Dec 28, 2015, 11:52:47 PM
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Question Nr.1:
Can we please get a way to change the default way stash-tabs are sorted? Like a text-file where we can define the order of stash tabs, and possible even give default names to certain premium tabs? It takes a bit of time every new league to drag all the Premium Stash Tabs from the Right to the Left. (Even when dragging with mouse + using mouse-wheel) Question Nr.2: Can we please get an update on the current state or plans of improving the current trading system? |
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couple of questions about hybrid defenses:
i like using defensive auras that match the gear i am mostly wearing, so if i was wearing evasion/energy shield gear i would wear grace and discipline, so i was wondering if in the future we could get dual defense auras? (evasion/energy shield, evasion/armour, armour/energy shield) and if not, why? similar question to the above but in terms of gear, on the hybrid gears there is +to one defense and +to the other, so why couldnt we have +to both defenses as a single stat? (instead of two separate stats, as we already have the %to both defenses) and another question about thorns (reflect phys damage to attacker), i know its more of a secondary damage thing, so i was wondering if it will get a buff or some way to scale it? (if there is a way to scale it what is it?) because i love using thorns mechanics in games but i feel the damage of it here is far to low to even use it as secondary damage dealing thank you |
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Hey Guys,
I would like to get your perspective on a few points: additional CI Bow user damage mitigation option(s), Ascendancy Class restrictions, and those limiting Curses that Chris talked about a short while ago. I'll put the pre-amble to my questions in regular text and then the actual question in bold. 1) Based on the hours that I have spent playing a Bow wielding CI character, I feel that CI bow users need (an) additional damage mitigation option(s), especially big versus hits. We don't have much/any armour, evasion, block, or dodge (can't afford to reduce the shield by 50% to get acrobatics). I am curious to find out, based on the data that you are able to analyze, do you feel that CI bow users, should have some sort of additional damage mitigation option or options, and if so, what this/these option(s) would/should be? I have a few ideas, but sharing those would not be "asking a question". :) 2) If the best Ascendancy Class choice for a build is only available to a different class, I feel that I am being forced to play that class for that build, which does not feel like Path of Exile to me. To me Path of Exile is about freedom of choice. If community members like myself can articulate compelling arguments for how our characters would be better choosing another class' "Ascendancy Class", would you consider allowing any class to choose any Ascendancy Class, just like any class can choose pretty much any skill node on the skill tree? 3) Chris mentioned that curses currently "limit" GGG developers in "many ways". I think part of the reason for this is because balancing the power of a curse for a solo player versus a party that has a dedicated (and optimized) curser must be difficult. Currently curses are less effective versus bosses. To be less "limiting" for GGG developers, should curse effectiveness also become a function of party size: curses are most effective (all other things being equal) when playing solo and least effective (again, all other things being equal) when playing in a 6-player party? 4) Will one of the Ascendancy Classes for witches be specifically for cursers? Thanks for making the best video game I have played. Last edited by Eggar#2576 on Dec 28, 2015, 11:53:48 PM
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What's the plan so far for the trading API that Chris said on this video?
Would appreciate if you can give as much details as you can so community tool developers can plan ahead on what stuff to work on and stuff not to work on. Thanks a lot! btw, maybe a developer manifesto on trading would be great, I'm sure the community will be so so happy to hear your thoughts. What do you think? PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/
ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/ |
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