Void Manipulation + Voltaxic Rift question

How does Void Manipulation apply it's modifiers? Assume I'm using Voltaxic Rift

I would assume the following:

[1] SUM of all flat lightning damage from items, gems & jewels and converted phys damage e.g. via Lightning Arrow or Phys to Lightning gem.
[2] SUM of all INC and RED to elemental and lightning damage incl the elemental reduction from Void Manipulation
[3] = [1] * (100 + [2])/100
[4] PRODUCT of all MORE and LESS modifiers affecting elemental and lightning damage e.g WED
[5] = [3] * [4]
[6] Voltaxic Rift converts [5] to chaos
[7] = [6] + flat chaos damage e.g. from Added Chaos gem
[8] Total chaos damage per hit = [7] * MORE chaos modifier from Void Manipulation

Is this correct? If not, can someone please clarify? Thank you very much!
Last edited by fae76 on Dec 21, 2015, 10:10:16 AM
Conversion occurs before all Damage modifiers.
Converted Damage benefits from the source-type's modifiers; Increased Chaos will be additive with Increased Lightning, etcetera.

Flat Chaos Damage is calculated separately from the Converted Damage due to receiving different modifiers.
Vipermagi wrote:
Conversion occurs before all Damage modifiers.

Thank you, but this can't be correct otherwise Melee Phys should have no effect when using e.g. Lightning Strike + Phys to Lightning.

Still confused.
Last edited by fae76 on Dec 21, 2015, 1:19:13 PM
you have missed this part

Vipermagi wrote:

Converted Damage benefits from the source-type's modifiers; Increased Chaos will be additive with Increased Lightning, etcetera.
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Last edited by Ludvator on Dec 21, 2015, 1:27:36 PM
In this case my math in the opening post should be correct even if it's not from a wording point of view right?
have no idea sorry, cant decipher it :)
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
It is correct only due to the limited scope of multipliers (Inc+Red only applies to Lightning, More/Less only applies to Chaos), yes. Adding a source of Increased Projectile Damage immediately makes it invalid.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Dec 21, 2015, 4:52:07 PM
Ok so a quick example with made up numbers:


200% increased lightning damage
150% increased chaos damage
100% increased projectile damage

5-500 base lightning damage from gear (weapon, rings, etc)
18–342 lightning damage from level 20 Added Lightning
16–248 lightning damage from wrath
170–256 chaos damage from added chaos

100% lightning converted to chaos
Void Manipulation: 39% more chaos damage 25% reduced elemental damage

Let's break it down:

Lightning total:
(5+18+16) - (500+342+248) = 39 - 1090 base lightning damage

Conversion to chaos:
39 - 1090 converted chaos damage
170 - 256 non converted chaos damage

Converted chaos damage is affected by: projectile, elemental and lightning modifiers
Non converted chaos damage isn't affected by elemental and lightning

Total dps:
(39 - 1090) * (1.0 + 2.0[increased lght] + 1.0[increased proj] + 1.5[increased chaos] - 0.25[void manipulation]) * 1.39[void manipulation] = 284 - 7954 converted chaos damage

(170 - 256) * (1.0 + 1.5[increased chaos] + 1.0[increased proj]) * 1.39[void manipulation] = 827 - 1245 chaos damage

So you would end up doing:
(284 + 827) - (7954 + 1245) = 1111 - 9199 total chaos damage
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Last edited by Mannoth on Dec 21, 2015, 4:52:55 PM
The short answer is that any Chaos damage that was converted from Elemental damage types will be affected by the 25% reduction from Void Manipulation, while the Chaos damage gained from Added Chaos Damage will not be affected because it was never Elemental at any point.

Your math should be correct, even though you did the steps in an rather odd order. Usually conversion is done first, and then modifiers are applied. Since I have some time to kill, I'll give you a rather in-depth example of what I mean. I'm going to break it down into steps because conversion can get really complicated.

(Step 1) Determine base damage

Base damage is the total of all flat damage sources, before any modifiers are applied. I'm going to make up some numbers here, but they should be pretty close to what you'd expect. For simplicity, they are averages, so I don't have to work with ranges (i.e. 1 to 99 damage deals 50 on average).

-Your bow hits for 50 Physical and 200 Lightning
-Added Lightning Damage (support gem) adds 200 Lightning
-Gear and Jewels add 100 Lightning
-Added Chaos Damage (support gem) adds 250 Chaos

= 50 Physical Damage + 500 Lightning Damage + 250 Chaos Damage
This is your damage before any conversions or modifiers.

(Step 2) Convert the damage

The following conversions are relevant to your base damage types:
50% Physical converted to Lightning (Lightning Arrow)
100% Lightning converted to Chaos (Voltaxic Rift)

A) 50 Physical Damage. 50% will be stay as Physical Damage, while the other 50% will be converted into Lightning Damage. Then 100% that Lightning Damage will be converted again into Chaos Damage.

25 Physical (no conversion)
25 Physical -> 25 Lightning -> 25 Chaos

Result: 25 Physical (P) + 25 Chaos (P->L->C)

*Inside the parentheses are reminders of what damage types each part went through, which we will use in Step 3 to know what modifiers apply to each part.

B) 500 Lightning Damage. 100% will be converted into Chaos Damage.

500 Lightning -> 500 Chaos

Result: 500 Chaos (L->C)

C) 250 Chaos Damage.

250 Chaos (no conversion)

Result: 250 Chaos (C)

Z) After conversion, your base damage looks like this:
25 Physical (P) + 25 Chaos (P->L->C) + 500 Chaos (L->C) + 250 Chaos (C)

(Step 3) Modify the damage

Let's assume your attack has the following modifiers:
100% Increased Elemental Damage (125% - 25% from Void Manipulation)
75% Increased Lightning Damage
75% Increased Projectile Damage
50% Increased Chaos Damage
50% Increased Physical Damage
60% More Weapon Elemental Damage (Weapon Elemental Damage)
40% More Chaos Damage (Void Manipulation)
25% Less Projectile Damage (Greater Multiple Projectiles)

A) 25 Physical (P) is modified by the following:
50% Increased Physical Damage
75% Increased Projectile Damage
= +125%

25% Less Projectile Damage

= 25 * (1 + 1.25) * (1 - .25)
= 25 * 2.25 * 0.75
= 42 Physical (I'm rounding the nearest whole number)

B) 25 Chaos (P->L->C) is modified by the following:
50% Increased Physical Damage
75% Increased Projectile Damage
75% Increased Lightning Damage
100% Increased Elemental Damage
50% Increased Chaos Damage
= +350%

60% More Elemental Damage
40% More Chaos Damage
25% Less Projectile Damage

= 25 * (1 + 3.5) * (1 + .6) * (1 + .4) * (1 - .25)
= 25 * 4.5 * 1.6 * 1.4 * 0.75
= 189 Chaos

C) 500 Chaos (L->C) is modified by the following:
75% Increased Projectile Damage
75% Increased Lightning Damage
100% Increased Elemental Damage
50% Increased Chaos Damage
= +300%

60% More Elemental Damage
40% More Chaos Damage
25% Less Projectile Damage

= 500 * (1 + 3) * (1 + .6) * (1 + .4) * (1 - .25)
= 500 * 4 * 1.6 * 1.4 * 0.75
= 3,360 Chaos

D) 250 Chaos (C) is modified by the following:
75% Increased Projectile Damage
50% Increased Chaos Damage
= +125%

40% More Chaos Damage
25% Less Projectile Damage

= 250 * (1 + 1.25) * (1 + .4) * (1 - .25)
= 250 * 2.25 * 1.4 * 0.75
= 591 Chaos

Z) Now we just add all the parts up: 42 Physical + 189 Chaos + 3,360 Chaos + 591 Chaos
4,182 total damage (42 Physical + 4,140 Chaos)

So there you go. The More modifier will apply to all your Chaos damage, while the Reduction will only apply to the portion of the Chaos damage that was converted from an Elemental source.
sorry for slight offtopic and dumb question, but since were talking void manipulation...Im assuming the more multiplier also affects poison ?

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