[2.6] TankyTwirl - PhysSpell CoC Cyclone

When does the build start?

I am currently level 42 and leveling with Bladefall self cast. when should i convert to CoC?
You can start cocing once you got the Dagger Crit nodes.

You should also plan on getting a Vagan Dagger pretty soon as it makes CoCing much better.

I switched to CoC at around lvl 40 and it felt good but it got worse fast with levels because my accuracy was lacking and i did not have a vagan dagger.

If you play in HC i would not switch to CoC that early but in SC its fine imho.
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what is the most important mods in vagan dagger? crit or attack speed? since both of them in one weapon is very expensive in prophecy. also what good secondary mods?
Only crit chance is important. Local Critchance, not Spell Crit or global.

All you need is a blue Vagan dagger with mastercraft local crit, everything else is pure luxury.

My Atziri Video was done with this total crap dagger

And on the first Uber kill last league i also did not have a multi mod dagger, i think the one i used is still linked in the opening post.
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Thank you :). very detailed and helpful answers.
Can anyone give me a Stat Priority list. I'm not quite sure what stats I should be looking for on my gear, for both defensive and offensive.

It would be nice if you could have a look at the Gear Section of the Guide and then ask more specific questions, i think i coverd most general gear questions in the opening post.

If anything specific is unclear feel free to ask but i think its of little use to just repeate the whole gear section of the opening post here.
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I understand that for defense you want ES and Resistances, and that's about the extent of it. However for offensive stats I read that you prioritize crit chance first. But where does spell damage/phys/attack speed/elemental damage fit into say a priority list. And are there any that i'm missing that are good offensive stats for us?
First things first ... thanks for this build! Tried different CoC builds on Talisman, played totems on Perandus and instead of a boring farm character i wanted something (imho) special "omfg you need tons of currency to make it work" build. Well and its my first char who is using e/s as a part of defence and didnt cost me more than about 30c :D

I was a bit lucky with my gear too. Bought the voidbringers for cheap and the chest wasnt a big deal either ... well unfortunately it has no blue socket :S



It needs a little rampup time to get up to 6 charges, but once reached its very fun. Only with charges im reaching 70+% crit chance on cyclone and spells, with almost 300 multi. Again, thanks for sharing your build, its very fun to play ... despite beeing a bit squishy due to my bad gear :D
Last edited by Fetzi_at#5530 on Jun 8, 2016, 12:49:12 AM

Best damage Stats are Crit Multi and Spelldamage/Physdamage. Spell and Phys are the same thing for us.

Elemental damage is almost useless.

Attackspeed is nice to have but nothing to worry to much about, more like a thing to do later when you are doing pretty good on the more important things.

This applies to Jewels, Amulet, Dagger, Shield. You can only get Crit Multi on Jewels and Amulet, so get as much as you can there.

In the Glove Slot you can use Facebreakers for the highest Crit Multi, Maligaros for a good balance of Chance and Multi or Voidbringers with no Multi but lots of Chance and best Defense.

Hope that information helps, if anything is still unclear feel free to ask again.


Happy to hear you like the build.

Missing the ICS Gem hurts but i see you did the right thing with getting a Dagger with a high base crit chance!

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Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on Jun 8, 2016, 1:25:19 AM

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