[2.1] Airstrike Inbound, a crit poison Bladefall Trapper
" I don't know if it's worth it, but that's basically what I went for. IMO if you plan to go that route plan to stack dodge and evasion. Here is my current tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYABbUGcAceCNQI9A5IES8RlhXtFr8b4CP2JpUrCjBxMHwxszIBMhgzeDY9OkI9X0lRS3hMs02STp9RR1JTVL1VS1b6V9hcQF3yYeJh62KsZKpqNmpDaoxrF2yMbRlwUXWedf12b3pTen9-sH8rf8aEb4fLigaMNo19jb-P-pANlSCVLpaLl5WX9Jsmm4adqqKjotmnm7DYshmzA7TFtNG1SLd1vOrAVMHzwuzIDMgUzxXPetQj1ELVudhU2-fdqOc66NbrY-wY7hXw1fD59W8=?accountName=Terrisman&characterName=WraeclastRefugee And the gear I'm using atm:
It basically relies on dodge chance and 14k+ evasion for survivability, which is fun and suites the playstyle . You should be careful to toss traps in and then run away, weaving in and out, to take full advantage of evasion's entropy counter (you have a higher tendency to get hit the longer you evade things, but for the first few hits you are very tough to hit). Also, I think using an Eclipse Solaris on top of it all is hilarious because you're almost invulnerable to physical melee, but that's just a personal preference. I find I have no problem running tier 10 maps, which are the highest I've progressed to atm, and the damage is very nice. The downside is that you will on some occasions suddenly explode and get instagibbed by something, so I wouldn't recommend it for hardcore. For SC though it works well. For end game I plan to get a 5L or 6L Hyrri's Ire and an Atziri's Step for more dodge, and probably replace the Eclipse Solaris with a Divinarius or something. Last edited by Terrisman#5716 on Dec 25, 2015, 2:57:11 PM
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Yeah that makes sense man. I already assumed I was gonna need a safety net all things considered and was planning on going full eva as well - but I'll have an immortal call proc on damage being done to me, and maybe vaal grace too (cast when dmg taken - inc. duration - immortal call - ??? (maybe vaal grace) ???). I still haven't decided but I'll definitely need something to prevent stuff from one-shotting me.
I don't have an alpha's so I was thinking about running just clarity and maybe double curse with blasphemy, which would require me to shoot for the other side of the tree for the 2x curse passive I guess. IGN: Interloper Last edited by Infiltrator#4816 on Dec 25, 2015, 6:24:21 PM
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It's hard to avoid the occasional one-shot when going EV\Acro. At one point or another a RT exile will get to you, and if not, RNG will.
As I've said before, I run a CWDT-IC-ID-Vaal Grace with self-cast EC with Blasphemy-Temp Chains and Arctic Armor for defenses. It makes me pretty damn safe, but still vulnerable to bad RNG, which I don't think is possible to avoid running EV\Acro. Also, I don't think investing into the ranger starting area is worth it. If you decide to not go into the templar area or forego the AoE nodes in the templar area you can instead go for the DoT node close to duelist left of the Master Sapper node. Current 85 setup alching and running all maps up to tier 8 with no issues (highest I've had):
Current tree (Acro\Master Sapper):
Last edited by 7thDayTheory#1858 on Dec 25, 2015, 10:02:44 PM
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" I noticed you're running both enfeeble and temporal on blasphemy but no 2x curse node. You switch them out? How is the mana with no clarity btw? IGN: Interloper
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Well, my intention for my Blasphemy link atm is to first off test Blasphemy itself, as well as which curses to use. I'm experimenting with Enfeeble, Temporal Chains and Vulnerability. I'm finding Temporal Chains by far the superior choice. It's extremely strong defensive, as well as having an offensive element increasing our damage. It also supports our playstyle, slowing and keeping enemies in place to get hit by our Bladefall. I also play very offensive, often being close to mobs casting Enduring Cry and Whirling Blades with Fortify. Temporal Chains on Blasphemy practically makes this riskfree. I don't see any way to get dual curse on the tree as skillpoints are very tight. The only other option would be having a +1 curse item which might be worth it for high end maps. I would probably run Vulnerability either on Blasphemy, but probably as a manual cast since I run Acrobatics and already reserve Arctic Armor and Temporal Chains on aura. I'm fine casting traps, but rely on a Saturated mana pot for regen. I have Purity of Elements on swap for Elemental Weakness maps. For an additional defensive aura I can turn off Arctic Armor and run Grace instead. At that stage I have enough mana to cast one trap + Whirling Blades and Enduring Cry. It works, but I find it tedious working with so little mana. On Arctic Armor + Temporal Chains I'm fine tho.
So, while it may be possible to run dual curse Blasphemy, I wouldn't do it and would rather run Grace or Hatred. Taking next to no mana regen and reserving Temp. Chains and AA on mana, I'm reliant on a mana pot, which is fine. I will likely switch out my quicksilver with an Atziri flask since I'm already insanely mobile with Whirlinig Blades. The way I see it, you can build this trapper in two ways. One is going towards the Templar area or towards Master Sapper and Dirty Techniques. If your choice is the Templar area, then I would pick up EB\MOM\ZO, use Restless Ward and reserve 100% of my mana. Having played with Acro all the way, I think the EB\MOM\ZO route is better. Master Sapper is nice, but when do I actually find myself putting out three sets of Bladefall traps at the same time. Having to never worry about mana and being able to reserve 100% seems very desireable to me, but I was in need of fast defenses and didn't have any hybrid es gear so I went for Acro. I'm not actually sure if I'd find my defenses up to par with EB\MOM\ZO, but I haven't tested and it might be fine. Last edited by 7thDayTheory#1858 on Dec 27, 2015, 2:52:27 PM
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Really love this build. I'm playing with some options in the build for survivability. I added some block/shield and extra life. Running discipline and artic armor, and using a Lionseye Remorse, damage is much less spikey, much more reliable. Have jaws of agony on swap for single target.
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYABAcEswVCBbUGOQZwBx4OSBEtES8RlhXtFr8aOB_HJpUnLyepKgsrCit4LJwtHzIYMtE2PTpYOq062DwFPQ89X0GWRUdJUUyzTp9RYFJTVL1VS1XGXEBd8mHiYqxkqmjyajZqjGyMbWxvhHBRcFJ1_XZven98g3y7fll-sH_Gg9uEb4w2j_qQVZUglS6Wi5eVm4adqqIAoqOi2a6zr2yw2LMDtMW1SMBmwcXB88LsxYrIFND11ELVudhU2-frY-vu7BjvfPAf8NXzBvVv-6r_HA== | |
Thanks for the write-up 7thDayTheory, I am still in the evasion group and I'm liking it so far.
I do have a question regarding my gear. Currently I have a problem - I don't know what should I put in my atziri boots. I've pretty much figured out the rest through testing and I'm happy with it. I could either fit something more controling or defensive. I doubt I need any other form of offense in the boots. But here we go: " Any opinions/suggestions? IGN: Interloper
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Well, as a personal preference I wouldn't run Inc. AoE on Blasphemy, but instead Grace aura. The mana multiplier is not worth it IMO. However, if you really like the AoE that's fine.
Quite honestly I have no idea what to do with all the gemslots. I would probably re-arrange some of your gemsockets and include enhance\enlighten\empower on ur auras and curses or just fill it with utility skills such as Flame Dash, Self-Cast Enduring Cry, Golem linked Minion Life and Fortify and maybe Minion Elemental Resistance, Vaal Lightning Trap with Increased Duration and GMP, another CWDT setup with Frost Wall (you can whirl through)-Summon Skeletons, Wither-Spell Totem. I'm experimenting and currently using a 4L-Fire Trap, but an Animate Guardian setup might actually be a good option. Between girlfriend, work and holidays I don't have much time to play, so my progress is slow, but I've just gotten . My expectations when I can recolor it properly is that I'll probably hardly notice the increased AoE, the AoE dmg will be nice since my on-hit BF dps is abit low with a full defensive setup. But I hope I will be wrong. Together with Divinarius and Blast Radius it should add up to quite a noticeable difference, however with the way Bladefall and traps work it probably won't make a huge difference. Last edited by 7thDayTheory#1858 on Dec 28, 2015, 10:41:24 PM
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I am still considering grace if I manage to get a 5-link queen of the forest (I'm tempted to fuse it myself as I got a 6-socket). That way I can stack up evasion, negate the movement penalty and completely rely on dodge, but having everyone crawl as soon as they enter your field of vision is an amazing ability. If I could dump clarity for temporal and grace that'd be great but I don't know how could I manage that.
Carcass jack is amazing for sure with the stats, but I kind of don't like it for an eva build. With ES hybrid/templar line it would probably be the best option. As for the other skills. Yeah my golem dies to pretty much anything so that's a problem. Wither would combo great with temporal so I will consider it, wither-spell totem-faster casting-something else. Edit - Wither doesn't seem that good to be honest. The chaos bonus damage doesn't really accomplish much, and the slow, while good, is hard to justify. The thing is if I have to stop and throw this it really doesn't pay off. Better to get another trap, escape or codt. IGN: Interloper Last edited by Infiltrator#4816 on Dec 29, 2015, 10:18:03 AM
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How would added chaos damage compare to other supports on bear trap?
ign - Zilead
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