[2.1] Airstrike Inbound, a crit poison Bladefall Trapper
" You lost the extra AOE avoiding templar... that's fine looks like you got life underneath Acrobatics. But, no sunblast seems wrong. Since the auto trigger of the multitraps will trigger 3 casts whereas without it you have to trigger via hitting something... unused DPS. Last edited by enemymigs#5939 on Dec 23, 2015, 5:14:03 PM
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how do you make traps come back faster? I move and kill so fast a lot of times Im left with mobs in front of me and dont have any traps available to throw. Is there any way to make them come back faster or is that just something I have to learn to deal with.
IGN: DabrixRN
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Thank you for posting this build , ive been looking to play a bladefall build with poison and i will be using ur build :) thank you!
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" Playing without sunblast feels perfectly fine atm, especially since even a single volley is more than enough to take out a normal/magic pack. Losing the AoE for the Acro variation is more than okay as well, considering a multitrap + Bladefall is frickin' humongous. The point of Sunblast nowadays seems kind of off, ever since the change of Reduced Duration to Less Duration. The gem now stacks multiplicatively with the duration decrease from Sunblast, which means you can't reach 100% decreased trap duration. The traps will still sit around and do nothing for 3-4 seconds, which is way too long for my taste. The only benefit of Sunblast over a normal belt is that the trap damage on it double dips, for both the initial hit AND the chaos DoT afterwards. " Unfortunately there's no way to make your traps regen faster other than the Trap Cooldown Recovery nodes above the Shadow start. It's something you will have to learn to deal with, but it's also something I enjoy as a balancing feature, otherwise I feel like traps would become much better than self-casting. Learning to space your traps out to get the maximum efficiency out of every use is something you will pick up as you play trappers more. Good luck! noot
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Having an absolute blast with this build, thanks for the guide.
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First of all, thanks a lot for this awesome build! I'm destroying everything
(Sorry for my baaad english) This is my skill tree at lvl 81 (didn't grab the DoT/chaos nodes yet) This is my gear (Not using void manipulation yet because of chaos/DoT nodes)
I'm really close to start grabbing the DoT/chaos nodes so my question is should I stay using hatred + 2 heralds or change herald for something else because of the -% ele dmg of the Void Manipulation.. Another thing is if I change the heralds, what should I use? I tried blasphemy + vulnerability/temp chains and I don't like it because I have to be close to monster to get them cursed so I prefer self cast, trap them and run. Last edited by DAVANZETE#6455 on Dec 24, 2015, 9:33:52 AM
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I was actually running HoI through tier 5 maps, self casting vulnerability. I switched to Blasphemy/Temp Chains because it's an incomparable help to survivability when things start hitting really really hard. The snare is fantastic in and of itself, but the attack speed reduction is key, since it lets you zip around with Whirling Blades (which adds Fortify) while mobs have their attack animations slowed to a crawl - so the chances of anything managing to hit you before you zip away again is practically 0. The fact it adds damage is nice, but genuinely irrelevant to my thinking - if it did nothing at all except slow down attack animations I would still consider it a must-use.
Honestly, I'm finding that damage is not the problem. I don't even cast Vuln on giant HP sponge bosses any more since temp chains makes landing bear trap simple, and as soon as you land one bear trap they're basically dead (unless they're torture chamber RUN AWAY! boss). I'm actually considering picking up an alpha's and the 4% reservation node close to Acro and trying to shoehorn Grace into my build. I don't think it's possible to do that and retain enough mana to actually throw traps (and how much do I miss old Reduced Mana), but it's possibly a long term goal once I have absolutely everything else done. |
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I haven't gotten very far with this yet (Level 49 atm) but I've found using regular bladefall is doing a better job than the trap version and it costs not nearly as much mana. Is there something I'm missing that's making it terrible? I've only been using a 3link because I havent been able to find a 4 link yet so I've been using Bladefall + Trap + multiple traps. Since I don't have good gear (just started the season) I decided to skip any crit nodes I could. I have a fair amount of +increased physical damage% and +increased spell damage%, roughly 150% spell damage and60% physical damage.
Excuse me if I'm just being dumb and not itemizing properly or it's simply because I -need- the 4link or the curses set up. I'll get there. I'm certainly enjoying the playstyle though. |
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Self-casting Bladefall is definitely also really good, you can see in sherkhan's bladefall caster guide that it has really good endgame potential as well. Skipping crit nodes and leaving them for last is what I'd recommend, you're not making any mistakes there. The strength of trapping (especially when you have limited gear) is that you have access to a strong 5L in Deerstalkers (unique boots), along with strong single hit (rather than sustained casting). The double-dipping damage you get from trap nodes will really come into light when you get a larger link (make Deerstalkers your first gear investment! You can use it forever) and use Poison. With the current 5L I am using (Bladefall - Trap - Multiple Traps - Poison - Trap and Mine Damage) the poison is actually a big majority of my damage, rather than the initial hit. While you level the opposite is true, since you haven't yet picked up a big link, and potentially some of the trap nodes which really push the damage of poison overboard.
Just keep trucking along and try things out as you get them. I found the mana cost was a little bit of a problem earlier on and I had to run a slow mana flask, but now that I have enough of a mana pool to run my Blasphemy link AND a clarity the mana problems have disappeared. Don't forget that the mana we get per level was recently buffed as well, so your problem might fix itself as you level. noot
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Thank you for the guide man. You said that someone might want to dip into the ranger tree. I already have one character on talisman and I was considering it. Have you tried it? I guess the tradeoff is more damage for less life? Do you think it's worth it (and if it is, would you post a skill tree?)
IGN: Interloper
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