[2.1] Airstrike Inbound, a crit poison Bladefall Trapper
" Trap cost is... pretty beastly. You think you could sustain it on 25% and a pot? I like the idea of going evasion too, because then I could use Queen of the Forest (Carcass too, maybe). My only concern is maintaining a 4 link now at low level on Deerstalkers requires keeping 50% of my mana free and using a pot + Clarity. A 6 link would be pretty rough. If you're not having issues with mana though, I would want to go Acro too. The easy chroming is a pretty nice bonus. Just spitballing here, but Hatred+HoA don't seem to add too much damage, and not going EB means you don't need Disc at all. I would think it might even be worth it just running Arctic Armor and Clarity although you would lose Blasphemy as an option. Would love to hear your guys' thoughts! Last edited by JoeODanger#4553 on Dec 17, 2015, 1:02:46 AM
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Amazing Build, Loving it! keep updating the guide and keep up the good work.
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check atrizi's promise give more dmg
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Atziri's Promise does give a lot more damage, but the leech from chaos doesn't affect us. I'd love to use it as an offensive flask but my priority right now is keeping myself alive. Once I get above 3.5k life + 1.5k ES I will swap to Atziri's flask.
As for above, I'm not using any particular defense right now. I'm just planning to use life + ES to tank a hit or two, and moving around to avoid damage. If I do end up getting a defense it will most likely be Acrobatics. EDIT: 7thDayTheory, your Hatred + HoA will add damage to the initial hit of Bladefall and Bear Trap, but not to the Poison DoT. Poison DoT is scaled only by physical and chaos damage. To be honest I'm sure both have their merits (Hatred+HoA offer much more on-hit damage) but for the purpose of playing with new mechanics and skills/supports I'm going to stick with a pure physical + chaos damage bladefall/bear trap and scaling the poison DoT as much as I can. noot Last edited by AznR4ge#2575 on Dec 17, 2015, 5:54:02 AM
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some more gameplay maps with this build HC
http://www.twitch.tv/enemyworld/v/30393722 http://www.twitch.tv/enemyworld/v/30393805 http://www.twitch.tv/enemyworld/v/30393859 Last edited by Earigami#2888 on Dec 17, 2015, 6:50:35 AM
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Is it worth it to get the high explosives node? I mean its only a point but besides trigger radius, the elemental penetration doesn't affect chaos or physical.
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" Yeah, it's not. I removed it from my build and will do so in the suggested skill tree etc. I just instinctively skilled all the fat trap stuff. The two 16% little nodes leading up to it are still worth, though. noot
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I would like share my build, I did a similar char from the beginning of talisman :
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYARXyXl_v1tDjlGYw2VUuJ02HicFImlSoLFr9d8g5IKwoRlrcw7hURL3_GBx7oWrd162OTJ6KjlS4miLVINj2-iu-IwfPw1dRCnaqhL_k3CNSVII_6SVGEb2yM18-KBi0f7BhcQOv1YqxJsfD5TLNkqlS9ZJ20xa6z0B8EB5eVm4YV7fId2-dBlu_rg9tSU2o2lotsCHBRBULQ9VXGPV-X9NW58Yp2byycOlhtGX6wES0I9NhUfIPAVOvuakMy0ZrgHNxFR0WdjxrAZlNSBLOiAPAfaPLC7AW1BnBOn3p_tNHIDA== I choose to remove some talents to put 4 jewel soket, they are too strong ( in an ideal world could buy / craft Physical Damage % Chaos Damage % trap Damage % life % ecc ). I wear a +2 fire gems main hand with spell damage for third trap : fire trap + multiple trap + added lightning Other gear is similar. My plan : - Go Light coil for surv with 6L Trap > bladefall > poison > trap damage > multiple trap > empoer or void manipulation. - Change unique boots with a rare one, maybe with +1 gems ? ( for bear trap ) - Remove unique shield for a spell damage, good es , hp , crit spell one. |
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never played a trapper before and thinking about trying this out. Can someone please answer the obvious question for me? Why would I want to use traps over just casting the skill normally?
IGN: DabrixRN Last edited by Thomasmgp#1035 on Dec 17, 2015, 11:45:11 PM
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" Well the trapping playstyle is quite different from the self-cast. Trapping can be quite a bit safer (you are free to throw the trap and run around to dodge incoming projectiles etc.) because in general the "trap throwing speed" you get is much faster than any cast speed you can get, especially on a slow skill like Bladefall. It also gives you much more damage in a single hit, at the expense of a limited number of trap charges (that recharge every 3-4 seconds). This is advantageous because of a number of things: you are able to easily one-shot (with Multiple Traps) magic mob packs, and even most rare monsters. If you trust yourself to position the traps correctly and have sufficient damage, you can breeze through maps leaving behind a trail of traps that will kill everything that touches them. More specifically for the build, the Poison DoT effect is our #1 source of damage, NOT our initial hit. This is because (if you look at the "Numbers" section in the guide) we're scaling the DoT effect not only through chaos damage and DoT nodes, but since it is an after-effect of the trap all the trap damage nodes also apply to the DoT effect! The result is a build that is able to easily avoid damage by being on the move 100% of the time (instead of being locked down in cast animations) but still able to deal huge amounts of damage by taking advantage of double-dipping nodes. While the "pure" DPS of the build might suffer a bit because of the limited number of trap charges you have access to, I find that for the most part I will never need to throw more than a single multitrap to clear large packs, and for single target, we have Bear Trap which is easily one of the highest single-hit sources of damage in the game. If you do end up trying the build and you have any more specific questions feel free to ask them in this thread or PMing me (either on the forums here or ingame; my character on the Talisman SC league is Zuizui.) Good luck! noot Last edited by AznR4ge#2575 on Dec 18, 2015, 1:55:57 AM
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