[2.1] Airstrike Inbound, a crit poison Bladefall Trapper

I updated the thread with a finished skill tree and bandit choices. I made changes to the suggested gems on bear trap and did some numbers changes. Finally I added a changelog of sorts. Thanks for reading and following.
Started as a trapper in Talisman with the intention of doing Fire prolif, but then I realized it sucked. Tried out Bladefall trap and was sold. I like how you use Poison with ur build and I have adopted the same myself.

Question tho, does the Doom Cast cluster not work with Bladefall?

I think I will be going left towards the templar area instead of going for the scion life wheel. Haven't done the math yet, but seems like there's more usefull stuff to pick up around that area as well.
7thDayTheory wrote:
Started as a trapper in Talisman with the intention of doing Fire prolif, but then I realized it sucked. Tried out Bladefall trap and was sold. I like how you use Poison with ur build and I have adopted the same myself.

Question tho, does the Doom Cast cluster not work with Bladefall?

I think I will be going left towards the templar area instead of going for the scion life wheel. Haven't done the math yet, but seems like there's more usefull stuff to pick up around that area as well.

Doom Cast cluster does indeed work with Bladefall as it's a spell and has a 5% base crit. I can see the utility of picking up nodes in the Templar area (some spell crit, generic spell damage, AoE etc.) but I'm just playing it safe and picking up as much life as I can because I'm a poor scrub.

Alright now that I looked over a potential Templar-area build over the Scion life wheel build... it's just better. Here's a rough skilltree I have planned, maybe I will begin respeccing into it when I have enough regrets. It picks up only marginally less life (4%) but has access to better AoE, spell damage, and an additional power charge. I will probably update the suggested skill tree in the original post to reflect this.

Edit: This tree does come with a tradeoff of significantly less energy shield than my original build, but I think the extra spell damage, AoE, and spellcrit I get out of it is probably worth it.

Thanks a lot!
Last edited by AznR4ge#2575 on Dec 16, 2015, 3:33:50 AM
Alrighty so I totally changed the skill tree, now no longer goes anywhere close to the Scion life wheel and will roam through the Templar area instead, making it possible to pick up just about the same amount of life, but also giving access to another power charge, better spell damage, and more AoE nodes. Thanks especially to 7thDayTheory for the suggestion.

Also little change to the title. No big deal.
I felt that while the Scion life wheel is nice, it is the only reason for traveling that way, while pathing to templar allows for quite a few options. ATM I'm quite unsure if I want to go with EB\MOM\ZO which means I dont rate ES that high since I'm heavily considering going towards Acrobatics.

Going towards Acrobatics also allows me to pick up some extra trap trigger radius which I'm currently uncertain how worthwhile is. It might be worth it if I end up dropping Sunblast belt which I'm not sure of yet.

Also, I'm probably gonna run Hatred and HoA on mana as I feel that is most efficient. I think that for a trapper a dual CoH setup will be more effective if I want curses. I feel that Blasphemy is nice for builds that have issues running a CoH setup, but this build should have open links for a CoH setup. Also the HoA and Hatred should scale Poison and scale with the DoT dmg you take in the build as well.
Last edited by 7thDayTheory#1858 on Dec 16, 2015, 11:29:20 AM
7thDayTheory wrote:
I felt that while the Scion life wheel is nice, it is the only reason for traveling that way, while pathing to templar allows for quite a few options. ATM I'm quite unsure if I want to go with EB\MOM\ZO which means I dont rate ES that high since I'm heavily considering going towards Acrobatics.

Going towards Acrobatics also allows me to pick up some extra trap trigger radius which I'm currently uncertain how worthwhile is. It might be worth it if I end up dropping Sunblast belt which I'm not sure of yet.

Also, I'm probably gonna run Hatred and HoA on mana as I feel that is most efficient. I think that for a trapper a dual CoH setup will be more effective if I want curses. I feel that Blasphemy is nice for builds that have issues running a CoH setup, but this build should have open links for a CoH setup. Also the HoA and Hatred should scale Poison and scale with the DoT dmg you take in the build as well.

This is the build I am working towards. I don't feel as though picking up the spell damage/spell crit specific nodes are worthwhile as they don't scale bear trap at all, and single target would be the only area that would need improvement. Trigger radius isn't super important as once the bladefall traps the actual bladefall targets enemies, so you're really only looking to pick up some increased aoe. Carcass would most likely be the bis chest for this, along with the boots/belt/shield OP has listed.

If you're playing hardcore, I think you're better off with eb/mom/zo and close to 200% increased life from the tree.

Last edited by Loi#5494 on Dec 16, 2015, 12:22:57 PM
I have been questioning the importance of trigger radius as well. Does anyone have a "test" run without the trap trigger radius? I really want to run acrobatics for more defense, I know Im on the SC league but dying still sucks!
Also, what masters should I focus on first? Im only able to play pretty casual as of now and I would like to not waste my time on master that are less important. I know Zana is very important but what others should I focus my efforts on first?
Well, I'm going crit regardless. I still think it's worth it over non-crit, even if you're only using BT and BF Trap.

I personally prefer Acrobatics\Phase Acro over EB\MOM\ZO even tho the latter allows for 100% mana reservation. That might just be personal preference tho, but I don't like the new EB mechanics.

If you're using Sunblast belt, I don't think trigger radius will be worth it. However, if you should choose to go with a good rare belt instead, that's when I think trigger radius MIGHT be a quality of life change. I'm currently using Sunblast and haven't even got into mapping yet, so that's not an issue for me at the moment, but it might be in the future.

As for masters I don't think you can go wrong with Elreon and Vorici.
I'm currently level 79 using the Sunblast unique belt, I feel like the trigger radius helps a lot with quality of like (and most of the trigger radius nodes come with bonus trap damage etc.), and I will probably end up dropping Sunblast for a belt with life and better resists. The extra trap damage is nice but definitely not needed, and the trigger-after-some-time is wasted because I chuck the traps and they trigger instantly anyways. My bladefall traps are currently easily one-shotting normal packs, magic packs, and most rares, while I use bear trap primarily to finish off any rares that survive the bladefall trap, and map bosses. My defenses are still looking pretty lackluster but I am in the midst of a big respec so I'll be picking up significantly more life (looking at bout 36% in my next couple of levels). My life total will rise again once I swap Sunblast out for a nice rare with life.

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