[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]
" not with our totem skills, but we can still crit with other skills like icesear (highest crit chance spell). I wont pass a 40% more multiplier. Patchnodes dropped and no changes to RF :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 2, 2016, 11:11:56 PM
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By the way we also confirmed 100% that Talismans will not be in the core game. I tried looking for a Unique amulet that might be a fit. And I found zero. Guess it's rare amulets for this build, barring a surprise amazing new Unique amulet. |
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" i don´t know where you take the 200% from: 60% increase IF you use a fire golem (20% has everybody, so its not 80%) Pendulum is an average 40% inc. dmg (100% dmg for 4 sec in 10sec) Paragon only works if you take fire damage for 40% which is somewhat rare. 3x small nodes for 30% i see 130% to 170% We also "loose" 5 skillpoint which are spent in life/amour nodes at the marauder for a witch start or you have to go hybrid. You also have to invest into a Totem resi gem OR Purity of Fire OR gg totem resi jewels (+totem life) or you will loose dps in this department " I probably wouldn´t go for intuitive leap @scion, focus on life on jewels and do pretty much the same The AoE nodes @witch add defence to (area for blasphemy, more targets hit/die > good targets) and there are additional lifenodes behind. I would go for this Use one Blasphemy Temp Chains or Enfeeble + Determination and 2x curse on hit (orb, ball lightning, whatever) with flammability + Elemental weakness (or Enfeeble if you run bl.TempChains). You get 205% life, 96% inc armour + determination, 8,6% liferegen, 5 jewels for potentially 35% extra life. That should be enough ;) " With this plan you´ll lose so much damage °O° How do you wanna curse atziri? placing cursemines everyime reduces your safety. PoF and PoL are overrated for normal atziri if you use your flask correct and dont tank every flameblast/stormcall Especially for Atziri i would throw out every aura and add blasphemy curses, which cannot be reflected by her btw. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 2, 2016, 11:45:53 PM
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Vulnerability curse, Arohongui (Chieftain passive), and Profane Bloom (Occultist passive) are all "increased damage taken" modifiers, which are additive with each other. However, your RF+SB totem damage calculator treats vulnerability as multiplicative with the two relevant Ascendancy class passives, which is a mistake.
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" thank you, i will change it soon (good i dont pick vulnerability :P) Edited, should be alright now " http://www.twitch.tv/helmannn/v/52008941 Ive checked his VoD (around 15 mins) and they are definetly immune to fire damage. They still can take damage from other sources. Edit: i see what you mean, in his latest yt video they take damage, but he has way less life than in the twitch vod, probably got fixed OR he wasn´t even specced for it, he tested Selfcast RF with the regennode per endu charge and didn´t specc totem fire immunity ;) yeah double/tripple blasphemy is the way to go for her (and the other bosses as well) " Yeah it get way better. at your 47 character you dont have the new elemental overload node (40% more dmg) the new elemental focus gem (30-49% more dmg) no vaal lightning trap a 4 link would help a lot too with rapid decay (or ele focu in 2.2) ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 3, 2016, 12:27:03 AM
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Had a pretty good time with this build in Tali, so I made my own calc for Ascendancy to compare different setups. EE as I understand it is always -50% to fire res so it shouldn't be difficult to factor in - I have an intermediate step that calculates the target's final resist from base resist, curses, curse effect, and EE.
Spent most of my playtime with a 5-link and temp + flammability + PoF (1st/3rd columns in calc), and did fine through high maps and atziri. It was enough to burst down most bosses before they could do much (including atziri split phases) so going beyond dual curse didn't feel worth the movespeed loss or life/resist gearing crunch. |
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so going beyond dual curse didn't feel worth the movespeed loss or life/resist gearing crunch.
For me one ringslot for a big more multiplier is worth the loss of life, hell even Enfeeble is worth more than 200 life on a ring :P " thats true, but i also have to consider overcapped resists and the resist cap, dunno how to handle that atm. 75 resists are the cap on monsters, EE reduces that to 25. It doesn´t matter if the target has 200 total resists, it cannot have more than 25. curses however still consider the total resists if the target has 200 resists, my curses reduce that by 110 they are still overcapped and have 75% resists, with EE 25% I think the maximum monster resist is 125 + bossresist (45 for malachai, vaal, dominus) > 170 80 Fire resi mod 3 endurance charges > 45 resi Curse immune (somewhat) Monster aura/rare mods/whatever (do we really go this deep? :D) To fit in all this variables i need some more coffee OR For high resist maps WITH EE just drop curses and EE (i used it as 1.5 multiplier... for 0 resi targets) in the calculation and go for 25% resist. Without EE on a super high resist map take 75% resists and no curses. For normal mapmod calcs (125% fire resi) it should work normally without EE, with EE i need some fix. - need to fix ee that its based on the resist instead of a multiplier (was intended to only calculate 0 resist targets...) - need to drop the 0 resist calc part because every curse needs to be based on the resist department. - need to find a way to get 75% resist cap in there (the hard part for me, no excel pro here) - fuck math, is 0 resist calc not enough :P - really have problems with the resistance cap... type in >9000 resists, still get only 75% BUT 25% with EE / 45% with Malachais Artifice EE the big question is: does calculating all the resist shit help for building the character? i dont think so. We know that extreme high resists are bad for damage and EE is the best choice in this case (see general information section), because it takes a big dump on resists. For zero resists curses are stronger (-45 resi * 1.2+ curse effectiveness is higher than EE). For Bosses EE is stronger, Curses aren´t as bad either. Curse effectiveness and the boss curse malus are additive. my 1.4 effect -0.6 of the boss results in 0.8 effective curses which still is -36% resi (lvl 20 flammability). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 3, 2016, 1:34:14 AM
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I'm sitting here constantly during the day refreshing to see what new stuff people are coming up with ;)
I've pretty much worked my stuff out but the discussion is certainly interesting. I really don't think all that stuff with resistances is all that important. We're a very tanky build more so with the 40% more armour for ourselves with merc labyrinth this build is going to do awesome dmg ;) Can't wait. |
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increased armour if you pick the node ;)
Currently i have problems with the youtube account, you can watch the videos but cannot browse the videos on the channel anymore and i have no clue why, everything is public and it worked last time i checked it... if there is a youtube expert here and has an idea massage me plx :P ... whatever, on my mobile it works like it should... some kind of black magic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 3, 2016, 3:37:53 AM
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Loving the idea of this build for 2.2. Would you consider the tree 'final' for now until you can actually test it?
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