[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Milkyslice wrote:

Who knows, we are not even one week in the new league.
I did guardians with it, ppl slayed uber atziri with the build. I dont see a reason why it should have big trouble with breach bosses.

Atm i notice that breaches get easier and easier with higher gemlevels and totemlife jewels (on a hierophant which has the same totemdurability as a berserker).
The damage just gets high enough that the mobs die before they can deal any damage to the totems ;)

I can imagine a breach is much more manageable with 4 RF totems lol.
The degen aura from totems doesn't stack. So 4 totems / boss will actually do less damage becouse of the ascendancy.
painguard wrote:
The degen aura from totems doesn't stack. So 4 totems / boss will actually do less damage becouse of the ascendancy.

thats why i use three totems.
the less damage isnt significant for trashmobs and for bosses is use scorching ray totems in addition to rf totems to counter some of the drawback.
Searing bond on top wouldn't work well sadly (links and a 4th totem is even worse).

For those interested, this is my current setup.
This is on the Hierophant and SSF, don't orientate with this on a regular marauder class with trading etc.


Jewels have 9% totem resi + firedamage and totem life + player life so far. Focusing on jewels on the passive tree now.
4000 life + 3400 ES + over 600 free mana (Mind over Matter) grant some extreme high healthpool with this shitty gear.
Farming sac fragments for atziri runs now to obtain a doryanis catalyst.
Breaches got pretty easy after my spelltotem hit lvl 18. Running up to t6 now and will most likely keep running Mesa maps and similar until i got better gear and higher lvls (really wanna stay safe).

Now back to some other questions, got limited time the last days:

What do you use for damage before you have all of those gems available? i got into act 2 a bit before RIP'ing cuz im still new and stupid and could barely find 2 of the gems you list as required.

Firestorm totems. Buy missing gems on Poe.trade .

My first character is awful so I'm going back to what I know works. However, what do you think is best for breach league out of chieftain/berserker/heirophant

Chieftain has tankier totems which is only really important for the breaches.
Berserker has more damage which shines at guardians and probably breach lords. I excpect the totems to die anyway on any class from most attacks/spells from those bosses.

Hierophant can achieve the biggest effective HP of them and has more area coverage (three totems). Its recommended to use curse on hit + orb of storms which triggers EE + EO on top. Not so smooth like blasphemy auras, but doesnt need traps anymore which results in less buttons to click ;)

Besides those classes a guardian, occultist and even Necromancer are possible.

The biggest weakness for Berserker, imo, is that managing the totems can be a real pain, and using concentrated effect on bosses drains them EVEN faster. But if you enjoy a more active play style its work this downside for sure.

Managing totems might be a weakness in breaches (before that it didnt matter at all).
However totems do not take extra damage from conc effect.

Is this Breach end game viable on HC?

I would say yes as i am playing it on HC.
Had only two 'oh-shit' moments so far where i had to log out, one where storm bearer apes wanted to djihad me and the 2nd time was a breach gangbang where i had no safe place to kite anymore. The damage wasn't there at that point.
The build can be played very safely and as long as you know certain hard boss mechanics everything should be possible. Havent run a beachlord so far since i want better gear for those.
I don't expect big problems with good preperation like using correct flasks and checking the boss mechanics.

to be on topic, i dropped witchfire brew potion and im wonder if this 70% dot works on totems rf

yes it should work. Since dot nodes on the skilltree or weaponcraft with dot damage work, witchfire brew should work as well.
There is no reason why it shouldn't.

Totems will only benefit from the "aura" the flask gives you.

This is, if its not bugged, wrong.

Did you consider picking up the strenght nodes around where the unique jewel would be to get more totem life?

I see 4 strenght nodes that you dont take which would result in 4x3% =12% more life on totems from the unique jewel.

Would it be worth taking those over other things earlier on for extra damage and survival of totems especially as a serker?

No i didn't since the skilltree is so tight i don't see any free skillpoints for this. For 4 skillpoints i could grab 1-2 additional jewels for more totem life and other stuff, playerlife/regen, cursenodes and so on.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Dec 6, 2016, 11:39:32 PM
Level 81 @ HC Breach (Berserker) atm, having no problems running t5 and so maps. I really want to try atziri around lvl 90 so would you recommend going for the triple curse or maximizing damage? Is a 6l necesary for Atziri? it seems like the totem resis gem doesnt give us a lot of dps for such an investment i rather buy Doryani's Catalyst.

BTW for anyone struggling with the build i actually went War Bringer at Cruel instead of Aspect of Carnage since you dont need that much dmg early and the Warcry HP recovery is OP.

I dont think totems getting killed is a major issue, i have my totems maxed out in fire res and they last like 4-5 secs more than enough to kill a pack, during breach i cast them every 2 secs as i run along the circle so it really doesnt matter and for bosses just cast them like 4 times and keep moving. I reached lvl 90 last league in HC playing this same build but Chieftian and i can say Berserker is much better.

HP: 5,800

Last edited by JerryVoy#1845 on Dec 6, 2016, 11:52:26 PM
triple curse helps to maximize damage and/or survivability. depends on which curses you use.

I've run Atziri eith two links only (spelltotem + rf, nothing else), so no.
A 5link is more than fine.

War bringer is really nice. I never considered it THAT good before using it ;)

Good to hear another opinion about the berserker. Thats excactly my thought about totem durability, too.
Most of the time we need to recast them anyway because new mobs spawn, bosses move and so on. Its less about the hp uptime and even regarding this we can cycle the totems for a 100% rf damage uptime on enemys.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Dec 6, 2016, 11:59:04 PM
When i link rapid decay with my RF totem and mouse-over the rapid decay gem, no other gems highlight. Doesn't this mean that the gem is having no effect?
My damage is very high as-is, so I can't tell whether things are dying much faster with/without it.

Sorry if this came up before, I can't search within the thread.
i had chieftain last league at 90 and berserker this league.
I did atziri at 76 for the first time with 2 death. Note that I didnt bring any special flasks to make the fight easier. Had 4.5k hp or close to that anyways. I died once to dual vaals from lightning balls and I died once to trio from killing them in wrong order accidentally. Killed the cyclone one first the titi bitch second and the fire guy last. The last guy managed to kill me once but i could have easy mode him if i remembered to drop my decoy instead of just kiting him without it. Once I returned and used decoy it was a joke.

Anyways....seems pretty decent. The damage seems lower than my old char but that might be a combination of using daresso instead of scepter and the 15 or so nodes from being much lower level.

The totem recasting is a ltitle bit annoying but nothing crazy so far.

still debating wether to add those 4 strenght nodes around the unique jewel to seee how much it helps.
zjelly wrote:
When i link rapid decay with my RF totem and mouse-over the rapid decay gem, no other gems highlight. Doesn't this mean that the gem is having no effect?
My damage is very high as-is, so I can't tell whether things are dying much faster with/without it.

Sorry if this came up before, I can't search within the thread.

This did come up before... ;)

RD works fine with Spell Totem... check your tooltip

You will also notice the impact of RD on your totem duration.
Last edited by tomay#5509 on Dec 7, 2016, 12:15:41 PM
Hey Milky! Im lvl 84 @ HC Breach and hoping to do Atziri after i level my Enfeeble gem a bit (lvl 6 atm). Ive been training with my SC Dual Totem Chieftein who died last league with shitty items and its been ok, manage to run Atziri with out getting killed and sometimes not taking any damage.

So i would need purity of fire to fight her, i currently have a PoF lvl 18 would i need a higher one or is that ok? Also if i run it i would have to swap out an aura, which one would you advice to leave out? Currently running enfeeble, flammability and temporal chains.

For the Vaal and the Trio i guess i will run the 3 auras and Topaz and Ruby Flask for the Vaals and a Decoy Totem for the Trio to kite a bit. Should i get a Purity of Lighting gem for the Duo Vaal?

I know this build would shine against Atziri with better gear but i want to test how budget can i go and kill her, and i dont want to invest more currency that i need to.

Anyways here is my gear and skill tree tell me what you think about it!

HP: 5,720
Armor: 2399


Skill Tree:
For Atziri herself i would go full damage. Flammability + elemental weakness at least, maybe even vulnerability (lvl 1 is enough, dot dmg doesnt increase with lvls).
Temporal chains on her can be rippy in RARE cases. Those stormcalls can be casted delayed and instantly pop onto you. ProjectPT ripped to that behaviour.

Roll a topaz + ruby flask with flaskeffect/less duration to pop when in a shitty situation. Ele weakness + flamm + enfeeble is probably the safest route.

The same for the Vaals, pop VLT on both, stay in the middle to debuff both the the curses.

For the trio decoy is a good choice as well as tempchains. Just have some bleed removal and add granite + basalt flasks at least, some evasion flasks arent bad too.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc

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