[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]
edited the entry line. In 2.4 i would recommend the berserker over chieftain, but after playing against those breachspawns and noticing their damage against totems its harder to say which is better. chieftain totems are with no doubt tankier, berserker has the 'oh shit' button called enduring cry and can kill potentially quicker. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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" Personally, I think that the chieftain's immune totems are a huge boon. Not having to manage the RF totems is extremely helpful. As a Berserker this time around I love the War Cry heals, however. It's the movement speed/attack speed and the damage that has me most reluctant to switch. Breaches don't really factor in, IMO. If you're moving to keep up with the expanding rim, your totems are constantly getting moved so the durability and immunity don't really factor in so much there, except when you're dealing with the Vortex guys in the Breach that is, those vortexes + RF degen rips your totems very fast. --- Currently worried my HP pool isn't going to be big enough. I still need to pick up 34% in Inc. Max HP nodes, but I'm not sure if that's gonna get me over 5k HP with almost all of my gear having 50-90 HP (outside of dex amulet, dodre's items, and maybe one other piece). Last edited by FreshPrinceLive#2724 on Dec 5, 2016, 7:26:56 PM
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yah my dps so far as serker (didnt do merc labs or uber labs yet) is pretty insane. I melt stuff in merc fast. However this is still early. I am a bit squishy and my totems so far usually live long enough and like he said, in breach i move them a lot. The problem is i guess thatas i do higher tier content, i dont know how ill hold up but I still am missing a good shield to buff up my armor and resist / hp a lot to tweak other gear.
but yah so far so good but i have some worries about later content. dps is def better than with chieftain so far. |
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Quick question, I assume the attack speed is for shield charge or am I missing something else?
Last edited by Druidys#5727 on Dec 6, 2016, 8:49:04 AM
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" Nope you're right. It's one of the perks zerk has. More Attack speed for shield charge | |
One thing I like a lot about the serk so far, as silly as it may sound, is the ability to heal almost at will in the trials. Wasnt exactly having a hard time as chieftain but this makes it that much more easy to run trials without much reliance on potions.
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Still unsure if zerk or chieftain.
Totems get wrecked so hard it makes me wonder about the viability in highier maps tiers. | |
Did you consider picking up the strenght nodes around where the unique jewel would be to get more totem life?
I see 4 strenght nodes that you dont take which would result in 4x3% =12% more life on totems from the unique jewel. Would it be worth taking those over other things earlier on for extra damage and survival of totems especially as a serker? |
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" I looked at those points but it seemed a lot to spend 1 skillpoint on 3% totem life I have never used EE before, but from what I read RF totems dont proc it? so I can drop the totem as normal and not suffer any dps loss, but can use a trap to boost damage when needed? Last edited by dookleeto#7813 on Dec 6, 2016, 2:13:23 PM
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" Correct. Set up a Trap + Vortex on your boots/gloves and toss them onto bosses/strong rares/during breaches to get lots of extra damage and, just as important, slowing the target(s) down. |
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