9 days until 2 months celebration of broken jewels. Get your party hats ready guys!
This is really disheartening. My SC build feels like crap, because it only ran specters for "time being", until GGG manages to fix the jewel. Turned out I'm level 87, and I don't even want to play anymore. Waiting for something that will never happen. Gotta admit that I don't even care about these Rigwald-thing MTX rewards.
I could just make another character... but seriously, I don't really feel like it, after this thread. :S
Welp, good thing for GGG that it is their "best league so far".
Too bad it isn't for me.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Feb 2, 2016, 12:20:14 AM
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Rory, i can say that i am personally very dissapointed in the fact that you released this jewel without it even functioning on ANY design level.
My friend found this jewel and decided to re-roll a character for it. I am happy for him that he only purchased another one of these jewels and no other gear only to find out the skeleton mages cannot be supported by ANY gem you could possibly think off.
- all projectile supports, don't work.
- minion supports , don't appear to do anything at all. (minion speed gave no apparent difference compared to not-linked)
- cast/spell modifying support, exactly the same story.
Basically this jewel fails to provide in the primary design space, the support and gem linking.(aka build diversity)
At first i thought it was a visual bug, since you are still capable of summoning normal skeletons, it would make sense that you don't see the "casting manipulating gems" attached to the skill in your skill bar. But after various testing, not only do they not show, they don't manipulate the skill in any fashion.
To add insult to injury, neither do the normal gems modify the mages.(the assumption here was, that maybe to allow an easier way to support this build, things like "faster attacks" would function on the mages as-well to allow a more streamlined support functionality)
Tl;dr i advice anybody to not play with this jewel until it is revisited, edited and made functional. Which it currently fails at in any and all conceivable ways.
Your basically down-grading your not all that impressive skeletons to ranged/weaker unsupported
Get your shit together and don't release stuff like this. I expected more from a jewel you went out of your way to highlight in GD and create hype for.
What's that, still not fixed, surprise.
Future releases made by qarl will be taken with a grain of salt. <.o
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Rory, i can say that i am personally very dissapointed in the fact that you released this jewel without it even functioning on ANY design level.
My friend found this jewel and decided to re-roll a character for it. I am happy for him that he only purchased another one of these jewels and no other gear only to find out the skeleton mages cannot be supported by ANY gem you could possibly think off.
- all projectile supports, don't work.
- minion supports , don't appear to do anything at all. (minion speed gave no apparent difference compared to not-linked)
- cast/spell modifying support, exactly the same story.
Basically this jewel fails to provide in the primary design space, the support and gem linking.(aka build diversity)
At first i thought it was a visual bug, since you are still capable of summoning normal skeletons, it would make sense that you don't see the "casting manipulating gems" attached to the skill in your skill bar. But after various testing, not only do they not show, they don't manipulate the skill in any fashion.
To add insult to injury, neither do the normal gems modify the mages.(the assumption here was, that maybe to allow an easier way to support this build, things like "faster attacks" would function on the mages as-well to allow a more streamlined support functionality)
Tl;dr i advice anybody to not play with this jewel until it is revisited, edited and made functional. Which it currently fails at in any and all conceivable ways.
Your basically down-grading your not all that impressive skeletons to ranged/weaker unsupported
Get your shit together and don't release stuff like this. I expected more from a jewel you went out of your way to highlight in GD and create hype for.
What's that, still not fixed, surprise.
Future releases made by qarl will be taken with a grain of salt. <.o
Here, take my grains. I have way too many already.
Recent releases made this. Don't blame me. Shitton of useless uniques, skills, passive skill clusters, game breaking bugs, never ending promises of trade revamp... The list goes on and on. And at the end Chris says that Talisman was their most success full league. Ok, I'm glad and happy that they are progressing, but this does not mean that they are making less fuck ups like this, neither does it make them less severe.
Yeah, we're running in circles now, saying all that was said before, but honestly - what are we left to do at this point? :D
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Feb 15, 2016, 6:02:56 AM
What i do care about, is that a developer made this announcement, getting a lot of people hyped up for something that is utterly broken.
Plenty of stuff doesn't work or is bugged, but none of those got a thread by a developer saying
"hiy guys look at this cool new tool to play with".
It simply shows the disconnect between developers and quality assurance. Poor strategy.
Back in the days I felt bad for thinking that GGG's expansion might mean more situations like these.
I still feel bad, but because I was right to think so. :v
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.