Just thought I'd leave this here

This is a really exciting gem. It's something that I wanted and now we got it.
nice happy to be a returning player never really got to play with any gems b4

Rant in bound =>

Rory, i can say that i am personally very dissapointed in the fact that you released this jewel without it even functioning on ANY design level.

My friend found this jewel and decided to re-roll a character for it. I am happy for him that he only purchased another one of these jewels and no other gear only to find out the skeleton mages cannot be supported by ANY gem you could possibly think off.

- all projectile supports, don't work.

- minion supports , don't appear to do anything at all. (minion speed gave no apparent difference compared to not-linked)

- cast/spell modifying support, exactly the same story.

Basically this jewel fails to provide in the primary design space, the support and gem linking.(aka build diversity)

At first i thought it was a visual bug, since you are still capable of summoning normal skeletons, it would make sense that you don't see the "casting manipulating gems" attached to the skill in your skill bar. But after various testing, not only do they not show, they don't manipulate the skill in any fashion.

To add insult to injury, neither do the normal gems modify the mages.(the assumption here was, that maybe to allow an easier way to support this build, things like "faster attacks" would function on the mages as-well to allow a more streamlined support functionality)

Tl;dr i advice anybody to not play with this jewel until it is revisited, edited and made functional. Which it currently fails at in any and all conceivable ways.
Your basically down-grading your not all that impressive skeletons to ranged/weaker unsupported

Get your shit together and don't release stuff like this. I expected more from a jewel you went out of your way to highlight in GD and create hype for.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
So this league is almost at middle and this bug is not fixed yet.

pneuma wrote:
Boem wrote:
Going to assume CWDT self-damage is the source for this not being the case.

It does make sense until you look at the already present abuse tactics that can be done with this.



I think it's much more likely that Skeletons work "as-is" and that there's no reason to point the boat in a different heading.


Skeletons were added because summoners didn't have have non-corpse summons to do damage.

SRS stole these traits away from Skeletons entirely. It's not worth it to try and make them compete head-to-head in the exact same niche; it's a losing battle. The recent buffs to Skeleton damage (removing the 50% less elemental damage, increased stats) seem like wasted work. When it comes to damage, SRS is just Skeletons++.

What Skeletons are good at is being able to be point summoned (i.e. "over there" instead of at your feet) and for moving slow and body blocking enemies while drawing some of their aggro (i.e. more defensive in nature).

MI Skeletons is about the only remaining legitimate use of Skeletons afaict, and it's because of those "desirable" properties of summoning them at a distance and letting them get targeted and die.


The code already exists for having a buff/aura that spawns skeletons at nearby enemies feet on some fixed interval. It's a thematically awesome necromancer defense and it makes the most of what is left from skeleton's portfolio. Match made in heaven.

As a mana-reserving effect, it competes with offensive auras (which summoners adore) and other defensive auras (AA, Disc), but isn't cleanly one or the other which makes the theorycrafting that much more fun.

Anyway... this is all multi-year-old Suggestions stuff. If GGG is still committing to making them try to do more direct damage, then all I can say is "SRS does it better". At least this will capture some D2 nostalgia bux on the way.

Sad that this was not revisited.. Its a massive bug to an item that was hyped. Must not be an easy fix because they're releasing content (new talismans) over fixing something like this. Can only hope its fixed for March's big Ascendancy release. I would really like to tailor my summoner build to perfection and fixing this would help me achieve that goal.
DigitalDreams wrote:
I_NO wrote:
I am so fucking wet right now holy shit; GOING TO BE AN OCEAN RIGHT HERE.


This jewel still doesn't work.

Lets hope tomorrow's patch is going to do something about it.

Yes, I'm very naive. I hoped it would be fixed with every patch to this day. Was it like 3 or 4 patches? I lost count. : ( Got response from Chris, that it was passed to the team, so maybe... maybe. I still believe in you, Chris!
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Jan 20, 2016, 6:51:44 AM
From now on I'm just going to assume when they announce new content that they don't care about actually making it work.

Even if tomorrow's patch does fix it, it's been over a month. My excitement for ascendancy is far less because of all the bugs in 2.1 and how long it has taken for them to be fixed.
Last edited by Crocodarrel#2422 on Jan 20, 2016, 10:23:12 AM
Still not fixed. Over a month now, getting closer to 2 months.

I mean, come on. :/
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Perq wrote:
Still not fixed. Over a month now, getting closer to 2 months.

I mean, come on. :/

Don't worry.
It'll never be touched again.

They're busy on Ascendancy now, dontchaknow.

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