Doeboy™ Guides 🌟 Info 🌟 Q&A ~ 2.1 CoC HP+DODGE | CI ~ 2.1 Bow

Hello Ladies and Gentleman,

iam Doeboy and i'd like share some of my Builds and general game information with you.

In this thread i will post all my current supported Guides. With every Guide i will also post a Q&A where i pick up common Questions just to prevent people from posting them again and make sure they will easly find help/answeres.
Also i wont have to edit the Guides over and over again.
(ye this can be frustrating sometimes :P)


My Guides & Chars:
GUIDE 1 🌟 Cast on Crit (Cyclone - HP + Dodge) Post: 2

GUIDE 2 🌟 Bow (Physical + EVA + Dodge, HP Based) Post: 5

GUIDE 3 🌟 Cast on Crit (Cyclone - CI + Dual-/Tripplcurse) Post: 8


My Twitch Channel: Twitch
My Youtube Channel: Youtube
My Uber Kill Playlist: YouTube
My Shop Standard: #867829

Thx to Eden_GGG from providing me the code of his post
here: Consolidated Guides, Game Mechanics, and Tools

~Game Mechanics and Guides~

[FAQ] Gameplay Tips and FAQ for new players
A basic guide on the immediate gameplay, created by Malice

[FAQ] Answers to common questions (AKA in-game FAQ)
Answers for new players, created by TheMage2000

[Guides] Noperative's Beginner Guide to Path of Exile
A well-presented beginner guide covering everything from the options menu to leveling strategies, by Noperative

[Mechanics] Detailed Game Mechanics on Wiki
An extensive guide detailing how the game works, stats/skills/modifiers/game modes and more, originally created by Malice (now updated to link directly to the un-official wiki)

[IIQ/IIR] Balance and Diminishing Returns
Theory and research into optimal Item Quantity/Rarity bonuses, by Chuca79

[Settings] Commonly Changed Settings
Useful tips on how to configure the game, by adghar


~Character Building & Progression~

[Quests] Quest Walkthrough on Wiki
Details on the quests and how to complete them.

[Q.Rewards] Quest Rewards on Wiki
Details the rewards provided for each completed quest.

[Skilltree] Automatic Skill Tree Generator
A powerful app for building skill-trees, by Emmittlol

[Builds] Build of the Week Seasons
A list of the GGG featured "Build of the Week", by peachii

[Builds] How to make a build - quick start guide
An outline for what to consider when planning a character build, by Kirielis

[Builds] Full Attack & Spell DPS Calculator
A webapp that will calculate final attack/spell dps, by Chuca79

For specific builds, please check out the Classes/Builds subforums:
Duelist, Marauder, Ranger, Scion, Shadow, Templar, Witch



[Crafting] Crafting Resource Guide
How to craft and the mechanics behind it, by Invalesco. Please also see master crafting.

[Crafting] Prefixes and Suffixes
The official lists of prefixes and suffixes for rolling items

[C.Recipies] The Exiled Sale Recipe Book
Recipes for crafting in-game items, by radiatoren

[Uniques] Unique Items List
originally by ignarsoll, now managed by viperesque

[Trading] PoE Shops Indexer
Unofficial index website for searching the forum for items, by xyz

[Trading] Procurement
Unofficial item/character organizer & trade post templates, by Stickymaddness

[MTX] MTX Finder
A useful tool for locating missing microtransactions, by Emmittlol

[DivCards] Divination Cards on Wiki
A list of Divination Cards in the game, and where to find them. Also check out Aramil's thread with more details about Divination Cards and Highgate supporters


~Item Filters~

[Filters] The Guide to Loot Filters
Davros70's comprehensive guide to creating your own loot filters, complete with links to community-made filters.

[FilterUpdates] Updated Maraketh weapon names
The official list of Maraketh Weapon names in case you need to correct your filter.


Please visit this list for technical optimizations and troubleshooting.


My Services:
Standard League Masters
All kind of masters at Level 8(excluding Leo)
> Just bring me the currency needed for the mods you want


My Grandmaster

GUCCI (Ranger) - Screenshots
Frenzy (w/ Point Blank):

Split Arrow:


> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!
Last edited by Doe on Jan 17, 2017, 5:00:59 AM
Last bumped on May 18, 2016, 2:55:22 AM

GUIDE 1 🌟 Cast on Crit (Cyclone Trigger) :

What's the Build about?
The build is based on Life using a Cast On Critical Strike Gem in combination with
Voll's Protector and Voll's Devotion.

While using the Voll's combo, the best skill to use as Damage source is the Spell Discharge. Regenerating Charges 24/7 while dealing tons of Damage.
Since it is a Crit based Build, we will use a Dagger.
Since Forsaken Masters, Vagan can sell "Hits Can't be Evaded" modded Daggers -
This Prefix "Hits Can't be Evaded" will help us to drop any Accuracy from Gear + Tree and still sit on a 100% Chance to Hit.
By this we can focus fully on stacking up Crit Chance to proc our Spell as often as possible.

Official Quote about the OP'ness of the Vagan Mod:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Their chance to evade is 0% for hits from that weapon. Chance to evade it's what's checked to 'confirm' crits, so they have 0% chance to escape being critted when you roll a crit.
can be found here: Source

Next to Vagan we using another Master's "special item mod", Elreon's reduced Mana Cost Rings (and Amulet for a Budget version)!

Also Eldrich Battery (Keystone) got changed and moved from ES>Mana into a ES Pool that covers ur Mana, and which will be used before the mana is touched. Based on that we can reserve all of our Mana and use the ES to cast/attack!
With The Awakening GGG integrated Jewels into the game. Jewels are a very nice gamechanging mechanic, and gives Room to customize the Skilltree even more - also some Jools are by far stronger than any takeable Noteable! That massive Power will also be used as much as we can!
Last but not least iam taking in EE (Elemental Equilibrium)

My Achievements with the 2.1 Build:
> Made it work again!
> Still Uber viable
> Still fun to play

> Witch, Templar, Shadow (Damage)
>> Scion (a bit more life than ^)


This build requires basic game knowledge and is fully viable in Path of Exiles endgame content!

- Generating a lot Damage without having super expansive Gear
- Evade / Dodge / Spelldodge + Instant lifeleech makes it safe!
- Elemental Reflect is no issue
- Atziri + Uber Capable
- A lot Fun while playing
- Trolling People playing on Toaster Computers ^_°


Spin2Win - That's what the build is all about. Crit and u will feel like:

For Movement we can run, or use Whilring Blades. Flicker could also be used.
Vaal Pact / Acuity giving us Instant Leech, in combination with Purities and the Saffell's Frame Shield we are safe to reflected Damage and able to sustain hard situations with heavy incoming damage.
Evasion Dodge and Spelldodge keeps us away from the most incoming damage.
Fortify and a Golem will support us in combats!


Whirling Blades (MOVEMENT & UTILITY)

Whirling Blades one of the fastest movementspeed attacks in the game, we are using it for travel from A to B - but that's not all. Combined with Cast on Crit we can trigger some useful Spells and Buffs with it without paying any Mana costs for them. Ice Golem as a Spell and Fortify as a Buff is what we want to trigger on Whirling Blades.


Cyclone if a very fast hitting Attack. The Attacks per sec can also be manipulated with movement speed! Which makes it the perfect Attack for a melee trigger attack. It also has a gr8 synergy with the Spells we are going to trigger with cyclone thru Cast on Crit.
Another positive effect of Cyclone is, that while cycling we can't get stunned! Which gives us a huge Quality of Life boost!

Cast On Critical Strike (TRIGGER)
The build is all about Cast on Crit, used on our primary as on our secondary attack. All of our damage will be dealt by 2 triggered Spells:
Ice Nova
I tested other cold Spells as well, but this spell is only used to trigger Elemental Equilibrium to enemies not hit by our initial cyclone hits, so Ice Nova is always best.

Elemental Equilibrium (KEYSTONE)

"If you hit an enemy with two different elements at the same time it will give -50% Resistance to third element and +25% to both elements used. A hit carrying all three elements types will give +25% to all elemental Resistances. Multiple attacks that hit simultaneously are still processed independently, so the first hit that is processed will trigger EE that affects the other hits."
Cold Damage on initial hit (cyclone) will always hit the target first (single target) and triggers -50%res on Fire + Light Res of our enemy, which will give us an insane damage boost. For the monsters around us Ice Nova will trigger Elemental Equilibrium. Make sure to link Ice nova before the Discharge, and have additional cold damage to your cyclone.

Eldritch Battery (KEYSTONE)

This is all about Mana Cost management and aura stacking, also maps with less or no regeneration doesn’t affect us anymore. Eldritch Battery offers a very interesting way of reserving all of the Mana pool and still being able to cast from the new ES pool, which is covering the Mana Pool. With enough reduced mana for skills costs + energy on enemy hit we are able to sustain out attacks from that new ES pool!

Righteous Fire (BUFF)

Righteous Fire is used to give an insane Damage Boost for a short time - mostly used for boss fights! But we have to be careful, Righteous Fire is burning down our life - this effect can be handled by using a Ruby + Life flask.

Phase Run / Lightning Warp / Flame Dash (BUFF/Utility/Movement)

Phase Run great defense used buff, which only lasts for a very short time, but it's very useful to start boss fights and not getting damaged on the first boss attack!


Lightning Warp can be used to teleport us from A to B, also places where we would have to run a long way, but it's very slow w/o supports! Being slow hasn’t mean to be bad at all, its very useful for opening strongboxes!


Flame Dash follows the same idea as Lightning Warp, it dashes from A to B, and also is able to jump from hill to hill. But its way faster than Lightning Warp! So this could be a solid spot in your normal setup, and be switch with Lightning Warp for opening Boxes!

Those are options how to improve your Quality of Life while playing, doesn’t mean u have to use them!

Elemental Weakness (CURSE)

Curses are used to either increase damage or to prevent some damage, since cast on crit based builds are overall glass canon like, we'll also use an offensive curse. Elemental Weakness can be used manually by casting or by a corruption on a pair of gloves.

Assassin's Mark (CURSE)

Next to Elemental Weakness, Assassin’s Mark is insanely strong for Cast on Crit Discharge, it adds the chance to receive and critical hit on the enemy, also increases the crit damage on them and even adds a possible power charge on kill. This curse we want to auto curse by using blasphemy!

Blasphemy (CURSE)

“The curse is applied as an aura around you, affected by both your curse and aura radius increases. It is not affected by Aura Effect passives, as these only apply to friendly auras.
Curses applied via Blasphemy count towards the active curse limit.”
The Curse we want here is Assassin’s Mark, additional critchance, critdamage and extra charges!
If you are facing a curse immune or elemental weakness area, just switch Blasphemy for purity of elements.


Life: 4K+
Damage: like 10 or 11
Critial Strike Chance: ~65-70% (w/o Power charges)
Capped Res at 75/75/75 (Gear + Auras will put Max Resistances to 84/80/84)
Chance to Evade: 20%+ (Running Grace Aura will push the value up to 50%)
Chance to Dodge Attacks: 40%+
Chance to Dodge Spells: 46%
Movement Speed: ~35%+


Blasphemy (can be changed depending on the Map mods for Purity of elements)
Purity of Fire
Purity of Light

5/6 Power Charges
4/5 Endurance Charges

Righteous Fire (Will require you to use a Ruby + Health Flask combo to sustain it)



Copy and Paste the Link into PoE-Builder if its not working on the Homepage!!

Tier1 Class

Tier2 Class

Tier3 Class

Tier4 Class

Duelist / Ranger / Marauder are not recommended!

Special Jewel use case: Intuitive Leap!!!!

Normal Difficulty: Kill them all OR Help OAK for +40 Life (posted lvl 100 trees have the 40HP)
Cruel Difficulty: Kill them All!
Merciless Difficulty: Help OAK for +1 Endurance Charge OR Alira for +1 power charges
(depending on if Voll's Amulet or not)



Rat's Nest

Voll's Protector (viable 5L by skipping a Red Socket/link!)

Saffell's Frame

Voll's Devotion

Atziri's Step

Atziri's Acuity or Maligaro's Virtuosity

Using a Vagan Dagger with "Hits Can't be Evaded"
Attack speed + Critchance (can be both added from Bench crafting!)
Recommended Bases: 1,4+APS

Life Implicit > Leather Belt
High HP
High Resistances (40+ Fire/Cold/light)

Ring #1
Critical Stike Chance Implicit > Diamond Ring (ELREON)
High HP
High Cold Resistances
(Usually need Cold res here due to Running 2*Purity Auras)
Critical Strike Chance from Bench
EVA% from Bench (optional)

Ring #2
Critical Stike Chance Implicit > Diamond Ring (ELREON)
High HP
Critical Strike Chance from Bench

#-# Cold Damage added to attacks (not to spells!!!)(optional)
If still missing some Res, get them here.

(After beeing RES capped on mercliess allready)
#1 Voll's Devotion (25-35 Exalted)
#2 Voll's Protector 6Link (25-28 Exalted)
#3 Voll's Protector +1 GEM Level (~2-5EX + 1500FUS/1500Vaal Orbs)
#4 Voll's Devotion "+1 Curse / +1 Max Res"(100+ Exalted)
#5 Top Crafted / Mirrored Vagan Dagger

I will showcase my Gear, links are all Included and placed in best combination
The Posted Gear is not required to make the build work.
Like always Builds from me get pushed to max possible!

For the required Gear please check the section above!

Dual Curse SETUP

For trolling @Maps:

5 or 6 Link
Cyclone (Level 1) - Cast on Critical Strikes - Ice Nova - Lifeleech - Discharge -(if 6L)- Empower/Fortify/Reduced Mana

Cyclone (Level 1) - Cast on Critical Strikes - Ice Nova - LifeleechDischarge -(if 6L)- Inc AOE / Inc Crit Strikes / Added Chaos Damage / a Curse / Lightning Pen / 3rd Spell

Please check the section below for more details about the chest color choice!
3 Link
Cast When Damage Taken - Increased Duration - Immortal Call
*The Level of Cwdt and IC can vary - take what u feel most comfortable with - i left Cwdt @lvl1 to let it proc IC(@lvl3) as often as possible
3 Link
Righteous Fire - EmpowerEnhance
*if you are not going to run RF just use it for whatever u love to - Ralling cry is a legit option here

4 Link
Whirling Blades (Level 1) - FortifyBlasphemyAssassin’s Mark Golem
*If u can’t manage to get your res fixed u can run purity of Elements/ice instead blasphemy>
4 Link
Increased Duration - Phase Run - Vaal Haste - Vaal Grace
4 Link
Purity of FirePurity of LightEnlighten (level3)Ice Golem

*We need 3 kind of Jewels for the Build

The following posted jewels are examples, the build would work with
Reduced Skills Costs + HP% (5*)
Example Jewel:

Engery Shield on Hit + HP% (2*)
Example Jewel:

Unique Jewel:




> 2G 2B 2R - Gems we can switch in the 2nd red socket are either: Empower / Iron Will / Fortify / Reduced Mana / Warlords Mark (if not having a autocuse on gloves!!!) / Immortal call will work aswell (you can basicly manage to get immune to physical/and ele dmg sources by using immortla call in the coc setup with a volls devotion by adding some more flasks nodes and empowered purities!)

It's a overall good setup where u dont have to switch gems for bosses etc, the Empower Version does a lot damage while keeping up a nice AOE! But i recommend Empower as a damage solution only if u got a +1 Chest + a Level 4 Empower else check the Inc Crit multi version below!

Tree: Witch level 100 Tree#2 - Base Cyclone CC
Damage (Full charged / RF / Empower): 100K (equals 1 cast per sec)

Tree: Witch level 100
Damage (Full charged / RF / Empower): 125K (equals 1 cast per sec)


> 2G 3B 1R - As Supports to Ice Nova and Discharge we can use: Inc. AOE, Conc. Effect, Added Chaos Damage, Inc. Crit. Strike Multi. or a 3rd spell of ur choice (keep the EE in mind while choosing!)

Pretty much the Best allround Chest setup u can choose. Inc Critical Strike Multiplier offers u the best possible damage while still having a big AOE. Conc Effect does way more damage tho, but it decreases the AOE to much that it isnt even possible to hit something constantly if not using lockstep. IF u are lockstep this might become viable to bosses. For Mapping i take Inc. AOE, shatter the whole screen and its easier to hit multiple targets with cyclone. Added Chaos Damage is also a very viable switch gem, it adds a lot damage and is not effecting EE!. Last but not least you can also deside to take a 3rd spell in, or a curse, light oen for non Volls Devotion users, every combination will be increase ur QoL!

Tree: Witch level 100 Tree#2 - Base Cyclone CC
Damage Damage (Full charged / RF / Conc Effect): 121K (equals 1 cast per sec)

Tree: Witch level 100
Damage Damage (Full charged / RF / Conc Effect): 146K (equals 1 cast per sec)

> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!
Last edited by Doe on Apr 16, 2016, 7:50:23 PM

Q&A GUIDE 1 🌟 Cast on Crit (Cyclone Trigger) :


Fighting Atziri and the usage of RF is some kind of a thing that needs to be practised.
A good way to learn the flask times and like automaticly pop the right flasks to sustain it is running linear maps while triing to keep RF up the whole map.
Also Fighting in Apex/Alluring is a thing u need to get used to, Movments, Timings, Flasking is always the same.
The Fights can be planned very well and always handled in the same way.
Important is: Use your Flasks, dont waste your flasks, dont be nervous, atleast dont act like that.
Apex is a nice way to train how the Fights can be handled, once u feel very confident you can try Alluring.

1) Stepping into the BossRoom you walk to one of the vaals spawns points, once it's activate u w8 about 3-4 secounds and activate the other one.

2) Going back to the first activated one.

3) Once the Vaal appears u activate RF (Pop your Ruby Flask at same time), right after we also pop Vaal Haste. Curse him with Assasines Mark.

4) Cyclone him with a popped Atziri Prosmise Flask. After like 2-3 secounds you whirl(whirlingblades) to the 2nd vaal (the other should be Dead or close to dead), while whirling use the Ruby Flask + HP Flask.

5) The 2nd Vaal will spawn his toons, time to curse him and drop him to very low HP or even kill him.

6) If he hides again in the ground we pop Vaal Grace, active our Ruby Flask + Topaz Flask and finish him off once he's back up!

7)After the fight just let RF drain your life down and use the HP Flasks once RF takes off.
1) By entering the Room walk along the right side up to the top right cornor.

2) At the cornor (close to the pillar) we active RF (popping also the Ruby Flask), active Vaal Haste.

3) Whirl(whirlingblades) to the Cycloner make use of the Evasion Flask, curse him with Assasines Mark and cyclone him down. (use 1 charge of the Atziri Flask here)

NOTE: Try to pop the Evasion Flask in the whole fight.

4) The 2nd enemie we wanna kill is the Spike Titty, keep popping the Ruby Flask to keep the RF deregen as low as possible. (use the Atziri Flask again)

NOTE:Black Clouds will spawn after 4-5secs where we killed a Boss. Those clouds dealing a lot physical damage - try to hide them if possible. and Use the 4-5 sec gap to kill the Titty.

5) After we killed Titty > whirl away, pop Ruby+HP Flask to regen up your Health. Now activate Vaal Grace. Facetank the Dualstriker, make use of the Evasion/Ruby/HP Flask.

The Tripple Boss fight is pretty random, since there is no guaranty to get the kills in the right order.
Cycloner(on the top) should be killed first - his Chaos Trial is the most dangerous thing in the whole fight + He desynches the most.

NOTE: You should also hide the physical Damage black clouds from killed bosses.

After the fight just let RF drain your life down and use the HP Flasks once RF takes off.

Best Order Cyclone > Titty > Dualstriker
As in the other two bossfights before we gonna use RF aswell.

1) Pop Ruby + activate RF, whirl to atziri and spin.

NOTE: Since we got Curse immunity from our Ruby Flask (which we have to pop anyway to sustain the RF) we can always curse her.

2) In the feed phase use the HP Flask to regen up your HP, alsways switch between HP and Ruby Flask, recurse Atziri. Killing her feed-minions will recharge our Flasks.

NOTE: To Kill the Feeds we just cyclone Atziri in the middle.

3) In the Split phase of the fight, we always attack the split which is directly on the opposite side of the one holding the mirror (attacking one next to the one holding the mirror increases the chance of selfoneshoting us).

4) Between the different phases (Atziri > Split) we use the HP flask to slightly regen up, right before the enemie is attackable we pop the Ruby+Eva Flask, curse the enemie and start spinning.

NOTE: The Flameblasts can be ignored (Ruby is always active and we got 95/96 Fire Res, so we can easily tank it), the storm calls should be dodged (the topaz should always be popped aswell).

5)Repeat this tru the whole fight.
> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!
Last edited by Doe on Dec 8, 2015, 5:09:42 AM

Q&A GUIDE 1 🌟 Cast on Crit (Cyclone Trigger) :
> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!
Last edited by Doe on Dec 8, 2015, 4:42:25 AM
GUIDE 2 🌟 Next Level Bow - LA | TS | Frenzy & More (HP/EVA Based) :
The Plan behind the Build:
> Using Lightning Arrow / Ice Shot / Split Arrow as Main Skill (AOE), Frenzy / Puncture / Tornado Shot as single target/secondary attack
> Running BloodRage as Life Leech Source *with lifeleech from the tree aswell because of the 2.0 leech changes
> High Eva/dodge Ratings as Defence @ 75/75/75/+XX resists
> Life pool above 5k
> 95% CC
> Mana Based skills

- Ranger
- Shadow
- Duelist

The Build is currently on very Highend Gear, but I will be working soon on a Budget Version.
The Plan is to get it beginner friendly and fully viable in PoEs endgame content!


- High Mobility
- High AOE Clearspeeds
- Insane Sinlge Target Damage
- Atziri Capeable, Maybe Uber



AOE SKILLS: We gonna use either Lightning Arrow, Ice Shot or Split Arrow as Main Skill. We link it with Power Charge on Crit to get the needed additional Critchance to be capped at 95%. Other supports to our AOE skills are Greater Mulitple Projectiles and Chain for Lightning Arrow and Ice Shot, and for Split Arrow it's Chain and Physical Projectile Attack Damage.

SINGLE TARGET SKILL: Here we got 2-3 different Choices ~ Either we can use Tornado Shot, which doesnt require to aim the target, just shooting close to it will be enough and still dealing a decent amount of Damage. Tornadoshot is best supported by Greater Mulitple Projectiles.
An other possible Single Target Skill is Frenzy, which is maybe the highest Damage single target Skill u can get right now in the game, it's also generating Frenzy Charges which are buffing your Attackspeed and Physical Damage by a lot. Here we'll use it linked with Point Blank. So if we are close to the Target we will deal a lot of more damage. Frenzy is the best choice against tanky bosses!
Last but not least we could also use a bow skill combined with a Trap. I'd go for a Puncture trap. The Idea behind using a trap is simple - Hit an run ~ the enemie will bleed by following you.

SELFBUFFS (OFFENCE): As Buffs Bloodrage is a #1 Choice adding the chance to generate Frenzy Charges, which will Buff Attackspeed and Damage, and also grants a decent amount of Lifeleech from Physical Attacks, but it also has a little downside by deregenerating your life by 4%based on the lifepool + energyshieldpool. Next to Bloodrage we gonna use a Flame Golem which increases our Damage by another 20%.

SELFBUFFS (DEFENCE): Frenzy Charges are increasing our Evasion Rating, next to that we gonna use manual casted Enduring Cry + a Cast when Damage Taken Setup with Immortal Call

AURAS: We gonna use Hatred(50%) and a Herald of Ash(25%), both are reserving together 75% of our mana pool by not taking any passives nodes or Enlighten gem. Both Auras are adding elemental damage based on our Physical.

MOBILITY: The build is using high movment speed, in combination with an additional movmentspeed Flask and Blink Arrow Attack to "teleport" arround.


"Please read the guide first. Everything should be explained.
If there are still any questions, don't hesitate to ask in here.
Missing Information will be added to the Guide.
Feedback is highly appreciated!"


Life: 5K+
Damage: See Screenshots Below
Critial Strike Chance: 75%+ (without Power Charges) | 95%capped with Power Charges
Capped Res at Merciless: 75/75/75 (with my Gear even +57 Chaos Res)
Chance to Evade: 50%+
Chance to Dodge Attacks: 40%+
Chance to Dodge Spells: 30%+
Movment Speed: 50%+


- Hatred
- Herald of Ash
- Blood Rage
- Flame Golem

6/7 Frenzy Charges
3/3 Power Charges
3/3 Endurance Charges


THE PASSIVE TREE (2.1 Version)
Level 100 Ranger

Normal Difficulty: Help OAK for +40 Life
Cruel Difficulty: Kill them All!
Merciless Difficulty: Help Kraityn for +1 Frenzy Charge




2 Jewel SETUP



Physical Projectile Attack Damage
Point Blank

Increased Critical Strike Chance
Increased Critical Strike Damage

Added Fire Damage
Tornado Shot(GGGBBR)
Tornado Shot
Physical Projectile Attack Damage
Greater Multiple Projectiles

Increased Critical Strike Chance
Increased Critical Strike Damage

Added Fire Damage
Puncture (manual)(GGGBBR)
Physical Projectile Attack Damage
Point Blank

Increased Critical Strike Chance
Increased Critical Strike Damage

Added Fire Damage
Puncture (trap) (GGGGGB))
Physical Projectile Attack Damage
Trap and Mine Damage
Slower Projectiles

Increased Critical Strike Chance / Damage
Lightning Arrow(GGGBBR)
Lightning Arrow
Greater Multiple Projectiles

Increased Critical Strike Chance
Power Charge on Crit

Weapon Elemental Damage
Ice Shot(GGGBBR)
Ice Shot
Greater Multiple Projectiles

Increased Critical Strike Chance
Power Charge on Crit

Weapon Elemental Damage
Split Arrow(GGGBBR)
Split Arrow
Physical Projectile Attack Damage

Increased Critical Strike Chance
Power Charge on Crit

Added Damage / Weapon Elemental Damage
Tornado Shot(GGGBBR)
Tornado Shot
Physical Projectile Attack Damage
Greater Multiple Projectiles

Increased Critical Strike Chance
Power Charge on Crit

Added Damage / Weapon Elemental Damage
Blink Arrow

Herald of Ash
Fire Golem
Cast When Damage Taken
Immortal Call
Increased Duration
Enduring Cry / Ralling Cry
Blood Rage
Vaal Haste or Grace

Increased Duration

Blood Rage
Vaal Haste or Grace

Increased Duration
switched with
Phase Run
Increased Duration / Reduced Mana / Blood Magic
Spell Totem


Current Defence Numbers: (6Frenzy, Merciless)

Current Damage Numbers:

Buffs: Flame Golem, 7Frenzy, 3Power, Bloodrage, Hearld of Ash, Hatred

SINGLE TARGET1: Frenzy Single Target
*Point Blanked
*Point Blanked
SINGLE TARGET2: Puncture (manual)
*Point Blanked
SINGLE TARGET3: Tornado Shot

AOE1: Lightning Arrow GMP CHAIN


AOE3: Split Arrow CHAIN PPAD

AOE4: Tornado Shot

> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!
Last edited by Doe on Jan 9, 2016, 2:36:48 PM

Q&A GUIDE 2 🌟 Next Level Bow - LA | TS | Frenzy & More (HP/EVA Based) :

How you are dealing with elemental\physical reflect mobs\packs\maps?
There are 2 important factors of the build that helps against reflect, maybe its even 3 factors.

First of all iam decided to use global Point Blank, so if i meet reflect, i will step off the mob to get the negative dmg multiplier by point blank, so iam lowering my damage not to get as much reflected.

Second is using manually enduring cry whenever it is up for use and monsters are arround, so the first physical reflected damage will trigger the cwdt setup > immortal call.

Third thing is about leech, iam using a lot of red damage supports in my setup which are easly replaceable with lifeleech for reflect maps. But reflect maps in general are a high risk for every crit based build. I wouldnt suggest running reflect maps, but basicly with a bit of gem switching u could do this. (keys are convert items/gems against physical reflect, and removing ele dmg supports like wed / p2l /added fire against ele reflect)

Hybrid leech at duelist area are really important nodes for the build in 2.1! They help a lot to fight against reflect.

Last but not least the use of your flasks is essential, never underestimate the power of flasks!
> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

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Last edited by Doe on Jan 7, 2016, 3:16:12 AM

Q&A GUIDE 2 🌟 Next Level Bow - LA | TS | Frenzy & More (HP/EVA Based) :
> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

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Last edited by Doe on Dec 8, 2015, 4:52:23 AM

GUIDE 3 🌟 Cast on Crit (Cyclone Trigger - CI + Dual/Tripple Curse) :

What's the Build about?
The build is based on Energy Shield using a Cast On Critical Strike Gem in combination with
Voll's Protector and Voll's Devotion.

While using the Voll's combo, the best skill to use as Damage source is the Spell Discharge. Regenerating Charges 24/7 while dealing tons of Damage.
Since it is a Crit based Build, we will use a Dagger.
Since Forsaken Masters, Vagan can sell "Hits Can't be Evaded" modded Daggers -
This Prefix "Hits Can't be Evaded" will help us to drop any Accuracy from Gear + Tree and still sit on a 100% Chance to Hit.
By this we can focus fully on stacking up Crit Chance to proc our Spell as often as possible.

Official Quote about the OP'ness of the Vagan Mod:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Their chance to evade is 0% for hits from that weapon. Chance to evade it's what's checked to 'confirm' crits, so they have 0% chance to escape being critted when you roll a crit.
can be found here: Source

Next to Vagan we using another Master's "special item mod", Elreon's reduced Mana Cost Rings (and Amulet for a Budget version)!

With The Awakening GGG integrated Jewels into the game. Jewels are a very nice gamechanging mechanic, and gives Room to customize the Skilltree even more - also some Jools are by far stronger than any takeable Noteable! That massive Power will also be used as much as we can!
Last but not least iam taking in EE (Elemental Equilibrium)

My Achievements with the 2.1 Build:
> Revamped it!
> Still fun to play
> Will be grind my Templar to 100

Scion > Witch > Templar > Shadow


This build requires basic game knowledge and is fully viable in Path of Exiles endgame content!

- Generating a lot Damage without having mediocre Gear
- High Energy Shield Pool
- Elemental Reflect is no issue *(not as global map mod)
- Atziri + Uber Capable(?)
- A lot Fun while playing
- Trolling People playing on Toaster Computers ^_°


Spin2Win - That's what the build is all about. Crit and u will feel like:

For Movement we can run, or use Whilring Blades. Flicker could also be used.
Since we are Energy Shield based, our ES + Flasks is our only Defence. Try to get the highest possible ES to tank incoming damage. Flasks are very important in this Build.
Fortify and a Golem will support us in combats!


Whirling Blades (MOVEMENT & UTILITY)

Whirling Blades one of the fastest movementspeed attacks in the game, we are using it for travel from A to B - but that's not all. Combined with Cast on Crit we can trigger some useful Spells and Buffs with it without paying any Mana costs for them. Ice Golem as a Spell and Fortify as a Buff is what we want to trigger on Whirling Blades.


Cyclone if a very fast hitting Attack. The Attacks per sec can also be manipulated with movement speed! Which makes it the perfect Attack for a melee trigger attack. It also has a gr8 synergy with the Spells we are going to trigger with cyclone thru Cast on Crit.
Another positive effect of Cyclone is, that while cycling we can't get stunned! Which gives us a huge Quality of Life boost!

Cast On Critical Strike (TRIGGER)
The build is all about Cast on Crit, used on our primary as on our secondary attack. All of our damage will be dealt by 2 triggered Spells:
Ice Nova
I tested other cold Spells as well, but this spell is only used to trigger Elemental Equilibrium to enemies not hit by our initial cyclone hits, so Ice Nova is always best.

Elemental Equilibrium (KEYSTONE)

"If you hit an enemy with two different elements at the same time it will give -50% Resistance to third element and +25% to both elements used. A hit carrying all three elements types will give +25% to all elemental Resistances. Multiple attacks that hit simultaneously are still processed independently, so the first hit that is processed will trigger EE that affects the other hits."
Cold Damage on initial hit (cyclone) will always hit the target first (single target) and triggers -50%res on Fire + Light Res of our enemy, which will give us an insane damage boost. For the monsters around us Ice Nova will trigger Elemental Equilibrium. Make sure to link Ice nova before the Discharge, and have additional cold damage to your cyclone.

Chaos Inoculation (KEYSTONE)

"Chaos Inoculation (CI) is a keystone passive skill that grants immunity to chaos damage, but sets maximum life to 1.
Although the character must survive entirely on energy shield instead of life, immunity to chaos damage can be a significant advantage."

Phase Run / Lightning Warp / Flame Dash (BUFF/Utility/Movement)

Phase Run great defense used buff, which only lasts for a very short time, but it's very useful to start boss fights and not getting damaged on the first boss attack!


Lightning Warp can be used to teleport us from A to B, also places where we would have to run a long way, but it's very slow w/o supports! Being slow hasn’t mean to be bad at all, its very useful for opening strongboxes!


Flame Dash follows the same idea as Lightning Warp, it dashes from A to B, and also is able to jump from hill to hill. But its way faster than Lightning Warp! So this could be a solid spot in your normal setup, and be switch with Lightning Warp for opening Boxes!

Those are options how to improve your Quality of Life while playing, doesn’t mean u have to use them!

Elemental Weakness (CURSE)

Curses are used to either increase damage or to prevent some damage, since cast on crit based builds are overall glass canon like, we'll also use an offensive curse. Elemental Weakness can be used manually by casting or by a corruption on a pair of gloves.

Assassin's Mark (CURSE)

Next to Elemental Weakness, Assassin’s Mark is insanely strong for Cast on Crit Discharge, it adds the chance to receive an critical hit on the enemy, also increases the crit damage on them and even adds a possible power charge on kill. This curse we want to auto curse by using blasphemy!

Poacher's Mark (CURSE)

Poacher's Mark is used to Sustain/leech Mana and even adds a possible Frenzy charge on kill. Besides that it adds 100% increased Flask charges gained which is insane on a Critbased Character. This curse we want to auto curse by using blasphemy!

Blasphemy (CURSE)

“The curse is applied as an aura around you, affected by both your curse and aura radius increases. It is not affected by Aura Effect passives, as these only apply to friendly auras.
Curses applied via Blasphemy count towards the active curse limit.”
The Curse we want here is Assassin’s Mark and Poacher's Mark, additional critchance, critdamage, mana on hit and extra charges (Buffs+Flasks)!
If you are facing a curse immune or elemental weakness area, just switch Blasphemy for purity of elements.


Energy Shield: 7K+ (highly Gear and level dependent)
Damage: like 10 or 11
Critial Strike Chance: ~65-70% (w/o Power charges)
Capped Res at 75/75/75 (possibly ele weak capped aswell)
Movement Speed: ~35%+



Blasphemy (can be changed depending on the Map mods for Purity of elements)
> Assasines Mark
> Poachers Mark

5/6 Power Charges
4/5 Endurance Charges

Righteous Fire (Will require you to use a Ruby + Health Flask combo to sustain it)



Tier1 Class

Tier2 Class

Tier3 Class

Tier4 Class

Duelist / Ranger / Marauder are not recommended!

Special Jewel use case: Intuitive Leap!!!!

Normal Difficulty: Kill them all
Cruel Difficulty: Kill them All!
Merciless Difficulty: Help OAK for +1 Endurance Charge OR Alira for +1 power charges
(depending on if Voll's Amulet or not)



Voll's Protector (viable 5L by skipping athe Flexlink!)

Voll's Devotion

Maligaro's Virtuosity

Using a Vagan Dagger with "Hits Can't be Evaded"
Attack speed + Critchance + Spell Damage (can be both added from Bench crafting!)
Recommended Bases: 1,4+APS

Energy Sield or Strength Implicit > Chain Belt or Heavy Belt
+XX Energy Shield
High Resistances (40+ Fire/Cold/light)

High Energy Shield Base > Sorcerer Gloves
High Energy Shield

High Energy Shield Base > Hubris Circlet
High Energy Shield

High Energy Shield Base > Sorcerer Boots
High Energy Shield
Movement Speed

High Energy Shield Base > Titanium Spirit Shield, Harmonic Spirit Shield
High Energy Shield
Resistances (if needed)
Spell Damage
Critical Strike Chance for Spells

Ring #1+2
Critical Stike Chance Implicit > Diamond Ring (ELREON)
Attackspeed / Res / Flat Energy Shield
Critical Strike Chance from Bench
+x% Increased Maximum Energy Shield

#-# Cold Damage added to attacks (not to spells!!!)(optional)
If still missing some Res, get them here.

(After beeing RES capped on mercliess allready)
#1 Voll's Devotion
#2 Voll's Protector 6Link
#3 Voll's Protector +1 GEM Level (~2-5EX + 1500FUS/1500Vaal Orbs)
#4 Voll's Devotion "+1 Curse / +1 Max Res"(100+ Exalted)
#5 Top Crafted / Mirrored Vagan Dagger

I will showcase my Gear, links are all Included and placed in best combination
The Posted Gear is not required to make the build work.
Like always Builds from me get pushed to max possible!

For the required Gear please check the section above!

Tripple Curse SETUP

5 or 6 Link
Cyclone (Level 1) - Cast on Critical Strikes - Lifeleech - Increased Critical Strike ChanceDischarge -(if 6L - Flexpick)- Inc AOE / Controlled Destruction / Conc Effect / 2nd Spell
3 Link
Cast When Damage Taken - Increased Duration - Immortal Call
*The Level of Cwdt and IC can vary - take what u feel most comfortable with - i left Cwdt @lvl1 to let it proc IC(@lvl3) as often as possible
3 Link
Increased Duration - Vaal DisciplineVaal Haste

4 Link
Whirling Blades (Level 1) - FortifyFaster AttacksFlicker Strike
4 Link
Empower - Ice Golem - Discipline - Enlighten
4 Link
EnlightenBlasphemyAssasines MarkPoachers Mark

*We need 3 kind of Jewels for the Build

The following posted jewels are examples, the build would work with
Reduced Skills Costs + ES% (5*)
Example Jewel:

Unique Jewel:


> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

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Last edited by Doe on Feb 3, 2016, 5:11:01 AM

Q&A GUIDE 3 🌟 Cast on Crit (Cyclone Trigger - CI + Dual/Tripple Curse) :
> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

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Last edited by Doe on Feb 2, 2016, 5:54:40 AM
> Alt Arts for Sale: /view-thread/3260276

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