[Contest] Guess the remaining Ascendancy Class names

The remaining ones, left to right on the images:

Berserker: Melee DPS. More offensive that Juggernaut. Themed around a defensive mechanic like Slayer's leech and Gladiator's block - my bet's on stun or end charges. Melee/physical restriction instead of one/two handed restriction.
Shaman: Totems, Life, Life Regen, Unarmed, Blood Magic

Purifier: Fire/Elemental spell caster. Non-crit buffs.
Crusader: Defensive melee subclass. Uses a combination of armour and ES.

Warlock: Generic spell caster DPS. Crit. Power charges.
Occultist: Support, Curses, Chaos/DoT, Mana, ES

Tempest: Attack speed based subclass. Elemental attacks. Evasion. More defensive than Deadeye.

Reaver: Dagger/Claw/1H-Sword based. High mobility (passives that buffs movement skills). More defensive than Assassin. ES and/or evasion passives.

Gemling: Jewel buffs
Last edited by Fauxite#1694 on Jan 3, 2016, 1:51:05 PM
Shadow :
Brigand : Strong focus on dual weilding, attack speed and physical damage

Marauder :
Berserker : Big melee DPS, with lots of physical damage, endurance charges, leech and blood magic.
Primalist : Totem class. One of the end node gives an extra totem. There's also some elemental damage in the mix.

Witch :
Arcanist : Huge spell damage and elemental damage bonusses, also spell crit and power charges. One of the end node gives free spell echo.
Occultist : Focus on support, auras and curses. Mana regen and lots of utility in the mix. One of the end node gives +1 curse.

Ranger :
Deerstalker : Focus on switching between melee and ranged, kinda like the Inquisitor. You get bonus damage for a few seconds on your projectiles after a melee attack, and vice-versa.

Templar :
Zealot : Pure elemental damage, fire themed, righteous fire thrown in there somehow.
Crusader/paladin (can't decide) : Defensive melee class, with some aura support nodes. Consecrated ground on block.

Scion :
Prodigy : Can choose from any other ascendancy class.
Scion - Gemling
Keep PoE2 Difficult.
Ok, first post updated with all class prints.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Great initiative raicz! Here we go:

- Cutthroat: Dual wielding melee and dodge.

- Sorcerer: General spellcasting and ES.
- Cultist: Specializes in Chaos damage and Curses.

- Warlord: Warcry and Melee offense specialist.
- Shaman: Totem focus.

- Survivor: Evasion oriented, switching between melee and ranged.

- Purifier: Focus on elemental damage and status ailments.
- Warpriest: Elemental melee attacks

- Aristocrat: Class focused on jewels, gaining more benefit from jewels and extra slots.
Last edited by Baelrog#0263 on Jan 9, 2016, 6:37:28 AM
Rogue - DW, niche, potentially Acrobatics/Dodge

Mercenary - Dual Wielding Melee, Leech/LGoH
Druid- Fire conversion/added fire, potentially Unarmed

Elementalist - Elements, duh.
Hexmaster - Curses, debuffs, and utility

Archbishop - Elemental spellcaster and light radius
Paladin - Block and defensive, utility

Survivalist - Traps and [max] elemental resistances, potentially life regen

Ascendant - Jewelmancer, Jewel focused nodes/stats
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Jan 7, 2016, 2:10:07 PM
Let me guess some

Rogue - extra evasion, perhaps some strange escape options, perhaps extra drop rarity under specific conditions

Berserker - attack speed, armor penetration
Shaman - guess based purely on the art. Focus on totems

Elementalist - spellcaster with focus on either crit or elemental damage
Thaumaturge - disabler with bonus to freezing, to curses, perhaps reduced blasphemy reservation

Paladin - defensive class with shield defense bonuses
Avatar - Support class with auras, charge generation and such

Scout - defensive, perhaps range and speed increases

Queen :P - Jewel slots with increased jewel effect, bonuses from stats and charge.
Есть один путь - найух!
Dervish – gains increased attack and cast speed and evasion so long as the user spins the character, stacking with each rotation. An Ascendancy major skill skill spins the user for more damage on everything, including furniture. (Not Safe For Work.)

Warlord – focused on war cries and minions; One of the Ascendancy major skills enables the warlord to equip minions with duplicates of equipped axes, but prevents the warlord himself from dealing damage.

Enlightened – burns with inner fire, focused on adding fire damage to all spells and fist attacks, increasing fire damage%, and increasing intelligence. One Ascendancy major skill grants permanent Righteous Fire. (Not Safe For Respeccing.)

Mental – the mental specializes in randomness, granting random increases and decreases to attacks, defenses, and skills every time a value is checked. As an example, one Ascendancy maror grants 1d5-2 extra projectiles whenever a projectile skill is used, another grants -50%+1d150% increased damage dealt whenever an enemy is hit and -50%+1d100% increased damage taken whenever the witch is hit.

Goth – focused on wearing black clothing and skulls, which increases damage and reduces sex appeal (a new Ascendancy stat), the Skull Goth is a mix of Punk Goth and Visigoth. An Ascendancy major skill provides more damage the more tattered the clothing. (Bundle of ten Tatter microtransactions available at a discount on launch.)

Hoarder – focused on swift movement and loot whoring. The minor skills all provide 10% movement speed, which is as absurd as it sounds. One Ascendancy major skill provides 100% more IIQ, another 100% more IIR, and a third allows the player character to loot nearby enemies while they are alive by clicking them manually (once per enemy), but loots the player when the player character dies.

Knight – focused on high armour and looking glorious. Automatically spawns groupies over time who follow their idol into battle, functioning as human shields. Shiny armour increases sex appeal and Groupie spawn rate.

Fallen – A Wizard's Staff has a knob on its end. Can use dominating blow on PCs and NPCs. Prevents ALT+F4 from working and suppresses all portals for everybody in the same zone as the Fallen (including himself). 'Nuff said.

Lady – Since everybody has read in GGG's latest Q&A's that the Scion's Ascendancy class is focused on her tree mastery, I guess the cat is out of the bag now.

I suspect their timing is influenced by the team of my commandos that succeeded in a plausibly deniable raid on GGG's headquarters last week, in which they managed to escape ahead of the lethal AtziriGuard(tm) security with the plans for the Scion's Ascendancy class.

The layout is two arms of two skills and two of three, for a total of 12 skills.

The first arm, internally known as the "Wonder Child", focuses on tree optimization and goes 1->2.

1: "Neurotic multitasking" – Gain 1% increased attack and cast speed for every 10 strength allocated in the tree; Gain 2% increased armour, energy shield, and evasion for every 10 dexterity allocated in the tree; Gain 2% increased attack damage and spell damage for every 10 intelligence allocated in the tree.

2: "Wonder Child" – internally referred to as "Queen of Bling" - Restores original Scion voice, doubles life and mana regeneration, and for every 16 basic passives, every 4 notable passives, every 2 jewel passives, and every keystone passive in the passive skill tree, gain a free jewel slot in the Ascendendant skill tree. The Scion has 50% less sex appeal.

The second arm, internally known as the "Tree Lover", focuses on exploring the tree and goes 1->2.

1: "Tree Hugger" – for every allocated notable or keystone, gain half the benefit of any adjacent unallocated passives.

2: "Dryad" – increases sex appeal by 50% and every jewel in the normal passive skill tree functions as the Intuitive Leap jewel in addition to its normal functionality.

The third arm, internally known as the "Chopper", focuses on simplifying the tree by chopping it down and goes 1->2->3->4.

1: "Exercise regimen" – Grants 25% increased life and mana and 5% increased sex appeal.

2: "Lumberjack" – Permanent Fortify and replaces default body armour graphics with a lumberjack vest artfully ripped open to expose a small portion of the Scion's chest. When taking damage the Scion builds Clothing Damage, which rips the vest and increases the portion shown. Clothing Damage disappears if the Scion goes 5 seconds without taking damage.

3: "Exercise regimen" – Grants 25% increased life and mana and 5% increased sex appeal.

4: "Pruned!" - You can destroy adjacent non-jewel passive nodes at the cost of two passive skill points each. For every skill node destroyed, gain 1% more life and mana if it was a basic passive, 2% more if it was a notable, and 5% more if it was a keystone. (Not Safe for Frequent Respeccing. Which part of "destroyed" did you fail to understand?)

The fourth and final arm, internally known as the "Stunner", focuses on the Scion's huge tracts of land personality.

1: "The less you hide, the more you get" - Grants 10% increased armour, evasion, and energy shield and 1% increased sex appeal per 1% unblemished skin shown.

2: "Veteran Seamstress" - Mends the patch on the Scion's trousers, gives her a bath, and increases sex appeal by 25%. Reduces incoming damage from male humanoid enemies by sex appeal%.

3: "The less you hide, the more you get" - Grants 10% increased armour, evasion, and energy shield and 1% increased sex appeal per 1% unblemished skin shown.

4: "Enhanced Cleavage" – Hide the graphics of any worn body armour and increases cleavage by 25%.

For the munchkins out there, note that Ascendant Lumberjacks will occasionally sing, and that Enhanced Cleavage does work with Lumberjack, though the result is definitely Not Safe For Work. It appears they treat Enhanced Cleavage as a permanent 25% Clothing Damage bonus when Lumberjack has been picked.

The notes indicate that a planned body armour MTX, "G-String of Protection", is currently being rebalanced after the finalizing of the Scion's Ascandant tree due to considerations of its interaction with the "Stunner" passives.

Last edited by Pi2rEpsilon#4367 on Jan 9, 2016, 6:13:06 AM
Pi2rEpsilon wrote:
The notes indicate that a planned body armour MTX, "G-String of Protection", is currently being rebalanced after the finalizing of the Scion's Ascandant tree due to considerations of its interaction with the "Stunner" passives.

I just spoke to devs about this and turns out that the whole thing fell through. Apparently, the High Seraphim requested to have the aforementioned scrap of clothing returned due to copyright issues.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

raics wrote:
Pi2rEpsilon wrote:
The notes indicate that a planned body armour MTX, "G-String of Protection", is currently being rebalanced after the finalizing of the Scion's Ascandant tree due to considerations of its interaction with the "Stunner" passives.

I just spoke to devs about this and turns out that the whole thing fell through. Apparently, the High Seraphim requested to have the aforementioned scrap of clothing returned due to copyright issues.

That's a crying shame, but the High Seraphim should be clothed in shame over making such a request! Or failing that, clothed.

I understand that GGG might prefer not to fight a quarrel, as being struck down by God's stormtroopers is classified as an act of God by most insurance companies, but just how they managed to get a G-string accepted as their official vestments of office in the first place is a scandal that is still waiting for an intrepid reporter to break. Smiting will only take you so far.

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