New Support Gem Reveal - Blasphemy

Good To See New Gem!

However, I don't understand why so many people think it as a OP gem.
The gem just fills our laziness to cast by hands.
I would rather use herald or other auras for more consistent damage and occasional curse from COH.
The gem's power is so limited.
1.Curse Immunity.
2.Require gears and passive points to increase number of curses.
3.Mana Reservation.
It already has downsides. I think reducing area and curse effect are not necessary.

At first glance, it looks overpowered but people need to think about curse immunity.
1.We need to roll high quant and pack size for getting higher tier maps which will lead more chance to have curse immune mods. To me, curse immune mod is quite common, not rare. Also, there are magic and rare monsters have curse immune mod. Bosses already take reduced curse effects.
2.Increasing number of curse requires huge investments in gears and passive points.
All this effort become useless when you face curse immune maps or monsters.
3.Hoenstly, i prefer not to have any immunity such as leech immunity mod, and no regen mod.
Because of these mods, players' big investments on defense(Leech and regen) are completely ignored. I know GGG made them for challenges but I still don't like completely block one type of things.

Personally, I believe this is time to balance not only curses but also other map mods or monster's mods. I hope mods like reducing effectiveness of leech, regen, curse, not completely immune to them.

GGG, Thanks for great work and i will wait to see next patch:D
Last edited by Valencer#0419 on Nov 9, 2015, 6:13:17 PM
4 questions:



What chars can buy it?

Will almost all bosses go Curse Immune?

Valencer wrote:
Good To See New Gem!

However, I don't understand why so many people think it as a OP gem.
The gem just fills our laziness to cast by hands.
I would rather use herald or other auras for more consistent damage and occasional curse from COH.
The gem's power is so limited.
1.Curse Immunity.
2.Require gears and passive points to increase number of curses.
3.Mana Reservation.
It already has downsides. I think reducing area and curse effect are not necessary.

At first glance, it looks overpowered but people need to think about curse immunity.
1.We need to roll high quant and pack size for getting higher tier maps which will lead more chance to have curse immune mods. To me, curse immune mod is quite common, not rare. Also, there are magic and rare monsters have curse immune mod. Bosses already take reduced curse effects.
2.Increasing number of curse requires huge investments in gears and passive points.
All this effort become useless when you face curse immune maps or monsters.
3.Hoenstly, i prefer not to have any immunity such as leech immunity mod, and no regen mod.
Because of these mods, players' big investments on defense(Leech and regen) are completely ignored. I know GGG made it for challenges but I still don't like completely block one type of things.

Personally, I believe this is time to balance not only curses but also other map mods or monster's mods. I hope mods like reducing effectiveness of leech, regen, curse, not completely immune to them.

GGG, Thanks for great work and i will wait to see next patch:D

For these reasons I don't think its op. Some builds just won't use it, some could incorporate it but may decide not to. There are a few where its a great choice, and this added choice is simply good for the game.
I think this'll probably be best for evasion toons, if only because having auto-Enfeeble on (most) everything is a much-needed godsend for the mechanic. AA and Endurance Charges aren't terribly reliable for evade.
Last edited by DeviantLightning#7374 on Nov 9, 2015, 3:54:35 PM
DeviantLightning wrote:
I think this'll probably be best for evasion toons, if only because having auto-Enfeeble on (most) everything is a much-needed godsend for the mechanic. AA and Endurance Charges aren't terribly reliable for evade.

Funny, I was just thinking that. But if you add AA and endurance charges (ex: daresso's) then you'll have a perhaps good enough complement to acro/ev, namely in HC.
Another general 'build' that will benefit is anything that can fit 2 curses. The offensive curse can be auto (clearly worth it for dps), the defensive still on cwdt.

The only thing I dislike about the gem is that its yet another thing that adds basically 'laziness'. I think that a game like this shouldn't be too much afk auto kill (there are too many other games like this...), and should instead have multiple strategic layers like worthy single target attacks, aoe attacks, curses, distractions etc. Rather than just spamming a button...
This game (for me) would be somewhat approaching perfection if I really did gain from bothering to alternate from single target to aoe skills (skills that I had costumised to my liking through the support gems). I guess we can but dream...
Last edited by Drakkon1#0467 on Nov 9, 2015, 4:42:39 PM
I luv it man gives me CooooOOO000L idea
Quad curse builds confirmed :D
Marauder with a blasphemous warlord's mark and melee ranger/shadow with blasphemous assassin's mark confirmed! Who needs to cast curses, when you can just leap slam to engage! Better yet have that on your righteous fire marauder with vitality and warlords mark sharing concentrated effect for the boosted vitality and better endurance charge chance(get the regen per charge) and it'll help you sustain the damage dealt to yourself, no extra effort for cursing needed(cause marauder is too simple minded to think these things through and curse before each engage).
Video is not realistic of typical game play and should be replaced with something more in line with how the typical player will use it.

In other words - drop the double (triple?) curse setup.

Sample characters should be in the level 70-80 range, as it is highly unlikely the average player has many (or any) characters well above 80 since progression grinds to a near-halt there due to poorly thought out (nonexistent) content beyond tier 15 maps other than Atz/UAtz.

As for the gem... it's a solidly good idea, I'm not discounting that.
Though I would like to see some sort of graphical representation of my aura radii.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.

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