Soulthirst, Event 50: BLAMT Boss Kill
" Because asynchronous events have not yet been implemented. Once they are implemented there is a chance boss kill events will be able to be done off of your characters creation time. Until then, like all races, it will be based on the start and end time of the even. |
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I really hope there will be a GGG post containing what people died to, what classes and skill gems that where used the most and all those goodies from this event.
This was the most fun event I've ever played! IGN: Hestinnan
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Wow, well that was... demoralizing...
My BLAMT Experience: The Novel
After a string of several recent hardcore deaths, I was thinking maybe my thousands of hours of playing PoE hadn't really amounted to much, so I figured I'd just get a couple more race points and then take a little break until I could check out the Talisman leagues. And then I saw the announcement advertising the BLAMT boss kill race. It was already halfway through, but wow! Those point rewards! I thought, "If I can just make it past Dominus, I'll be close to the 250 point point reward, so I can at do more races for that, and if I kill Malachai, I might as well actually take the time to go for the 500 point reward this season!" No, I'm not the best racer in the world, but if I really actually put more effort into it and participated in more races, I could easily make the 500 point reward within a season and maybe even the 1000 point one. At first glance, an event like this where I could score a meaningful number of points in a day's work (much unlike any of the other banging-head-on-desk-rewards races, even when I've been in the top 20, been the first to complete X quest, etc.), and I was actually excited for the future races that it would encourage me to do in order to take full advantage of this nice infusion of season points.
And then I died in the Twilight Strand. Not too concerning, although that's the first time that's ever happened to me. So I rerolled another witch and struggled my way to Brutus, who quickly slaughtered me (I obviously wasn't super tanky as a low level witch). Ashamed, I started a templar to play Path of Shame Totems in order to get my points quickly and get back to other things. Several templars later, I made it to Brutus, and even though I was a very healthy level 13 templar, a series of unfortunate stuns crushed my dreams into little fragments before I could even get ANYTHING at all for the large amount of time and effort I had spent at this point trying to at least get 10 points to get my Perandus Crest. At this point, I realized I wasn't really cut out for this, so I tried it as a duelist several times just for amusement (not only is melee truly not viable if you'd like to get past Hillock, but the duelist simply sucks for something like this...). After not being able to make it past the mud flats as melee, I tried my templar again a few times, but to no avail. All in all, an event that I thought sounded fun actually just confirmed that I'm really not as good at this game as I had previously thought, and now I really can't answer the question of why I've played it so long. I heard Fallout 4 is decent... I suspect that this event was a bit too difficult for a large number of players that tried it. I really do like the idea of races that award a huge number of points in a relatively "short" period of time, as they make getting to higher reward thresholds a less obnoxious endeavor and also might encourage more players to participate in races since it makes the prospect of getting some cool alternate art items seem a little more feasible. I'd therefore like to see more races like this with this type of reward structure in the future, though not with such brutal mods (and maybe slightly less enticing rewards to correspond to the lower difficulty in actually completing the race objective). Also, congrats to any and all who killed Malachai. Drawn by a haunting voice, you come to the PoE forums. It is an odd place, filled with a motley assortment of feedback... and shameless trolling. There, the whining posts are all around you, and the gamers are silent, as the grind takes ahold of them. One by one, their lives seem lost to its call.
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I guess i'll post this. 10 hours 3 minutes played time to kill. Lots of afk for other races and stuff. |
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WELLLLLL we tried to live the Duelist dream but Malachai would have none of it.
here we go!
there we go!
![]() Didn't quite finish the first Piety phase. Malachai spammed potatoes at a ridiculous rate while invincible, forcing me to run in circles for a long time, and as soon as I stopped to cast a decoy totem I'd get hit. I tanked quite a few half-volleys but eventually he bulls-eyed me. If instead I had kept running until he eventually used his tentacles, and used those 2.5 free seconds to DPS piety, I think it was doable. A boring slog but doable. No clue what I would have done in phase 2 though. Probably die. So there you have it - 1k dps ice shot + extremely shitty poison arrow on a 2k life 300 armor Duelist is (probably) not enough to kill BLAMT Malachai. I'm happy enough with my 170 boss kill points though, plus the knowledge that I'm not a filthy scumbag sellout Flame Totemer.
My shitty gear that I didn't want to waste any Regals on
Animate Weapon was a pretty nice drop. Basically more decoy totems so I could slowly kill things with arrows, plus they helped on some bosses. Best race / league / whatever ever! Although it was a bit too much stressful grinding in a 24-hour period for me. Wish I could have done some more leveling and tried Malachai tomorrow instead! EDIT WITH SOME MORE THOUGHTS CUZ THIS RACE WAS AWESOME: Best boss fights were Act 3 Piety and Daresso. Both involved a lot of ducking and weaving. Epic! Craziest/most stressful fights were Act 4 Piety (I almost got overwhelmed by eyeballs) and Kaom (if the lava balls actually did some damage it would have been impossible). Both were still fun in a twisted sort of way :) BLAMT is insanely hard up to and including Brutus, then surprisingly gets much easier! By Act 3, I could tank 90% of mobs I encountered. I always thought it was 100% of each element, but it turns out that once you have capped res the extra 37.5% damage is not so bad. It's the speed that really kills you. That fixed arcanist box in act 4 was pretty awesome and I probably should have just farmed it until I passed out, but instead I farmed 70 extra points in act 4. Not sure if worth. Last edited by Fightgarr#3134 on Nov 15, 2015, 12:57:05 AM
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Typical death by A3 Piety as I got complacent and didn't port out to restock instant flasks with her on <5% life, but then she nailed me to the wall with her ice arrows...
Winged some bow build, using Split and Ice, then Tornado after General Cream Cheese. Last edited by twitticles#7701 on Nov 15, 2015, 1:16:04 AM
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Died a few dozen times at the start then came back to at least try to get Brutus and Merv in the last few hours. I hope we get some statistics on how this went down: how many RIPs, what area is the most deadly, and how many people actually made it to X level.
Update: Only had to portal out of Brutus once using ice shot, poison arrow, and flame totem. After that merv was not really any harder than normal. Last edited by NecroticSap#1687 on Nov 15, 2015, 3:33:35 AM
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I had a strange feeling this ladder would just be a list of PoE Gods...
"Stuff like food and water? Or are you actually a cyborg like we all suspect? " "Good thing you don't give up easily XD " "I Was also hoping for this, I want to know who made the most toons for this race XD "PURE EVIL I LOVE IT! GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat. Last edited by southsidepopper#1989 on Nov 15, 2015, 2:09:33 AM
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Killed Kaom as a bow lightning arrow/frenzy with only 1350 life. took about 20 portals spammed, the SRS phase is super nuts xD Enough points, too lazy to attempt daresso, most likely would fail :p IGN: Rollface Last edited by grindis123#7879 on Nov 15, 2015, 2:01:30 AM
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My god, grats to you skilled survivors.
I agree that the stats would be fun to look at. Died to Brutus as a level 14 witch. Unsurprisingly it was when he busted out into full ice and roids junkie freak mode. This was a lot of fun! Next time, I think playing a class with nuts might be advisable. Last edited by erdelyii#5604 on Nov 15, 2015, 2:20:05 AM
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