Soulthirst, Event 50: BLAMT Boss Kill

glad i switched over to the eternal torment race
GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat.
Thanks GGG, you guys are listening to what we want, this race was brilliant.

Was able to have some fun with many guildies in VoIP and it was funny listening to their cries as they attempted to make it past The Coast, The Ledge then Brutus. Only a handful of us got into Act 4 all of us succumbing before the main event.

I would really like to see more of these harder type of events, please.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - • Discord: deefa#3298
As one of the felow
it was hard ... well at the begining until .. I fall over and over and over again Brutus
can't manage to pass this A ...h... E > too much speed ... no good RnG ... Death awaits me (specialy in his phase 2)
Thanks for this Failling .. I lost 25 ranks in ladder

on the other way the top players gain my truly respect
Good Job Guys!
I overslept and didn't even try kaom. Finished alive, lvl 41. Fuck me.
That was f*king AWESOME, what an event!

Made it with the first char, arca box definitely helped a ton with gearing. I wonder if it was placed there intentionally. Just seems a little bit too convenient :^)

I like the crazy races, but this time... idk... my patience faded away after the 12th death at strand or terraces. Played classic Ranger.

At least I killed fire fury twice and not much trouble with Hillock but I didn't make it to mud flats once. Kinda depressing to be killed continuously by random white archers/cannibals/crabs. Tried run-bys, tried very slow full clear, tried a mix of both...
Architekturkritik, die man tatsächlich sieht!

Farin Urlaub
was a nice race, but i dint make after mud flats, i have a very crap pc, and unstable internet, but at the 20th death i gave up, very bad for who cant afford top gear pc, and stable connection, sry GGG but u guys need to help poor people like me...:'( sob
i want to subscribe
this was an interesting race, but loosing all motivation to restart after dying late.

How about making it some kind of "standard"-league event, but when you die you loose places or add extra time to your end boss kill time? 1 death = 60minutes added or maybe more?

died to brutus 1st try, remade and died to tentacle grills in lunaris2 who shoot me offscreen, I was even thinking to remake zone until I meet one without them.
Playing with 70-80ms ping, which is causing long loading between zones,
resulting in 2-4 minutes disadvantage in 1 hour races.
(I was wrong, it wasn't a ping issue but something else on GGG side)
14th attempt
rip 42 Kaom final phase (8hrs /p)

Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
This Longversion BLAMT was a great experience. I've been playing BLAMT races since they've been introduced. The decision to make it a 24 hour race was absolutely spot-on. Yes, it is by far the hardest race format. But constant high tension and shaking+sweating hands at the Boss fights were worth it. Next time make a 48 hour race at the weekend. Cruel Bosses wait for fresh meat.

Please put some information about BLAMT (and other special races) into the descriptiion of the racethread. A link to other threads doesn't seem useful. So many people didn't know what BLAMT stands for.

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