[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
what cosmetics are you using in the pic at the beginning of the guide? :)
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I am not a big fan of the zombies and I am wondering if there are any alternatives? Removing the zombies and the nodes in the skill tree.
What would you recommend I replace them with? Things to help with survivability or just more damage. |
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2.4 Sidenote: For now, stay with faster casting, as I'm not sure how often Innervate will trigger with the Shaper of Desolation Nerf. You could get a silver flask if you really crave for that onslaught.
=========================================================================== I have done testing myself and i can tell that i was able to have onslaught up all the time.In fact i was able to activate it more easily. Also done testing on hot setup and same thing up all the time even on bosses. Last edited by Mark2159#0140 on Sep 3, 2016, 5:16:24 AM
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Why not continue to run with double aura chain/warlords on blasphemy and drop the hatred aura? Dropping an aura wont brake the build I'm sure?
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So I removed the Zombie minions and passive nodes.
Added Blasphemy with Warlord's Mark and Enfeeble Temporarily dropped Anger for Discipline. (while leveling) This is the skill tree I made http://poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAQN1A-4EBwSzCPQNfBBYES0TNRZvFy8XpBhqGYoabBqPHNwdqh2-JKoo-ilPKo0snDOHNZI22DbpOlg64TwFPV9Bh0SrRZ1GcUkbTItMs03jUlNTUlWuVcZV1lZIV8lYB1h3XwRfsGTnaPJqQ20Zb554L3yDfOWApIIQgpuCx4MJg9uExYdljHaPGo9Gj6aQ-pErl5WX9Jo7muCboZu1na6ePJ_fogCmV6cIrJi0DLc-uJPAVMBmwzrKStQH1abYJNi93I3fbd-K37Dhc-GI42rkIuq66-7sVe0870vvfPAf8WzyRfba99f56PrS-wn-Cv5J_o8= I used the one in this guide but removed the minion nodes and added some Mana reserv reduction to be able to use 2 curses with Blasphemy and an aura. (possibly 2 auras) And instead of going for Shaper of Desolation I am going to use Mastermind of Discord using Lightning Warp to activate it for the Fire penetration. Last edited by TheTruePink#3440 on Sep 4, 2016, 5:43:04 AM
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Im back to POE after long break, and your guide might be beginner friendly, but after reading all this, i still dont have any clue where to start..
- what level will i start playing this guide from, from lvl 1 or 20?. - i dont understand the gems, in what order should i get them?. - is there an step by step guide of this guide, to me its all just alot of info randomly put in, dont really see this as an "guide". - help im lost. |
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Whoops, been updating the mapping section without checking for comments!
Cosmetics: Just scroll down to the current gear part. It still remembered my MTX, so it's all in there :) The only difference is that I used Kaom's Heart + Raven Wings instead of the Sacrificial Garb. Dropping Zombies: It is possible, but you will need to pick up more life nodes, and possibly AA and MoM(even though they are weaker, they are still viable) Dropping Aura: Won't break, but it's unnecessary imo. Plus BLasphemy has a shorter range then the active part of HoT. I often don't get any mana back when I'm fighting harder bosses, since I never curse them with my blasphemy. I'm not a big fan, but if you want to, it is possible to run those two instead of HoT. @Jesper: Hm, I felt it was comprehensible, but I guess there's still a lot of work to do then! I once started writing a step by step guide for leveling. It ended up tons of work, and the game was about to change on certain parts(adding laby and trials etc)so I ended up dropping the project. BUt the beginning is still there. Maybe this will help you for a bit :) If not... - Basically, pick up Firestorm when you can(Once you enter the Cavern of wrath, go back to town and talk to Nessa, she will give you firestorm). Until then, anything is fine. I usually go with just fireball, but anything works really. Just mess around see whatever you like leveling the most with - As for gems: The top is the most important. But honestly, as long as you get Firestorm, you should be fine for the first 30/40 levels. Raise Zombie and Herald of Thunder will get increasingly important as you enter higher content(lvl 40+). For firestorm, try to get at least a 4 link, so the first 4 gems listed. For Raise Zombie, at least a 3Link - I See the link I posted above. It is a bit outdated, but still fine until normal act 3 :) - I'm kinda in a rush as the new content is amazing, but if you have more questions, please ask them! It also helps me identify the problems my guide has, so don't hesitate ;) Also, started writing the mapping guide(post 2). It's a WIP, but feel free to look it over. I'll keep updating as I play more maps! I am a nice guy. Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 Last edited by Appels_Zijn_Gezond#0575 on Sep 4, 2016, 7:58:38 AM
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I gave COH + HOT another try, and like you said, it's much better for this build, got no mana problems offscreening mobs. I like the cast/movement speed from Haste, have you tested how much worse haste is compared to anger?
I'm currently using this wand for my firestorm, it's surprisingly strong on a 3L. Last edited by Zugas#0954 on Sep 4, 2016, 9:30:57 AM
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Are you sure this build is for 2.4?????
Shaper of Desolation now grants different Confluxes over a fourteen-second cycle: Chilling Conflux for four seconds, Shocking Conflux for four seconds, Igniting Conflux for four seconds and then all three together for two seconds. Each Conflux means that any damage causes that Status Ailment. Elemental Conflux was too powerful. The new version requires more strategy (and doesn't need a kill to get started). all the build is based on this.... what can i change since i started this build without reading patch note? NOTE : my mistake, i thout it was only on lightning but after test.. it works well :) Last edited by ketchupyx#4181 on Sep 4, 2016, 11:52:38 AM
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" I'm farming merciless dried lake on a 3L and have no problem cursing everything around me. Even without any points put in the duration notes. |
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