[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF

Hm. As for Cloak of Flames: It's good, but very limiting. It gives no HP, which makes it only a better defense against physical damage. And due to the nature of the build, we won't get hit by physical damage too often(zombies will take much aggro). So in my case, CoF would only hurt in the long run, as we'd be taking more elemental damage over physical.

AA is good, but not really necessary. The buff only works when you are standing still. This build isn't meant to stand still and cast away. To really benefit the clear speed of this build, you'll usually be in motion. You won't get targeted much by melee anyways(Again, zombies) so the chilled ground is not necessary.

And we prefer HoT over Blasphemy because we don't need a curse on every monster - we just need it on a few, and all the stronger mobs(rares, uniques, bosses). We need enough to leech back our health/mana, and get the occasional charge. Since we kill so rapidly, it's reliable enough for us. The only bosses I could see taking blasphemy over HoT are Atziri(and even then curse reflect makes me wanna run none)and Daresso.

I'd see experiment and try things. This is not the best way to build a character, this is just a way that works. If you enjoy others things better, go with those :)
I am a nice guy.
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Hi! I'm back for more info about the Taming + emberwake combo. I just bought one :)
Well, if you can fight under proper condition, it crush anything (proper condition = mobs for elemental conflux and boss not burning immune - sad for Atziri). I was curious and I try to calculate, and, well... i'm doing 10 time the dps I was doing before.

Here's the calculation, for those who are interrested (i still play double consuming dark) That's the first time I tried to do some theorycrafting about PoE, I may misunderstand some game mechanics so if you see a mistake, tell me :D

EDIT: I noticed I forgot the 40% more elemental damages from the passive tree, corrected now. I also add the calculation with emberwake alone, and it seems that it's a good idea to add one to your build since it's cheap and ultra effective with Firestorm and Elemental Conflux.


Here are my damage stats without the Taming:
225% increased elemental damages (ED)
202% increased spell damages (SD)
50% increased area damages (AD)
40% increased damages (D)
10% less damage (LD)
59% more area damages (MAD)
39% more chaos damages (MCD)
40% more elemental damage (MED)

90% duration (dur)
15% elem ailment duration (edur)

Let's say a firestorm projectile deals x base damages

Calculation BEFORE the Taming and Emberwake:

- Direct fire damages (40% of total direct damages) = x*0.4*(1+ED+SD+AD+D)*LD*MAD*MED = 4.94x
- Direct chaos damages (60% of total direct damages) = x*0.6*(1+ED+SD+AD+D)*LD*MAD*MCD*MED = 10.32x
- Poison damages (base is 10% of chaos damages per second over 2s, so 20%)
= 0.2*direct chaos damages*(1+dur)*(1+D+AD)*LD*MAD*MCD = 14.81x
- Burning damages : negligeable (not stackable)
So that's 30.07x damages per projectile

Calculation with Emberwake alone:

- Direct fire damages (same than before) = 4.94x
- Direct chaos damages (same than before) = 10.32x
- Poison damages (same than before) = 14.81x
- Burning damages (based on 100% of the direct damages, thanks, Elemental Conflux! Burning is 20% damage per second over 4s, with emberwake it's 4% damage per second over 4s) = total direct damages*0.04*4*(1+dur+edur)*(1+ED+D+AD)*LD*MAD*MED = 41.61x
That's 71.68x damages per projectile, more than twice the previous damages !

So, the Taming give us 15% elem damage and 10% damage for each elemental status ailment (burning) we'll put on an enemy. A burning last 4*(1+dur+edur) = 8.2s, i cast two firestorm in 0.6s, each firestorm last 2*(1+dur) = 3.8s ... I think it's safe to say than you can land 50 projectiles with Elemental Conflux on a boss in 8s (meeting proper conditions. I usually play with an occultist support who tank and taunt bosses with my zombies, making free dps easier)

So, from now,
D = 540%
ED = 240%

Calculation AFTER the Taming + Emberwake :

- Direct fire damages = x*0.4*(1+ED+SD+AD+D)*LD*MAD*MED = 9.07x
- Direct chaos damages = x*0.6*(1+ED+SD+AD+D)*LD*MAD*MCD*MED = 18.91x
- Poison damages = 0.2*direct chaos damages*(1+dur)*(1+D+AD)*LD*MAD*MCD = 98.64x
- Burning damages = total direct damages*0.04*4*(1+dur+edur)*(1+ED+D+AD)*LD*MAD*MED = 171.03x
So that's 297.65x damages per projectile, which is 990% of the value of the projectile without the ring combo!

With this, I'm wondering if chaos manipulation is more powerful than increase duration. I'll try to calculate if I have enough time.
Last edited by Dreamtly#0417 on Aug 9, 2016, 7:22:01 AM
So how the heck do you calculate DPS with this build? I'm currently level 76, and when I was dishing out damage to a group, my DPS (in character screen) was reading either ~595 or ~800ish, which absolutely can't be right. I've got my passives all correct, a 6L chest, and an amazing wand. My gems aren't totally level or cut yet, but they're quite high (~17-18). I don't seem to be having trouble in maps (currently clearing tier 7's). I just can't figure out how to accurately calculate my DPS...

EDIT: Here's a screenshot of my wand + inventory because I'm an absolute noob who can't figure out how to link items or share my inventory publicly. Ignore the flasks. I'm a klutz in the lab ;)

Last edited by magicstop#3354 on Aug 11, 2016, 2:19:45 AM
I think you are looking at the wrong place, maybe it is your wand attack dps, not your firestorm dps. Anyway, it's hard to know what is exactly the firestorm dps since it depends on how many projectiles you land on the target.

If you hover your firestorm spell in your skill bar, you will see the single projectile damages, which is more usefull. For more detailled stats, go into your character screen and click on the firestorm icon instead of the wand attack icon, it will change the offence page (there is one different offence page for each of your attack/spell).
Last edited by Dreamtly#0417 on Aug 12, 2016, 4:04:08 AM
Is infernal mantle and doryani's a good choice for this build ?
Last edited by gisabelle#2156 on Aug 13, 2016, 1:39:47 PM
Thanks for the advice, Dreamtly; I'll see if I can't figure out my DPS using that method.
gisabelle wrote:
Is infernal mantle and doryani's a good choice for this build ?

Infernal mantle isn't a very good idea in my opinion. You will have to drop anger, which will be a huge dps loss, even with the +1lvl fire gem (which give you +15-22 damage on firestorm) and the 35% increase fire damages. The crit is useless, the chaos conversion is too low to be efficient, except if you play consuming dark, and finally, you won't have any life/res roll and a bad ES roll on your chest armor...
Oh and just saw this :

Appels_Zijn_Gezond wrote:
The only bosses I could see taking blasphemy over HoT are Atziri(and even then curse reflect makes me wanna run none)and Daresso.

Blasphemy curses are not reflected
Can i play this Build in Atlas of World??
Of course you can. I expect nerfs to the elementist tree, but I doubt any of those will be major enough for the build to under perform - after all, it was already very solid before the elementist tree was buffed in the first place.

I'll keep everyone updated as soon as more information gets revealed about the coming update.
I am a nice guy.
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