Experimental Brazilian Gateway

50 average with 120 spikes if im critting hard with CoC build.
I was 200-250 average up to 999 while critting.

GGG, I <3 U.

Hardcore if finally viable :D
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service.
Got pretty poor Internet, only 2mb/1mb but can play with 200ping on Texas, now 250-300 with 500+ spikes on Sao Paulo

My pastebin: http://pastebin.com/vC1qpiAL
My latency in Brazil gateway is 149ms, same of whashington, i'm in brazil.

Hello my name is Eduardo.
I'm from Brazil.
Result of my test.


I'm waiting for the translation to Pt Brazil.

| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| - 0 | 327 | 327 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
|BrT-l10-ctme-pr-a1k-03.brasiltelecom.net.br - 1 | 319 | 317 | 19 | 24 | 91 | 21 |
|BrT-G10-1-0-ctame-core01.brasiltelecom.net.br - 1 | 320 | 318 | 20 | 25 | 43 | 21 |
| - 2 | 311 | 307 | 20 | 26 | 91 | 23 |
| - 1 | 319 | 317 | 19 | 27 | 167 | 21 |
| - 1 | 323 | 322 | 20 | 23 | 85 | 21 |
| ae1-130G.ar4.GRU1.gblx.net - 0 | 327 | 327 | 25 | 31 | 101 | 27 |
|softlayer-brazil.xe-7-2-2.ar4.gru1.gblx.net - 1 | 323 | 322 | 138 | 148 | 213 | 138 |
| ae6.dar01.sao01.networklayer.com - 2 | 311 | 307 | 138 | 145 | 218 | 141 |
| po1.fcr01a.sao01.networklayer.com - 1 | 316 | 313 | 138 | 145 | 215 | 149 |
| - 0 | 327 | 327 | 139 | 145 | 215 | 142 |
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
I am from Belo Horizonte (Brazil, between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo).

Average ping went from 150 (Wash US) to 70.

cool guys... great job.

Just fix the economy and I will play this for a long time ;)
Hey there, thanks for the gateway.
Unfortunatly it doesn't seem to be working that great to me =/

Went from 150 US Washington to hu... 150 SP BR XD
I'm from Porto Alegre, RS, southernmost state in Brazil.
In other games hosted at SP I usually get ~50, so there's that.


Thanks for the gateway again, keep working at it.
Cheers. ^^

I am from Porto Alegre - Brazil.
Got 30 to 50 ms.
My ISP is GVT, download speed 5mb.

It is working perfectly for me, thank you GGG!
Heya ur goddamn wonderful fellas
Ping stabilized on 33~35
Playing from Santa Catarina - Brazil
this is a HUGE improvement, you have my deepest gratitude GGG!
Lockstep mode ON MOTAFORKS!
Last edited by Pietroleite#7829 on Sep 11, 2015, 5:35:13 AM
In the first day of the release I had 30-50ms ping...
But now I'm having 150-170ms (Same as the US gateways)
I'm in Porto Alegre (Brazil) and using ISP Virtua 15mb!

Last edited by lucasmk#5474 on Sep 11, 2015, 10:04:01 AM

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