Share your Feedback on an Upcoming One-month Event!

Event Type:
- Warbands + Tempest - Hybrid League

Player Goals and Prizes:
- Reaching a specific level threshold for a random draw
- Challenges to complete for a specific MTX

Why no flashback event instead?

We already had a flashback event this year (a few month ago). People exactly know what to do now in 80% of the time - thats boring if you ask me.
Hardcore players will avoid scary days completly and stop playing. Flashback league is something for a 1 weel race event in my opinion because it is too "RIP'y"/"oneshoty" - a whole month would be too much.

Why not make an additional one week flashback event later this year with all mods enabled every time :)?
This would be highly competitve.

Exiles everywhere or a more fun version of warbands with every instance full of them way more than currently.
If none of those then I vote flashback
Undead_skank stan
The__Ghost amb
I would love a Warband + Tempest league for 1m race

Flashback is pretty overdone imo

I think both level threshold for prizes and challenges for mtx would be the way to go might as well include both
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 business a-blazing but no more t-shirts
Definitely a Warbands/Tempest league.

As for prizes - how about a unique only available in the one month? (and please no vendor trash - something that people actually have an incentive to strive for)
The flashback league was really, really awesome; add in tempest and warbands mods and you've got the best of both worlds in such a league.

As for prizes, unique MTXs like the blue/red seraphs were great. They were desirable, yet achievable. I'm sad to this day that I didn't have the time to engage in the last flashback enough to get the prizes.

Some elite prizes for elite players is a great idea as well. I'll never be able to compete at that level because of time constraints, but it's fun to watch people push the limits in a really hard league because they're greedy for prizes :D

Helman's RIP vs merciless Malachai at the start of Tempest is a good example of a really funny event which the whole community could enjoy, whether they competed at that level or not.
Why not combine the two. Have Tempest paired up with Invasion for instance.
Yes i want a Hybrid Tempest/warbands league
hc and sc reward is the same armour MTX?
Last time there were 2 armour sets --> blue(sc)+red(hc)
What about golden + silver :P

I wouldn't start a new league if there is no real price. I prefer to stay in hc. Only exception is if you make special MTX rewards. Then I´ll try to reach the goals and I immediately stop after getting it.
As a reward for completing challenges or leveling to a certain casually obtainable level I liked the idea that someone in a previous post had -

A unique Portal skin just for this league. I feel that GGG should make the casual reward standard for the different event leagues offered so people can "collect" them. A Blood portal would be an awesome reward and not effect purchases from the cash shop now or in the future. Future events could have a different themed portal on offer.

I stick to my previous post that the Golden skin should be offered in the cash shop.
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—Leo Buscaglia

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My beloved pets....
I personaly loved the 1 month event that was about challenge threashholds. and then getting a piece of the special armour set.
really made me push and im sure the hardcore side of that race got a 1000% more players trying to get their red armor set.

working towards a some cool prizes and seeing the progress right away is very motivating.

I think hideout effects or a special flag "like journey man set armor flag" could be a cool prize for a race. Cus then it shows what event you did well in. and it can be worn with other armor which players might have purchaced.

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