MoreRain: Life&ES CoC Discharge [2.2]
1) Why did you take "Malediction" instead of "Vile Bastion"?
2) What would you recommend me to do if i have Voll's with +1 curse? 3) What would you choose right now? I mean, do you prefer "Elemental Equlibrium" more then templar inquisitor? Do you have any plans about fully reconstruct your build? I am asking this only because of: 1) 10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike Useless stat cuz of Voll's Protector. 2) Enemies can have 1 additional Curse As i see there is only 2 curses right now? With +1 curse voll's this is useless as well. 3) When you Kill an Enemy, for each Curse on that Enemy, gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage for 4 seconds This stat will not work on boses, right? Is it worth take only for regular enemies? So it looks like i get only: +1 to Maximum Power Charges +24% Energy Shield +20% Critical Strike Chance With Templar Inquisitor i will get: Critical Strikes ignore Enemy Elemental Resistances Nearby Enemies take 10% increased Elemental Damage +30% Elemental Damage +20% Critical Strike Multiplayer +100% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are affected by no Elemental Status Ailments +45% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are affected by Elemental Status Ailments |
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So decided to give this a try and created a shadow. Could anyone provide me a skill tree for that? Otherwise i might screw it up too much :'D
Planning to go trickster btw. (no voll's devo atm though) |
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" First of all I made this as a witch in 2.0. Right now I believe scion is the #1 class for it. With a +1 volls you can cwdt more curses. Enfeeble, Temp chains, Warlord's mark, Elemental Weakness. Lot's of options. You can even blasphemy some of them or get gloves with curse on hit. Elemental Equilibrium + Elemental Weakness is better than inquisitor, and you don't have to spend an entire ascendancy class to get it. Scion Berserker/Pathfinder basically solves any issues we had. The leech lets you use inc AoE to improve clearspeed and the flask charges gained let you drop the magnate for a better belt. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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Since it's the first time I'm playing this build, was wondering if going to nightstalker is really necessary. According to gamepedia for diamond flasks:
Lucky Crit Chance = 2*(Original Crit Chance) - (Original Crit Chance)^2 Solving this equation, 77.64% is the base critical chance to be "capped" while using diamond flask. Considering now that with 7 pcs + inc critical strikes gem + global critical strike chance from passive points + maligaro's + diamond rings it's viable to reach this value, could the dagger nodes be dropped? Or I'm missing something else? |
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It seems like the new hotness is going for CI. Thoughts on that?
Also trickster opens up the ability to use Voidbringers which seems very powerful, especially with +1 Voids for aura insanity. I'm currently playing this as Scion on Perandus (Berserker/Pathfinder, was Berserker/Assassin to help hit crit cap, then switched, which is really helpful for the build) and liking it a lot. Got really lucky on gear and stuff, but it was feeling really strong even when I was just using a 4l Voll's and a blue vagan dagger. Crazy how this build starts strong and still somehow gets even stronger. |
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" You could drop them, but I don't think you can get anything significantly better for 4pts. And having 90% cyclone crit chance doesn't make a diamond flask less useful. It reduces your variance further and it still helps with spell crit. " So CI started because Etup wanted to try it in HC, and bakedchiken did it in SC because he couldn't afford chaos res gear (or there simply wasn't any available in week 1). From there people saw popular mostly HC streamers playing it and hoped on. As far as I can tell people choose CI because they want easy itemization, they want to prioritize defense over damage, and they don't want to worry about chaos damage. For example you see HC players who get 11k ES with this spec. And hybrid is more efficient at stacking total HP than CI (given that we're using Voll's Protector), so if I only ended up with 9k combined HP+ES, the additional 2k they're getting is all coming from giving up damage on gear and tree. IMO that's not a good tradeoff for SC, but it probably makes sense for HC. Voidbringers are neat, but mainly because they have ES and spell crit. I think that's the first legitimate argument I've heard for trickster. So then it becomes basically +450 ES, 150% spell crit vs 1.5% leech, 10% more dmg, 5% inc dmg taken, 50% inc flask charges gained. I think the 150% spell crit and 10% more damage more or less cancel out (more dmg probably wins). So then you basically have 472 ES vs 1.5 leech and 50% inc flask charges gained. So yeah for HC you probably want to take the extra ES and make yourself that extra bit safer against 1shots. For SC I'll take the leech so I can put in a extra support gem, and the flask charges so I can stay relatively safe when my flasks are up. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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Like I said, I got lucky with chaos res gear early.
This is what I'm using right now. A handful of chaos res jewels puts me at 79/75/79/68 res. Using +1 FBs with a level 2 enlighten to fit all my auras in. Was using Assassin's Mark with Blasphemy and Reduced Reservation nodes, but I don't miss the crit all that much (changes to Increased Crits makes hitting very high crit values easier). Ideally I wouldn't mind getting dual curse, but I can't really find the points to cut to get there, and just Warlord's Mark is enough for me. Pathfinder+20% Charges on Belt helps a ton with non-Legacy Flasks Even with Berserker, I still find myself wanting more leech. I think that when I get a 6l I'll probably use a LL gem over anything else. Getting a LL gem in the mix with Berserker leech and Warlord's Mark also should be enough to make me reflect-immune. Needs further testing. I also need to test Ice Nova vs Blade Vortex. Nova's damage is excellent, and I haven't felt all that charge-starved, but I haven't tested with BV to feel the difference. I notice you were using BV in the 72 Uber kill video, but had been swearing by Nova before. Were the flask nerfs enough to push it over the edge? Did Pathfinder bring it back? I'd be interested in your feedback. Also I'm really loving a Surgeon's Silver Flask of Adrenaline as a damage flask. I was using a Diamond before but I don't like my inability to refill it. That said I have died a few times to running into a pack, hitting no crits for 2 seconds, and exploding (although I wasn't using EC which I should pick up). Still not sure where I stand on flasks. On the topic of flasks, did the nerf to flasks kill our ability to run RF? Is it only usable with ROTP? It seems really iffy now. Sorry for the wall of text and I'm sure I forgot stuff, but I appreciate all the work you've put into this build. It's easily been the most fun character I've played. |
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Hi, I wanted to try your build. You say that should only be tried as a second build, but the one you link as first build got discontinued. I'm relatively new to the game, so I'm a little bit disoriented, could you link something else or give me some advice? Thank you.
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" So yeah the main reason I used BV was to refill non-legacy flasks at uber. I still think you need to use it for that purpose (not just uber but boss fights in general). Before settling on life leech you just need to evaluate whether a 6L can increase your damage to the point where 1.5% leech + WM is enough. It should be. Also if you put in a 3rd spell you can get even more flask charges. Silver flask is nice, but I think the buffed diamond is just too good to give up. I mean you get like 12 seconds out of it before you have to refill. Should be enough for most bosses. And as you can a diamond double dips whereas a silver only affects our atk speed. That said it wouldn't surprise me if a silver flask allows you to clear easy maps faster when soloing because it enables faster WB. Yeah I think the change to flasks makes RF unsustainable. Now we only get 95 res instead of 100. So you would have to carry a dousing flask to stop RF as soon as atziri starts going into split and then turn it back on just before the clones appear (this probably isn't enough time for your ES recharge anyways). You could also play around with div dist and keeping it up by cycloning in the air while you wait for the clones to appear. That said both solutions have a lot of room for error, so probably it's best to just forget about RF and rely on BV + Diamond flask to provide the single target damage we desire. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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This build is mentally sick.
Gear: Tree:
Dunno how, 2 shooted T12 Shipyard Twin Bosses, using RF. i went like wtf just happend. anyway, gear is shit i know, lf tips from op what to fix first etc. gl hf. [First day with this build] pto. Last edited by ptoop84#5715 on Apr 1, 2016, 2:27:15 PM
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