[2.1] petit's Witch Summoner Support / Carry IN-DEPTH STYGIAN REVENANTS Quad+ CURSE

dulahan200 wrote:
Hi Petit!

What's your guess on a low life approach instead of a curse one? I have a GG shav with colours 2r 2b 2g, do you think it can be saved?

You don't benefit much from Low Life so there's really no point in using Shavronne's Wrappings. However if you don't wanna bother with Chaos resist on your gear pieces, sure go ahead and use it. You could probably end up with like 3 or 4 aura curse + 1 self-cast which will make runs a lot easier and require less clicking.

Just remember that 300 ES more from a Rare Chest will easily give you a 2k ES boost.

There's Wondertrap boots if you want 100% Increased Rarity, but then you lose a Spectre.
Lori's Lantern ring for the Unlucky roll thing on low life.

InsaneX3 wrote:
Hey, it would be awesome if you could do a section where you show us where to spent the passive points (ex. 1-20, 20-40, 40-60 etc.)

Also why aren't you using Skeletons?

And do you use raise zombies only after you get the revenants as spectre?

There's a picture link with the priorities written above it.
The order depends on what you have or want.
Say you can't run curses yet or don't have the gem. Skip the curse nodes for now and grab something else.

You have enough meatshields already. Skeletons aren't really tanky or strong. Self-casting it or using it with a totem is not necessary at all and the build runs out of gem slot pretty quickly.
That might change if the Skeleton threshold jewel is good.

You can start using Zombies after you kill hillock I believe. They might not be that tanky yet, but they can take and give punch pretty good. It should be even better with new AoE attack and Minions getting buffed in the early-game.

Last edited by PetitCaca on Dec 10, 2015, 11:16:22 AM
Can summoners do all content solo (even grandmaster\uber)?
foojin wrote:
Can summoners do all content solo (even grandmaster\uber)?

Grandmaster, I highly doubt it lol.

Uber, possibly. I have an idea of things you can do, but things like Minions moving on their own can make it very hard to keep them alive. During my normal run, stuff just ran into Atziri's storm calls and flameblast and I had to resummon a few times. There are better builds out there if you really wanna specificly farm Atziri.

Everything else is good enough.
Last edited by PetitCaca on Dec 10, 2015, 11:48:35 AM
PetitCaca wrote:
dulahan200 wrote:
Hi Petit!

What's your guess on a low life approach instead of a curse one? I have a GG shav with colours 2r 2b 2g, do you think it can be saved?

You don't benefit much from Low Life so there's really no point in using Shavronne's Wrappings. However if you don't wanna bother with Chaos resist on your gear pieces, sure go ahead and use it. You could probably end up with like 3 or 4 aura curse + 1 self-cast which will make runs a lot easier and require less clicking.

Just remember that 300 ES more from a Rare Chest will easily give you a 2k ES boost.

I actually was thinking on using my whole culler gear for the summoner. I have 12.5k ES with it, getting all minion nodes is about 30 pts, so I think I would end up with around 9k ES, which should be fine. But I dunno how the build fares without curses.

Actually I asked a couple of questions in a thread I created, might as well ask you here :D

My main build is a culler build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/943897. It is really strong, but I'm wondering about changing to something else. Here are my questions.

1- How good are spectres for culling? My flame totem will cast 8 times per second in 2.1 How does the attack speed of the ranged spectres compare to that? One friend from my group has already said no to revenants, so I think I'm only left with tentacle miscreations.

2-How well non-map version of spectres works while doing 77-81 maps? One of the reasons I stopped playing summoner (about 2 years ago) is that it was annoying to look for high level version of spectres, just to experience a dc shortly after :/

3- How well they survive without any minion life passives or jewels, but a full aura spec for them? This is a bit related with the other 2 questions, as I would like to know if I could use same tree than culler.

4- Zombies. Will they become anything more than meatshields after buffs? I'm using MF gear, so forget about +2 helms.
Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230
Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757
Last edited by dulahan200 on Dec 10, 2015, 11:20:10 PM
dulahan200 wrote:
PetitCaca wrote:
dulahan200 wrote:
Hi Petit!

What's your guess on a low life approach instead of a curse one? I have a GG shav with colours 2r 2b 2g, do you think it can be saved?

You don't benefit much from Low Life so there's really no point in using Shavronne's Wrappings. However if you don't wanna bother with Chaos resist on your gear pieces, sure go ahead and use it. You could probably end up with like 3 or 4 aura curse + 1 self-cast which will make runs a lot easier and require less clicking.

Just remember that 300 ES more from a Rare Chest will easily give you a 2k ES boost.

I actually was thinking on using my whole culler gear for the summoner. I have 12.5k ES with it, getting all minion nodes is about 30 pts, so I think I would end up with around 9k ES, which should be fine. But I dunno how the build fares without curses.


Actually I asked a couple of questions in a thread I created, might as well ask you here :D

My main build is a culler build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/943897. It is really strong, but I'm wondering about changing to something else. Here are my questions.

1- How good are spectres for culling? My flame totem will cast 8 times per second in 2.1 How does the attack speed of the ranged spectres compare to that? One friend from my group has already said no to revenants, so I think I'm only left with tentacle miscreations.

2-How well non-map version of spectres works while doing 77-81 maps? One of the reasons I stopped playing summoner (about 2 years ago) is that it was annoying to look for high level version of spectres, just to experience a dc shortly after :/

3- How well they survive without any minion life passives or jewels, but a full aura spec for them? This is a bit related with the other 2 questions, as I would like to know if I could use same tree than culler.

4- Zombies. Will they become anything more than meatshields after buffs? I'm using MF gear, so forget about +2 helms.

With curse effectiveness:
(not the exact numbers)

Enfeeble -50% monster damage (-accuracy, crit chance etc..)
Temporal Chains -60% monster speed (attack, cast and movement)
Minus Resist curse -70% resist (double that if more curses) *status ailment if single resist curse

That is what you lose from the curses I recommend

1. I don't think any summons should be used for culling. It's way more reliable to do it yourself or have something like Flame totem. Maybe the Voidbearers, incinerate dogs can do that with gmp and stuff, never tested.

2. With the current gems, I start to notice the small drop in clearspeed at Lvl 81 maps, Tier 14. Might change with the new %more Spell dmg gem that I could use with a Non-chain Revs setup. If you get your hands on like lvl 75 revs, gg.

3. I think I get around 70% minion life from tree and one jewel gives 10% ish. Revenants are way tankier than zombies linked with minion life. From my experience, your summons either die or don't. They will rarely ALL die though.

4. I think you lose around 30% Zombie life without +2. But you can always resummon zombies if you have the mana pool for it.

I am gonna play with a friend for most of my online time in next season.

How does this build pair up with an Arc witch, in your opinion?
cloudscraper wrote:
I am gonna play with a friend for most of my online time in next season.

How does this build pair up with an Arc witch, in your opinion?

So you will have Wrath with generosity + aura effectiveness and potentially Two curses with ele eq

You just gave your friend 3 times more dmg


Either your summons or his arc is gonna clean up strays in packs. Pretty good.
PetitCaca wrote:
cloudscraper wrote:
I am gonna play with a friend for most of my online time in next season.

How does this build pair up with an Arc witch, in your opinion?

So you will have Wrath with generosity + aura effectiveness and potentially Two curses with ele eq

You just gave your friend 3 times more dmg


Either your summons or his arc is gonna clean up strays in packs. Pretty good.

Thanks :D

And how does this build work with Scion?

There should not be too many nodes of difference, right?
cloudscraper wrote:
PetitCaca wrote:
cloudscraper wrote:
I am gonna play with a friend for most of my online time in next season.

How does this build pair up with an Arc witch, in your opinion?

So you will have Wrath with generosity + aura effectiveness and potentially Two curses with ele eq

You just gave your friend 3 times more dmg


Either your summons or his arc is gonna clean up strays in packs. Pretty good.

Thanks :D

And how does this build work with Scion?

There should not be too many nodes of difference, right?

If you watch poe streams and stuff, you'll hear people saying " Scion jewel op "

It's true if you don't need Witch's starting spelldmg/castspeed or ES so you use those starting points to take 1-3 jewels. For builds like SRS, where your main source of damage from the tree is Minion Damage, jewels are very valuable. You get access to around the same numbers of jewel with this build.

I'm not a fan of Pure life builds with the Eldritch Battery / Arctic Armour changes. Currently, my build mostly gets the ES from Chest, helmet and gloves. It's much more easier to grab my +curse unique items and will still have as much EHP than a life build with less points spent.

tl;dr --> You're not using ES and would take Jewels instead? Go scion
I started Witch in the end, i like ES

How would you tentatively put points for leveling? even just one or two "steps" will be good enough

I read the paragraph about skills,but very undecided about points alloc for leveling

lvl 10 now, just started

EDIT: just noticed the leveling guide
Last edited by cloudscraper on Dec 13, 2015, 4:05:10 AM

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