Linked Steam Account Characters Deleted

Its the next day and weekend has arrived.

I wanted to participate in the Stash Tab Sale, but now it seems i am doomed. :(

Frustration level is very high and i am degenerating my hype slowly. Thats really sad. :(

That should never be able to happen - there have to be mechanisms that stop ppl from doing those account-links. :/

a frustrated customer.
I just did the exact same thing... Any help, please? >.>
Hello there, I have linked my steam account last night too and all my characters are gone, can I please get my characters restored as well, appreciate it!
Lol I just did this last night is this able to happen since it is such a common do I get the ball rolling on getting my characters back?
hello the same happen to me. Could i get back my characters from befere I linked my steam acc? :(
Karizmalovesriot wrote:
I just did the exact same thing... Any help, please? >.>

gazzzj wrote:
Hello there, I have linked my steam account last night too and all my characters are gone, can I please get my characters restored as well, appreciate it!

GreasyGinzo69 wrote:
Lol I just did this last night is this able to happen since it is such a common do I get the ball rolling on getting my characters back?

jacoz wrote:
hello the same happen to me. Could i get back my characters from befere I linked my steam acc? :(

You will need to send an e-mail to about this.

When doing so, make sure to mention;
  • Your Path of Exile account name.
  • 2-3 of your character names.

No need to tell them your Steam account name. Never tell anyone your password.
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.
happened to me today too but still waiting for an answer.

prrrretty pls help
I did the same thing. Didn't pay close enough attention to what the warning was actually saying :( Could I possibly get this fixed as well so I can get my character back and play this super awesome new expansion? :):):)
See above: email Support (
I did email them. I'm just impatiently waiting for a reply :( I just wanna play me some PoE

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