Dragon Claws - Molten Strike Dual-wield Claw Crit Evasion Build (beginner-friendly)
" Yes. Updated guide with posting my stat screenshots. IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power |
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" Wow your quite squishy, i thought you were more tsnky than that, you only have 27% evasison? This isnt rly a evasion build than? SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
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" Build itself has +170% %increased evasion rating total. With that, i think, it deserves to called an "Evasion" build. Sure, this isnt really high value (other builds can get far more) but it will give you decent evasion chance with proper items, especially if you choose to usea chest with high evasion, not Belly or LC. I'm squishy because my gear is cheap/crap :), and i'm well aware of it. My build/guide is for "average Joe" player, who doesnt have Exalted stacks in his stash. I feel comfortable even with that gear, and want to see how far it's able to take me (ATM running 73-74 maps easily, building higher map pool). I plan to buy Hyrri's Ire chest soon, and upgade other gear pieces accordingly (for example, i lack accuracy on my gear and i plan to fix it as well). Just give me some time, i also started from scratch and i cant rush PoE 24/7. If you got tons of currency, there are builds who clear maps far faster. I also think my build is viable in Hardcore, because i invested into HP heavily (up to +230% increased maximum life at 93 level). I cant be sure about that, because i dont play Hardcore myself. IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Jul 29, 2015, 10:15:14 AM
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Updated several sections.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power |
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Great guide, having lots of fun with it.
I am brand new to the game so forgive me if I am being noob. Modifying your build a bit, thinking about going Iron Grip and then Blood Magic, and life leech. But going swords. Still lots of evasion. Still frenzy. Still crit. This way I do not need int at all (zero mana, claws need int), go straight dext and a bit of strength. Dext for high accuracy so won't miss, life leech + evasion to stay alive, and tons of damage still from the molten balls of fire - lol. What do you think? Missing attack speed but I feel like that is covered with faster attacks and/or multistrike gems. Please point out anything I am missing as I'm only lvl 40 so probably missing a lot of the end game bigger picture. http://cb.poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwQAAAYAXgOHBLEFLQW1BiAILgzyDY0OPBHVFHEUdRXsFfYYkRmOGlUbqhutI9Mj9iT9JbwqCzBxMHwyfjboOJY6QjpSPs9DMUSeR35LeExgTP9Nkk4qUUdTu1WFV1RXl1h1Whpbr1z5XkVgQWEhYVJieWKsYxdjcGRaZU1sjG1sbydwUnDVdKB07XXLd9d9dYTZhO-GYIjtidOKs4rwjX2Nv5Lzk6iVZppqo4qkwqXLpn-p-rCrtMW1SLcXuR28n702vea-p7_VwQfC7MMzxILTftQj137awdtP3ajfv-DD4e_nVOpi7UHtg-4O73rz6vrr_MX-uv_e Last edited by laohu586#2249 on Aug 5, 2015, 10:09:47 PM
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My reasons for using claws are following:
1. Mana gained per hit. This allows you to forget about mana leech or other ways of sustaining your attack. Blood Magic is nice, but you actually lose 1 aura and 1 herald with it. And those are not just DPS booster in my build, Hatred also freezes foes and enables Life Leech from Dyadian Dawn, and Herald of Thunder automatically curses enemies with Assasin's Mark, giving you power charges and extra DPS. You can use Arctic Armour instead of one of those too, for extra toughness. 2. Life gained per hit. One of the strongest sides of my build is HP "recovery speed" in combat - you may regain HP from 20% to 100% in less than a second. That's because of Life gained per hit. Dual claws give you 45-48 life gained per hit, almost the same as 20/20 "life gained on hit" gem (gives 51). So, with claws you essentially save TWO gem slots (Blood Magic AND life gain on hit). What are the reasons for using other weapon types there??? I cant see any, sorry. And again, that tree with +148% life at 100 level... No way! My tree has 230% life at 93 level, and that's a VERY important advantage of my build, that makes it better than all other "so-called builds", that is fact are just squishy glasscannons, who can be oneshotted even by white Collonade map's boss... In PoE, one should prioritize defence, and that's TWICE as true for melee build. You will have enough DPS with my build anyway, i guarantee that. IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Aug 6, 2015, 12:58:56 AM
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Get some videos up already I want to see it in action.
I'm guessing your life shoots up to full when hitting enemies too, what about dropping some evasion nodes and getting belly of the beast? You'd get hit more but essentially have a higher life pool. |
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" Sorry, i cant post videos, my PC cant bear that. Even in "normal" combat i have 10-15 FPS. If someone else, who follows the build, could post some videos, i will be pleased. About chest... Running a lot of maps with various rolls, i found that the main issue is oneshots (or highly-bursted damage), when you cant react to it and regain your HP with flasks or attacks. Sure Belly if one of obvious choices, that helps there. However, my build gets high %increased life from tree, so I cant call Belly mandatory. It's still a great chest, though. If you manage to get high evasion from your helm and gloves (like i did), then it's a good choice. Another great options are Daresso's Defiance and Lightning Coil. Both provide decent protection against physical damage, isnt reliant upon armour. Lightning Coil is BiS against physical damage, obviously, but does nothing against elemental damage, that also can have deadly bursts (or even oneshots). I decided to get Hyrri's Ire because i wanted to TRY it. And i can say, it isnt the best choice considering the cost - avoidance with it is great, but mitigation isnt, also i was pretty lucky to roll 4 off-colous on it without much expenses, but you may be dissapointed with the number of chromatics you may waste on it. IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Aug 6, 2015, 4:30:00 AM
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Thanks for your reply. Was good build before, made even more sense after you went into more detail.
Realized with some more reading that life leech is capped kinda in terms of recovery rate, whereas life on hit is not. But I could be wrong here. Also, it seems like defense is important, just got to cruel and realize how important it is. |
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" Yes, that's why i decided to make "life gain on hit"-based build. It is not capped, so you can regain HP very quickly. You can make Life leech not capped too, by picking Vaal Pact keystone. But you will lose all life regeneration, and it's very useful too. And you need to get very high amount of %life leech and very high DPS to make Vaal Pact effective. And that means expensive gear, that "average Joe" player cant afford. My build and guide was intended for "average Joe" - a common player, who cant afford rare and expensive items worth 20, 50, or even more exalteds per piece. Defence IS important. It's a №1 rule in PoE - prioritize defence. Every build, that doesnt follow that rule, fails. IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power |
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