[2.0] Tanky Shockwave totems.
Ey there, been playing totems for a while and i have been thinking about sharing the build.
It's a very tanky version of shockwave totems. WIP, i am still figuring out some gems and what is best, may still change. Will update as i get improvements for my gear. Pros
Tanky. EB + MoM + AA + Ligthning coil + Shield. Very Cheap. Not many items required, just the lightning coil and a rathpith globe. Good dps. Can clear any map mod. i mean ANY. Great for starting new leagues!. Very fun, it's not a braindead build with 1 button smashing. Can do all content, including atziri and uber, if u have the right gear of course. Shock + Freeze + Ignite. Can be played in hardcore. Cons
Reflect may be painful cuz your totems die quite fast, but is still doable. Play style.
You drop totems, use enduring cry for keeping endurance charges up and restoring ES. Use incinerate for keeping power charges up. Curse whenever you need to, usually map bosses. Trah die very fast even with my gear. Righteous fire for extra dps for a few seconds, use slow life flask and ruby for maintaining it a few seconds, use the "remove burning" flask to deactivate it. Gear
Required gear: Lightning coil, rathpith globe and romira's. The rest is just rare items. You want to get ES on at least 2 items, your helm and at least boots or gloves. All 3 would be great!. You need to cap your resistances, is a little bit hard because of the lightning coil. Aim for spell damage and crit on your main hand weapon. Elemental damage is bad compared to spell damage, it wont amplify the Physical damage part of the totem. The new added elemental damage to spell mods seem pretty good too. Jewels: Ideally you want life and spell damage/crit. Gem links (UPDATED)
Main skill: Shockwave totem - faster casting - Added fire - Physical to lightning - AOE/Conc effect - Empower/Iron will Iron will is better than empower until you have a high level one. Swap AOE with Conc effect for hard map bosses. Auras: Arctic armour - Hatred - Herald of ash Golem + RF: Chaos golem - Empower - Righteous fire PowerCharge Setup: Incinerate - GPM - Faster projectiles - Faster casting. Alternative: Ice spear - GMP - PCoc - Faster casting. I really like romira's banquet with incinerate, but if u dont have it, or prefer ice spear setup thats okey too. Movement: i am trying some options here, using a flask and Flame dash at moment. Can use lightning warp or maybe phase run if i manage to get more dex. Inmortal call - Increased duration - Cast when damage taken. Inmortal call setup is for extra physical damage reduction, it gives up to 3 seconds inmunity, if you have the 3 endurance charges up. UPDATE: Added vaal discipline for extra ES sustain in very hard map bosses. Bandits
Passive, passive, Alira. The reason i didn't pick oak in cruel is because the build uses many passive points. If i get past level 93, i will pick it up with the recipe. Tree Progression
31 Passives http://tinyurl.com/qgc35kf 52 Passives http://tinyurl.com/p35adzn 67 Passives http://tinyurl.com/pmfqsrz Sovereignity. With this cluster you can use Hatred, Herald of Ash and Discipline. This will give you a good ES pool while leveling or untill you get good ES gear. Once your ES is okey without discipline, just remove the cluster and use AA. 94 Passives http://tinyurl.com/pfwt42m Current lvl 90, 112 points, grabb all the crit and charges http://tinyurl.com/opz77b5 Lvl 94 http://tinyurl.com/pwq8rlm Screenshots
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How to lvl guide
Grab flame totem as soon as you can (Lvl 4 in the "breaking some eggs" quest) Grab another skill like magma orbs for example or freezing pulse. If u manage to get a LMP u can link flame totem - lmp - (the other skill). You can use the +1 Sceptre recipe for flame totem, it doenst work with shockwave totem tho. Rush the talent Ancestral Bond (2 totems) and grab all life u get in your way. At Act 3 normal, after you complete the quest http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sever_the_Right_Hand you can buy shockwave totem from Clarissa. You can start using them now, or you can continue using flame totems, is up to you. For a 2L use: Shockwave totems+ increased AoE. 3L : Added ligthning 4L : Faster casting/Added Fire (use whatever fits into your socket colours). 5L : Added Fire/Faster casting 6L : Iron will or if u have empower lvl 3/4. Of course you should allways prioritize RES and Life in your gear. Follow the tree progresion i detailed in the "passive tree" section. A good tip for leveling is, after you have the templar and witch passives, you pick up ZO,EB,MoM. In order to sustain MoM and use ur spells, u will need ES. An easy way to do this is grabbing Soverignty in the templar tree. This will allow you to use Hatred, Herald of Ash and Discipline. Discipline will be your ES pool early on, a little ES from your gear would be great too at this point. You need enduring cry to use like a "mana potion". Your passive tree should look like this: http://tinyurl.com/pmfqsrz If you have a good jewel, then invest on them, if not just skip them until u have. Always play safe, even if u are tanky, identify all strongboxes, try to be at least 65% to all resistances and try to have +life in all your gear. That's all i could think off, if you have any questions just ask them in the thread. Thanks for reading!! My ign is TeressaLisbon atm if you have any question, or you can just ask in this thread. Last edited by Delihorda#4574 on Aug 14, 2015, 7:10:02 PM
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Looks great bro!
How are the shockwave totem now in 2.0? any difference? |
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i would say better than before! more damage for sure. i like the sinergy with the new EB too.
Last edited by Delihorda#4574 on Jul 16, 2015, 7:41:47 AM
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The build looks interesting, just get them videos rolling! =)
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i made one and totally failed, cuz i was on my brother computer, i will try to get a good video as soon as i get a high map
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Added vaal discipline for more ES sustain. Is good for when you are fighting hard map bosses like crematorium or in maps with less ES reg. Had to move gems a little to be able to link it with increased duration.
Found a 78 map so i will be doing a video with it so you can see the build in action!. |
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Can you add a how to lvl guide? like what spells ect :) love the build. What about using Carcass Jack over lighting coil?
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Added a leveling section, not much, just some tips.
Carcass jack is ok, gives you a little bit more AoE, the same life, and 200 ES which is pretty cool. Also an easy day when capping resistances. But for me, the lightning coil is just too good. The sinergy with MoM, granite flask, endurance charges, and AA is what make this build tanky :D. Last edited by Delihorda#4574 on Jul 18, 2015, 9:08:15 AM
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Video Added!!!
Almost rip in that video hehe, DONT TRY TO OPEN ROGUE STRONBOXES AT HOME. Also, its a curse inmune map, but i keep using curse, i didnt realise that until i finished the map. Anyways it will give you a good idea of the gameplay and how the build works. I tryed to record it with the best quality i could and thats why sometimes it freezes, but its ok overall. |
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I'm running a variation of this build and it's pretty cool. Some suggestions:
- One thing I would suggest is to remove faster casting from incinerate and replace it with blood magic. Even without faster casting you still get instant power charges with Romira and casting incinerate worn't interfere with ES recharge (which can be a big issue if you are taking heavy damage). - Leveling progression. It doesn't make sense to take MoM too early when you don't have much ES. It's more dangerous not being able to cast totems than the little extra damage mitigation MoM gives you will little ES. A lot of times you can get in sketchy situations where you take damage and you can't cast totems because MoM eats your ES. - For 6 link, increased critical damage gem might work better than physical to lighting. Especially when clearing maps. This build already has tons of crit chance (and charges) and when you place totems they get even more crit chance for a few seconds. So yea, might work better for faster map clears. |
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