What is your opinion about new globes?
- > making super sexy globes
- > replacing them in a new expansion, with ugly boring bullnyerk skulls. - > selling old ones for MTX ??? profit. please, make it happen! Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.
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A Skull represents death, which you are trying to avoid by having more life.
A Lion represents power and confidence, things you have when you have mana with which you can perform actions. The symbolism, while subjective in its strength, is much simpler and easier to understand than it was before. Also, as an earlier post states, this UI change is representative of the changes in a story of PoE. Where the first 3 acts are about liberation by killing the embodiment of the forces that controlled you in the past, this new act is perhaps about the difference between reality and dreams, right and wrong; More of a fight for survival against the universe, than against a single man. Last edited by Lavablade#2117 on Jul 1, 2015, 5:03:58 PM
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" Which is ridiculous like it's fucking 2015 and people still get offended over the dumbest shit I've seen. Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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" Oh, I think you got it wrong, Its more like its only 2015 and its going to get worse. This is one of the things that I bet wont be tackled until it has done so much damage that it becomes irreversible. I do agree that however its the best to try to avoid bad publicity, but really give us the old one as an option. this is the kind of people who cost a nobel prize winner his job over a joke (Tim Hunt), and made a CEO of a company resign just because their company name was similar to their scapegoat (gamersgate). At this point I would not be that surprised if we eventually came to a second dark age. Maybe not immediately, but I can definitely see that possibility down the line. Oblivious Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Jul 1, 2015, 5:18:12 PM
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If this change is just because the Devs think it look better, I find the new globe pretty un-inspired . Why not a Roah? why not totems and tribal statues? A Skull and a lion look like a classical D&D illustrations, but since we already have angels wings... about the feminazi debate:
I am sure most women get fed up to hear their body is seen as dirty by white knights and other puritans/neo feminists.
The naked body of women and men is nothing to be ashamed of and all of this puritanism and neo-feminism is disgusting. Those same neo femi-nazy are usualy all happy to watch the Ellen DeGeneres show presenting half naked men in underwear every dam week. Double standard. Forum pvp Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jul 1, 2015, 5:47:11 PM
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I like them, they look pretty clean. I dig the Lion especially
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
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" OK so this thread is officially getting sidetracked, but we gotta calm down here folks. First off, it's a mark of the high proportion of PoE players who are male that threads quickly start blaming feminists for aesthetic changes they don't like (is "neo-feminist" some kind of right-wing term used to distinguish the old feminists everyone agrees were justified from the younger ones who cause controversy?). Second, our society is in the middle of the chaotic throes of social change, and I guarantee intrusive forms of political correctness will recede once people truly are more accepting of others who are different - once people are comfortable in their societal niches and truly don't feel oppressed, they'll be less defensive. This will happen; people in the West are (slowly) getting more empathetic and understanding all the time, and this conversation is actually part of the (slow) process. The extreme forms of PC will get better, not worse (in the long term, at least. Someone will probably come back at me in a week with some new "outrageous" example). And besides, maybe GGG just changed the globes because they want a new UI look for the expansion. Maybe they'll do this every expansion. Next time someone else will find a reason to be upset about it, but it honestly doesn't matter. At all. We're all in this leaky boat together, people. Last edited by demon9675#2961 on Jul 1, 2015, 5:34:38 PM
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I am not following you.
Most right winged would hate to see chest naked female statue anyway. Conservatism hate the nakedness and puritans are what made the right wing. We could say both right-wing and those complaining about the old globes are on the same page. Part of those who would be happy not to see those old statues are religious and right winged zealous people. about feminism and those globes: The problem is GGG lead devs are men. Those neo feminist or their white knight friends who would complain about the globes are not fighting for their freedom like the old feminists from the 70, they mostly fight against what they think to be the domination of men against women . If one of those femen who come chest naked in churches and street would have created POE none of those neo feminist would complain about the globes. Forum pvp Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jul 1, 2015, 6:02:21 PM
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" Yep Fight censorship
https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ |
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" You should probably speak to a feminist rather than arguing with strawmen. There's nothing wrong with sexuality or nudity individually. The problem is that the subject is rarely approached accurately or maturely, and people seem to have trouble differentiating between sexual liberation versus shallow objectification. Note that this sexism is usually not intentional for normal people, but it still subconsciously works it's way into things due to existing past and present inequalities that shape one's world views, as well as sometimes not seeking sufficient feedback on how people of other historically more oppressed demographics interpret actions and art. In the case of the globes I can fully understand how people will view these as tacky and needlessly objectifying. Especially when gaming has had an ongoing problem with using this to target the stereotyped teenage or young-adult male gamer. As people have already indicated, once you have played the game for a while you don't pay attention to these ui elements. However, anyone looking into the game for the first time will see this in every screenshot and video. This can leave an extremely negative first impression for no reason and has the potential to alienate (and already does) a large portion of the game's potential playerbase that have prior experience with their competitor, Diablo 3. It's also just a nice gesture. Last edited by Nuro#1041 on Jul 1, 2015, 5:59:11 PM