[3.10] EpicFail42's Loot Filter - DISCONTINUED
" Ah, I was just going off the title and the original post, I also checked your last post but it was in November so I figured I'd ask. I didn't check the second one above. :) Thanks! livejamie
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" I guess, it's a good idea to put some info like that into the title and/or the first message, thanks for advice! Will do :) |
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Good news, everyone!
We have a new filter-related tool, and it looks promising enough, so I decided to support it in the filter code. As usual, there is nothing that you really have to update, everything still works as expected, yada, yada... There are extra features, though, which you may find useful. The tool is called FilterBlast, it's located at http://filterblast.oversoul.xyz - and it could help you customize a lot of things in the filter without manual editing. There are checkboxes to enable or disable features, there is a simple way to change font sizes globally, and it's planned to have a colour and sound theme editors. It works like this: my filter is hosted on that site at this URL: http://filterblast.oversoul.xyz/EpicFail42/ (as are many others), you visit the page, select the options you like (they are described there), and download the resulting customized filter. By the way, please be mindful of potential security issues - if a site like that gets compromised by a hacker, it could, for example, start distributing filters that don't show something valuable to manipulate prices, or do whatever else a hacker would want. I have no control over FilterBlast or its site, so you have to decide for yourself if it's better to customize my filter in two clicks or edit it manually and be a bit safer. The author of the tool was very responsive, and added a feature where extra commands needed to control the customization are placed into comments within standard filter. This means that nothing changes for those who simply download the filter from this thread and select it in the game (comments are completely ignored by the game). The same file is used within FilterBlast to generate a version transformed with your choices, which you immediately download. Please note that such version would have the options that you did not choose stripped away, so if you want to change something later, it would be better not to edit the resulting file, but to revisit FilterBlast and re-download the customization. The version that you see on the FilterBlast's site right now (version 16, same as here: http://pastebin.com/W91xui7q) is a "release candidate". If there would be no major complaints and/or extra feature requests (in this thread, or via PMs in this forum), in a week or two I'll release it "officially" in the first message of this thread. Please try the new features and tell me what you think. There are also a couple of new filter features added to this release (not related to FilterBlast support, just ready in time for the release). They are small enough to wait for the release of the next version, but it you need them now - you can download the filter either directly (pastebin in the previous paragraph) or from FilterBlast's site. First, added a block for people playing with Animated Weapons. They need to see white weapon drops, but they don't really want to read the text, so it's made small, a bit transparent, with a pink border to be noticeable, but not distracting. It's disabled by default. Second, splinters and blessings are now treated just like prophecy-related items: moved one tier up in size, and have the same sound as prophecy items. |
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Nobody responded to the test version (end of second month of the league, so that's expected), it seems to be working OK locally, so version 17 is an "official release" of FilterBlast-related features. It's almost identical to beta-test, with minor wording changes in comments. Both new features (commented block for Animated Weapons and slightly increased size and sound for Breach items) are also there.
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As usual - no real need to update for Legacy League, every new item would be shown reasonably, but to make it a bit more comfortable I've added Leaguestones to other "league-specific" items, such as Silver Coins, Splinters and other semi-rare collectable items, with sound and increased size. Once again, if some adjustments in sizes or sounds would be needed, I'll do them soon after the league begins and we have a chance to play.
Also, to keep breechstones big and never miss the new Ancient Reliquary Key, they were moved to Chaos Orb's tier of currency, big and loud. |
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Thx man
I love this none rainbow filter | |
Harbinger League is incoming, exiles!
Sadly, with only two days before release, we still don't have any official loot filter news post. Besides, I have no beta access, so I can't even check the stuff that's already available there. And, to add insult to injury, many changes that were announced are fairly personal in nature (new sounds, positional sounds, etc). So, in short, we are waiting for the details on filter news, and after that I'll spend some time evaluating the new features in-game and deciding on the best way to use them. Please do not panic if the Harbinger improvements for this filter (bigger mirror fragments, etc) will be released in a day or two after league start - it seems to be out of my hands. And, as usual, don't worry about missing anything - as far as changes go, there seems to be nothing planned that would break this filter. |
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The filter-related information has been published today, so I've updated the filter by simply making all the juicy new currency items chaos-like, and Mirror Shard - really big and loud. Sadly, no proper information about new sounds is available yet, so I'll release another update in the first days of the league with new sounds and better classified new currencies.
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First day of Harbinger League - checked all the new sounds, liked some, for now - replaced the low-tier currency one "8" with a shorted and more pleasant "ItemFilterAlert10".
New voiced sounds are... well... a disappointment. Not general enough (only one sound that does not describe a particular orb!), a bit too quiet. I cannot see the use of announcing each Alchemy Orb, really, and there is no way to use those sounds for anything else. Decided to use the positional alerts for all drops - they do not help much in all the battle noise, but they do not seem too bad and may help locating some drops. New orbs and shards are too young to decide if some of them need a "wow, I just won the game" treatment. For now everything new (both orbs and shards) is simply marked with the same fonts and sounds as a chaos orb. It's not a problem anyway, because they only drop from Harbingers, so, in a predictable place at a predictable time. Very low chance to miss, so sounds and sizes are not too important anyway. I guess, that's it for Harbinger, exiles. Enjoy! |
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Well, version 23 is a sorta-kinda-forced update. I really liked positional sounds, they do help with the direction of the drop, I was mostly OK with them being quieter in a distance, but after playing for a few day I had multiple cases where I had to backtrack and there were minor orbs on the ground. That means, at least for my current (fairly noisy) build, positional sounds are seriously problematic. Loud sounds right next to me completely mask the quiet sounds of the drops beyond the edge of the screen. After all, the loot filter's goal is to help you never miss the loot you want to pick up, and with the positional sounds that goal is compromised. So, all the sounds are normal, old-fashioned, now.
If someone wants to have the positional sounds, you can: a) change the filter by replacing all instances of "PlayAlertSound" with "PlayAlertSoundPositional" b) start a thread somewhere - Reddit or official suggestions forum - and request that positional sounds, as an exception, should have their volume not depend on the distance. If something like that happens, I'll add the positional sounds back. |
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