[3.10] EpicFail42's Loot Filter - DISCONTINUED
got my own issue
trying to update my filter I can not type string with Tier, according to rule shown in this post https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1716826/page/1 , to sort gradually size of maps e.g. # Maps - Tiers 7-11 ShowClass "Maps" Tier "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" SetFontSize 38 any clues? "Je sens que je suis libre,
mais je sais que je ne le suis pas” ―Emil Mihai Cioran |
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Hey, as always good job with update. :)
Personally i think it's the best filter, and i don't need to update it. @skrecu If i recall it right its not implemented yet, you need to test it when update 2.4 will hit, or you don't have new line after "Show" like i do below. # Maps - Tiers 7-11 Show Class "Maps" Tier "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" SetFontSize 38 p.s. Sorry for bad English. |
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" This isn't valid loot filter syntax, there's no Tier keyword, the Tier column on the GGG post is just to let you know what Tier maps are so you can group their base types together in tiers when making an item filter. Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1287447 Last edited by AtomYcX#4601 on Sep 1, 2016, 4:56:30 PM
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" Ok thanks "Je sens que je suis libre,
mais je sais que je ne le suis pas” ―Emil Mihai Cioran |
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After some playing in Atlas/Essences, I've discovered that new item bases are very rare and very valuable, so, for the first time, this update, sadly, contains direct BaseType for each new base item. To mitigate this somewhat, I put them into "Chance items" section, so it would, in a sense, be user-modifiable and slightly separate from the main filter ;-)
To stay with the times and to respond to the messages above, I've added colored borders to maps (white, yellow, red - according to the map's color). You can easily add/remove sounds or modify sizes of each group as league progresses. Increased size for Labyrinth keys (they were visible, but a bit too small). And, to be extra-super-safe, I modified the final hiding statement to be even safer. Before I hid everything of Normal and Magic rarity if I didn't catch it somewhere before, and now I only hide the same rarities of already known classes, including only armor and weapons. This means that future changes from GGG have even better chances to fall through to "show huge with red background" statement :) Last edited by EpicFail42#7165 on Sep 9, 2016, 9:32:16 AM
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News from GGG - in the long list of changes for 2.4.2, in preparation for 2.5, they have this: "Warbands members now drop their signature items already identified."
This, finally, gives us a reasonable way to see those and collect them. In the new version of the filter all Magic items that are identified are shown. This would, probably, make life a bit weird if you play in a group with someone using Cloak of Tawm'r Isley - there would, suddenly, be a lot of blue loot around. They tend to go alone most of the time, but still, if you would be annoyed by this feature, it's easy to disable: the lines you want to delete or comment out are located in the "Rarities" section and look like this: #Warbands now drop their signature items identified, so they need to be shown Show Rarity Magic Identified True SetFontSize 20 Font Size is set smaller because it makes a lone signature item stand out a little due to its weirdness, and also to make it easier to ignore the clutter if Cloak of Tawm'r Isley is involved. |
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Traditional pre-league post: item information released by GGG at https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774440, nothing in the filter needs updating for Breach, even sizes/sounds look proper for what the items are. If something needs to be adjusted for size and/or sound - it will be done in the first hours/days of the league, as usual.
Vaal Breach gem (being a Vaal gem) should be only dropping from boxes and Vaal areas, and has pretty low usefulness (no drops, no experience, no souls from the Breach monsters - just some meat for a few builds that have problems with single-target), so for now I don't feel it needs to be included in the "good gems" list. If it would be useful somehow, I'll add it, of course. |
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One more news item: Neversink (author of a popular loot filter) got close and personal with GGG developers, and published some recommendations for speeding up loot filters. https://dd.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/5ftpbg/lootfilter_performance_tips_thanks_to_the/
I've never had any performance issues with my filter before (after all, it's about 10 times smaller than Neversink's, so it's about 10 times faster by default), but the advice seems sound and not too difficult to implement. This would involve some careful copy-pasting and rearranging big pieces of text, so has a small chance of human error. I'll have to spend a day or two re-checking and re-confirming that nothing broke and nothing changed after that. So, in a few days, expect a new version of the filter that would contain absolutely nothing new and doesn't need to be updated to :-) It would work absolutely the same as the current one, but, just maybe, will be a little bit faster in situations with screens and screens filled with loot all around you. Do not expect any noticeable difference, though - filters are fast already, and this one is pretty small anyway :-) There was also a comment in another Reddit thread about custom filter sounds that were just implemented, so I may delay the optimized filter until we know more about this. ======================================== Update: double negative :) First - after initial tests (a random rare map with a good MFer, boss drop and random loot drops on the map) there is NO performance difference with "optimized" and "normal" filter, both at the time of the drop and afterwards. The logical structure of the filter suffers a bit, though, from rearranging the groups, and becomes more awkward to support - so for now, until the league begins and I'll be able to grab a full 6-man group and get even more loot for tests, there is no sense to release anything. Second - the comment at https://dd.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/5fs35o/ggg_can_we_get_more_lootfilter_sounds/ seems to be only for corrupted items, not more sounds. Well... Let's see how it goes :) No real reasons to do anything for now. Last edited by EpicFail42#7165 on Dec 1, 2016, 11:32:51 AM
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Is this ready for 2.5?
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" Let me quote my own message from December 1st (second one above from yours): " This filter generally needed no updates for many leagues now; some minor cosmetic enhancements are added from time to time, but they are in no way mandatory. |
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