Unique Rebalance for The Awakening
" Good for economy ? How ? Dream with me !
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" Hello Captain Obvious. Obviously you dont understand. You could have 20 ppl killing Atziri all day long and you will never ever get the legacy items. EVER. Its not hard, its impossible to get them to drop. |
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''If players wanted a Mjölner or Windripper to enjoy a particular style of play then that's actually going to be more accessible to them now. Does it matter that the item is not the old version? I mean, does it really matter? The item has been rebalanced to work functionally with the new content so the player would still be able to play the game effectively.''
A newb wont ever be able to earn those items in legit ways(non RMT) haha yeah. effectively. what good is %30 proc chance mjölner? i laughed to this a lot. effectively... ahahaha... it does not matter dude, you can keep using your +500 life kaoms by the money you earned in 1 month of sacrifice piece or whatever grinding, while im using +1000 life kaoms, 40/20 rumis, 50/50 maligaros, 100% crit windripper and so on. Rich are getting richer, Poor becomes more dependant to the rich Let me tell you one thing, the newcomers to the game will never be rich, ever, in standard league. This game is killing poor people. Why? Cause some people earned 2000ex+ in 1 day by doing nothing.(mirror price + mjölner price skyrocketed) And do you think noobs wont suffer from that? %99.9 of the wealth is owned by %1, its mostly because legacy items.(in the world its same, and its because of wars, and chaos we had in the past) Noobs gonna suffer a lot. Exalted drop rate to chaos is 33:1(datamining), but the ratio is in standard nowadays 42:1, you know why? rich people are taking advantage of the noobs, thats why. Since %1 holds the %99 exalted orbs, they can set the price they want and force noobs to obey those overpriced ratios. how we rip off noobs: this is the daily happening in standard league: When you want to sell your void battery for 30ex, which is a fair price, you wont be able find anyone who has 30ex in the market for 5 days, after 5 days you give up and ill take your void battery from you for 23ex, cause i have 2000 exalted orb in my stash and im the one of those who can afford buying 25ex item in the market.(i: some rich dude) Only rich dudes can buy your worthy items, and they will buy for %30 less market price. Ill put your void battery for 35ex to my shop; some RMT dude, or try hard will come and ill sell that void for 35ex to him. Someday somebody will come to buy, that void can wait in my shop 3 months i dont care. Cause when i set the price to 35ex, the others set their price to 35ex too, slowly. The gap between the average and the rich is getting bigger and bigger each day. The more the gap is getting big, the more noobs have to try harder to get the items they want. Cause when we get rich, we buy all the worthy items, and skyrocket their prices to rip off every noob in the market. And every noob in the market who got lucky of void battery drop or shavs drop wouldnt find any buyer instead of item flippers in the market and get ripped off. From now on, everybody has to try harder x2 times to get items we used to get with half effort. WE are getting rich by making others poorer in this game. And this sucks. verdict: This actually i dont care, go to my characters page and see my items, i wont be the one who is suffering from the changes, but you, newbs gonna suffer a lot. I earned my gear in 1 year, trust me a newb needs at least 2 years now to get the gear i have from now on. This is cruel, this is something that i cant take anymore. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Jun 24, 2015, 1:59:31 PM
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" u think 30-40ex is hard to get? You talk about rich people, 0.1%, blah blah, you realise the extremely rich people in standard measure their wealth in 1000s of exalts? 1000s... think about it. 40 exalts doesnt make you rich, 10,000s of players can afford 30-40ex items, having one doesnt make you a rich man, no even remotely close to rich. Who do you think owns these items going legacy? There are 1000s of windrippers, 1000s of mjolners in standand. You know who owns the vast majority of those? Average joe players. You think someone like AXN has 500 of standards mjolners in his stash and hes waiting to sell them all to the 0.1% rich players while they all laugh at the 99.99%? thats not the reality. I found a mjolner in torment league, I sold it. You know what I sold it for? 16 exalts. You know why? Cause it was week 2 of the league and there were about 40 of them for sale already, many priced at 16 exalts, that was the going rate, you sold for 16 or it didnt sell. Thats in a couple of weeks of a new league, how many you think have dropped in standard? Moved to standard from temp leagues since it was introduced? Ripped there from hardcore leagues? The way you talk about it theres like 100 of them and theyre something exclusive and special. In rampage windrippers were selling for 7 exalts at one point, you dont need to be a 1% player to own one of these items. I think you dont really have a proper perspective on the issue. Rich people look at those items like little toys, truly rich people are running around in full mirrored gear where every rare item on their character costs 200+ exalts, extremely rich people are spending 1000+ exalts crafting their gear. If you want to talk about 99%s, its probably closer to the truth to say 99% of the people who own these sort of items prior to them going legacy are distinctly average players, thats whos getting richer, every day joe blogs players who understand the economy well enough to gather a few stacks of exalts over a period of a few weeks and buy themselves a mjolner, then it goes legacy and suddenly they tippled their investment. Thats an interesting economy, legacy items, league only items etc do way more for wealth mobility and putting orbs in the pockets of everyman players than they do for making rich people richer. Its musical chairs, the music stops and some people find themselves sitting on a lot of cash. Remove those things from the game and youll find the economy is a lot more stagnant and ruled by consolidated wealth, a lot less mobility in the system, less opportunity. " thats so far from the truth. By your estimation most of the mjolners in standard right now are owned by the top 1%, and the truth is probably closer to 99% of the mjolners in standard right now are not owned by the top 1%, so the 99% who own 99% of the mjolners stand to make 99% of the profit from the price increase. You should know that, youre no noob, running round with mirrored gear you should be more than aware how many middle income players own 40ex items like mjolners, theres 1000s of them out there, the top 1% own an insignificant amount of them. They may become something only the rich can buy, and to buy them they will have to pay rich man prices, the people who actually make the profit off that transition are the people who own the items at the point when they go legacy and the price increases. Exalts are not the price they are because rich people are setting the rate against chaos, demand for chaos vs demand for exalts is setting that price. In temp leagues where those few guys at the top dont own 99% of the exalts is the price 33:1? No, its 50:1, because the demand is even higher, got nothing to do with rich people in standard enforcing prices, exalts are cheaper in standard than temp sc leagues. If the drop rate of shavs and marohi is the same they should be the same price? Think about it. What you say about flipping is true, and rich people will be able to flip expensive items buying them from guys who want a quick sale no matter what. Take out legacy items and that situation will still be true, whatever the expensive items are rich people can flip them because they have the bank to sit on them. Its got nothing to do with the existence of legacy items, there will always be expensive items to flip, take out legacy and they will keep flipping mirrored items, flip high end rares, flip non legacy high end uniques etc. If you take out the flipping are legacy items still just a big profit thing for rich people only? No, so whats the issue here, flipping or legacy? I think youll find its flipping. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :) Last edited by Snorkle_uk#0761 on Jun 24, 2015, 2:40:13 PM
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" I know the feel dude, I know the feel. Dunno if it's related or not, but I'm not finding POE fun at all lately. Haven't spent too much time ingame in this patch or previous, but the beta's inherent flaws combined with some headscratching moves by GGG in regards to mechanics and what not, make me question the worthwhileness of it at the end of the day. Probably the issue will resolve when beta finally ends and we say goodbye to the heap of mess it is/was. That is, unless the game's current issues carry over into release via either willfull intent or mistaken oversight on part of devs. In which case its more like rip PoE. For POE Devs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6UuRTjkKs
Died like this in HC before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVsgFUiD-Y8 u_u |
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" No freaking joke, they should have this affect existing uniques and not ones just after the patch. This only benefits RMT. "Someone" has their hands on POE for the worse, Chris what the hell is going on man? ;P Last edited by AngelofRock#4686 on Jun 25, 2015, 3:29:58 AM
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Fair to the ones that have Mjolner and farmed hard for it, unfair for those unlucky ones that spent the same amount of time only to get Infernal Mantle drops.
CoC is dead, goodbye DPS hello FPS - September 2nd, 2016.
Life is in the past, use your Energy Shield instead - January 11th, 2017. All you need is some ES whooping and you'll have your Life back - May 24th, 2017. IGN: InfernalEnvy | Lv.100 Righteous Fire Juggernaut |
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so does this mean legacy items?
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" Hello, good sir! Captain tells about useful high-tier uniques, not just legacy ones. And about legacy items... Well, if GGG wants PoE to be a competetive game, they should remove leagacy from the game items at all. If not, then ok, let it be. |
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" no - shame on you for being that dumb (to think you cant live/have fun without the even more OP version of an even still OP item), and violating the game's rules with 'supporting' that assholes that exploit games (also violating the rules) to make own realmoney profit from it. EOD invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
-- deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu |
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