i REALLY hate to say this but nerfs/economy inflation like this just propagate a RWT culture in a newer player base. Like if you started a month ago how would you buy (legitimately with ingame currency)a 50% mjolner you would have to grind forever and by the time you had the currency/items to buy it the price would be even higher. Where as yesterday i bet RWT sites made an insane profit on the now legacy mjolner, which is basically stealing from GGG. T1 uniques should be globally nerfed or left alone. Yes i know the time/currency is important for older players but its not like they are taking your item away from you. Its just two version of the game for people, and a lot of people would do anything to get to the original versions of items.
I in no way shape or form support RWT and despise it in any form it literally steals food from developers mouths. I was merely speaking my opinion.
Do not, my friends, become addicted to maps. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!
CliveHowlitzer wrote:
Zed_ wrote:
Zhatan wrote:
This legacy XXX is horribly ridiculous. Look at the cesspool that is standard now because of it :(
The worst way of penalising new players ive ever seen. Impossible to get any friend to try this game in a permanent league because of it. :(
Sorry but how does this affect a new player?
The assumption is that all new players will play on Standard league and also will feel an uncontrollable compulsion to only build around legacy items they cannot ever acquire. Thus they will spiral downward into worsening insanity as what they want is always out of reach, only to finally acquire it and then realize it was all for nothing. In the end, they throw themselves into a pit of wild Kiwis to end it all.
The rest of us will just play on the 4 month leagues.
hahahaha you gave me the laugh of the day. so true all that. people here are so obcessed with standard league :D
Posted bykompaniet#2874on Jun 23, 2015, 2:55:22 PM
Xavqwyrus wrote:
how did voidholm and veil of the night not make this list??
they are the two uniques that nobody will ever use. even in a fresh league you're better of using blues 10 levels below you than either of these uniques.
Posted bykompaniet#2874on Jun 23, 2015, 3:01:26 PM
Positive news:
1) A lot of uniques get buffed.
2) Freeing up stash space by selling the old, inferior ones to Hargan/Nessa.
Heart of Purity
Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
Posted byReinhart#6743on Jun 23, 2015, 3:12:51 PM
gesichtspalme wrote:
I really don't get why people cry so much about these changes.. even to the extent that they're saying it will make them quit the game or that it stops new players from trying it.
If you have the items that will be changed, it will not affect your game.
If you don't have the items that will be changed, it will also not affect your game.
What's the problem here?
people here will nerdrage out of nowhere.
Posted bykompaniet#2874on Jun 23, 2015, 3:14:11 PM
Du5chl4mp3 wrote:
Chouwa wrote:
Xpartaco wrote:
That's it, I will play temporal leagues only.
Can't believe that prices went up artificially because of a developer change to the system once more.
GGG please add new 4 month leagues, I am out of the system of standard = legacy shit.
Not willing to give all my gameplay time in the form of orbs to other
greedy merchants or farmers botters, or people playing the economy simulator in the forums and in poe trade. I will not have the chance to enjoy the content as it was originally designed but people with legacies and lots of exalts mirrors will. POE its not worth it for me anymore until they put 4 Month leagues.
And at the end of the leagues its the same as standard.
Legacy merchants, you have one less customer providing orbs to the system.
And then they say they want more playerbase.
First of all, Mjolner was nerfed in beta from the start almost, we all knew it, at the time it was 30-40 EX. WHICH IS VERY EASY TO OBTAIN IN STANDARD AND MOST PLAYERS THAT REALLY DO PLAY THE GAME, and not cry on forums HAVE. At that point the price started to rise, because greedy people were happy to exploit the possible nerf and get back some of their currency (because some paid a mjolner 100 ex in the past) and others were ready to pay more to risk it going legacy. SO YOU HAD a month TO GET ONE AND RISK IT or to just ignore it. HOW DOES SOMEONE HAVING a legacy ITEM affect your PLAYING? IT DOES NOT, do you play with legacy geared people? NO, you play maps alone or with friends. Do you want to play with a super op broken item, be my guest but farm for it as we all did or chance it or w/e. AND GUESS WHAT, the new Mjolner which will drop will be much cheaper and affordable for those wanted to play the build and try it out, at less risk and investment + IT IS STILL OP because of the unique mechanic and fact ggg worked on giving blood rage to life builds etc. THIS IS JUST FOR THE MJOLNER; other uniques all have their own story. SO PLEASE SPARE US YOUR SORROW cry because you were a pussy or lazy to farm one your self. AND before you say you are a casual with RL; GUESS WHAT ME 2, student, have a part day job, grinding RL like a boss to make it through but still I find some time to have fun in PoE. [Removed by Support]
Not going into any reasoning of the change, it was very well expected and needed.
mjölner were at 30 - 40 ex before we knew the nerf not after
No they weren't. I bought one for 40ex after the beta nerf simply because I wanted to have a legacy one. Don't make up excuses for yourself.
Edit: and besides that, if you had any sense of the game whatsoever you would have known in the last 4 month league Mjölner was getting nerfed. It was pretty obvious.
Last edited by MaxMuscle#0290 on Jun 23, 2015, 4:07:02 PM
Posted byMaxMuscle#0290on Jun 23, 2015, 4:02:45 PMBanned
Daaaanng I didn't see Void Bat in that buff list. I was hopping for spell dmg reduction to be dropped to at least 60%
80% is so harsh.....
Posted byTmfm#6796on Jun 23, 2015, 4:21:40 PM
Tmfm wrote:
Daaaanng I didn't see Void Bat in that buff list. I was hopping for spell dmg reduction to be dropped to at least 60%
80% is so harsh.....
Are you really asking for a buff to void battery? ^^
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Posted by666lol666#3140on Jun 23, 2015, 4:28:46 PM
Wow, never underestimate the ability of the interweb to bring out some of the worst aspects of the human condition.
I find it interesting that people complain about item changes (well, reductions actually, nobody is whinging about the improvements) but without applying any context to the game changes. So item X becomes 20% less powerful while monsters have 10% less life as an example. What has actually happened is the developers have rebalanced the interacting parts to ensure the gameplay and challenge are represented the way they intend.
Utilising a legacy item has the unintended consequence of altering that balance but what are the real impacts of that? You could argue that the legacy player has an advantage... but in doing what exactly? Perhaps the item helps them clear quicker and marginally improve their drop rate so they make a little more currency.
Consider the flipside of this though. This high powered farming character is actually putting more items into the market, making them more available for other players. Is that a bad thing?
If players wanted a Mjölner or Windripper to enjoy a particular style of play then that's actually going to be more accessible to them now. Does it matter that the item is not the old version? I mean, does it really matter? The item has been rebalanced to work functionally with the new content so the player would still be able to play the game effectively.
To me, using a legacy item is the equivalent of selecting Easy mode in a game. Sure you can rip through the level in only a few minutes, but you're not truly experiencing the game to the fullest potential.
I've never owned either of those items. In fact the only T1 item I've had drop for me was Marohi Erqi but I feel like I've only just started to scratch the surface of this game. There is so much potential in so many combinations and that's what I love so much about PoE. You don't have to play the game in a particular way to enjoy it or be successful.
Speaking of variety, I can't wait to see all the new uniques that will potentially leave both Mjölner and Windripper for dead. That would certainly make this entire conversation moot :)
Aldora_the_Summoner wrote:
Wow, never underestimate the ability of the interweb to bring out some of the worst aspects of the human condition.
I find it interesting that people complain about item changes (well, reductions actually, nobody is whinging about the improvements) but without applying any context to the game changes. So item X becomes 20% less powerful while monsters have 10% less life as an example. What has actually happened is the developers have rebalanced the interacting parts to ensure the gameplay and challenge are represented the way they intend.
Utilising a legacy item has the unintended consequence of altering that balance but what are the real impacts of that? You could argue that the legacy player has an advantage... but in doing what exactly? Perhaps the item helps them clear quicker and marginally improve their drop rate so they make a little more currency.
Consider the flipside of this though. This high powered farming character is actually putting more items into the market, making them more available for other players. Is that a bad thing?
If players wanted a Mjölner or Windripper to enjoy a particular style of play then that's actually going to be more accessible to them now. Does it matter that the item is not the old version? I mean, does it really matter? The item has been rebalanced to work functionally with the new content so the player would still be able to play the game effectively.
To me, using a legacy item is the equivalent of selecting Easy mode in a game. Sure you can rip through the level in only a few minutes, but you're not truly experiencing the game to the fullest potential.
I've never owned either of those items. In fact the only T1 item I've had drop for me was Marohi Erqi but I feel like I've only just started to scratch the surface of this game. There is so much potential in so many combinations and that's what I love so much about PoE. You don't have to play the game in a particular way to enjoy it or be successful.
Speaking of variety, I can't wait to see all the new uniques that will potentially leave both Mjölner and Windripper for dead. That would certainly make this entire conversation moot :)
These are some words from a trully innocent mind,as goes for poe,don't get me wrong.
Nobody complains for lowering stats of said items,the fuzz is about keeping legacy that rock an already uncontrolable economy. If you just play with marohi and stuff and don't care for economy,good for you.
But things like those legacy items,legacy master crafting,acuity up and down rarity,nerfs,only make rich richer in the long run. In standard. Temp leagues are fine.
p.s. "Worst aspects of human condition,jesus.."
Posted byCrisTy27#6838on Jun 23, 2015, 6:56:24 PM