Damage Conversion and Increased Damage - Question.

Mannoth wrote:
If you wanted to go for maximum effect with glacial hammer and flame totem you would use:

Glacial Hammer + Phys to Lighting to convert 100% phys to elemental, then scale both the damage of totem and your melee attack with pure elemental nodes.

You would skip the %phys nodes as they would do nothing for your totem and try to get WED on rings/belt/amulet with a Doryani Catalyst (BIS for builds which convert most damage to elemental for 1h).

The tree you linked (2nd link) looks ok, i would drop the Storm Weaver circle and cataclyse and put that into more life nodes.
Also unspec the first 4 ES nodes from witch start and spec them into Melding for both ES and Life.


Something like this is more likeable:

The totem nodes are a waste because if you are going melee you will be taking the hits anyway, not the totem.
Cataclyse would only affect your melee hits not the totem so you can skip it.
I unspecced the life&mana regen on templar and went for more life&mana on witch area.

Has a lot more life% which you will need.

Ok, nice. Thanks alot for looking!
Edit: I wonder it was ok, since I made it pretty fast. Your improvements and arguments are convincing though.

p.s. If you like more questions let me know. (I know the original thread topic was different)
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Last edited by rusher21 on Jun 15, 2015, 1:52:04 PM
I tried to adjust it for The Awakeneing (left side):

Unfortunately the gem bridges are placed into the middle of the path increasing points without doing Anything (already gave feedback about that)!
I am not exactly sure about the range of the jewel which allows to take the nodes nearby without having them connected, anyhow to the left for instance Faith and Steel is a potential candidate. Until you find the jews however... (left side Faith and Steel gotten) the build is weaker.

Any ideas for helpful jews? Or other changes in Awakening? I only found two useful jewels for this build.

By the way: Planning to use Fortify Support Gem to tank better (..however it's taking another gemslot..), aswell as the Tempest Shield Buff to increase not only blockrate of our shield but also deal some extra Elemental Damage to attackers which our build supports perfectly; it is buffed in the awakening.

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Last edited by rusher21 on Jun 16, 2015, 11:56:01 AM

Much more efficent imo.

+1 points spent, kept all jewel sockets, difference:

-16% elemental resist while holding shield (you can cap this really easy anyway imo :P)
-5% es
-8% armor
-6% mana
+16% life
+3% aura effect
+30 str

After calculating the hp% it came to 154% life and for es it is 122% without INT bonus, 162% if we count the ES bonus. So it should be really tanky.
For example an archon shield with 300 es, with only the tree and base INT would yield you 300 * (1.0 + 1.62(es% increase) + 0.9(shield defence)) = 1056
So 1k es from a 300 ES shield, if you get hybrid armor & es shield and get more %es/int on gear you should be able to reach 2-2.5k ES without some problems. Probably 3-3.5k if you run discipline :D
So as far as tankyness goes it could probably reach 4-5k life depending on jewels + 2-3k es and some block.

For gearing i would run a pure ES helm, hybrid armor+ES shield, gloves/boots to your liking, either hybrid, pure ES or pure armor. For chest i would aim for a high armor Saintly Chainmail, if it gets life or ES that would be awesome also.

Ofc if you get a hybrid Arm & ES helm with over 300 ES that is awesome also :D

As far as jewels go i would wait for awakening, they removed some jewels allready so it is impossible to know which will actually make it to the 2.0.

However depending on jewels you could swap some points around for more offense or defense depending on how you feel it works.
High rolls on WED will be mandatory, doryani catalyst probably BiS.

For defences i would run:
4L: Leap Slam + Faster Attack + Fortify + Blood magic
3L: Vengeance + Curse on Hit + Enfeeble (or warlord mark) (so you can run level 20 curse compared to CWDT)
4L: Flame Totem + Fire Penetration + Faster Projectile + [preference gem, defensive (blind) or offensive (added X damage, faster casting, etc etc)]
3L: Tempest Shield + Lightning Penetration + Dps Support
4L: your setup of auras, can move the herald to the 2nd 3L if you want to support it with Curse On Hit or something
5L/6L: melee setup
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Last edited by Mannoth on Jun 16, 2015, 2:52:02 PM
Ok thanks, yea I was wondering to take Devotion as the previous time! That's of course better, thanks for looking!
Btw: Flame Totem with LMP as 4th gem.
Small question: Why bloodmagic for leap slam? Hmm, and Fortify has a very small duration afaik.
Thanks for the suggestions!

I am also considering Three Dragons: Which would allow this build to still have Freezes but also decent Ignites with Weapon hits, and it would help a little bit with Elemental Reflect: No shocks -> less damage -> compensated by ignites. While the Flame Totem ignites were uneffective anyways. The only thing about it what worries me is the new change to shock durations (Flame Totem) or generally said elemental status ailments: They reduced durations from smaller hits and when you didn't concentrate on your element. In that case I should reconsider LMP for the Totem or just forget about shock.

About the damage conversion from page 1:
I read up about Melee_physical_damage it has a More modifier of ~50%... Since all converted Damage is increased by the original damage (physical) this should be the go-to-gem, shouldn't it?

"Added as X" can be anything? Instances: Gems (+Added Lightning Damage, Added Chaos Damage, Added %Fire damage), Auras (Herald of Ice, Herald of fire, Hatred) , Skills itself for instance Viper Strike has +10% chaos damage. I see there are 2 types of added damage: % based on your physical damage, similiar to conversion, and a fixed amount added unrelated to your physical damage.
-Is it all increased by the original damage (like physical for glacial hammer and viper strike)? Sorry, at first the conversions being increased by physical damage was unexpected to me, but I can understand it now, since the converted damage's source is physical damage.
However "Added as X" is still very unlogical to me - or at least unclear since there are two types of "Added as X" [...]
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Last edited by rusher21 on Jun 18, 2015, 9:22:36 PM
If it's "Adds 20% of your physical damage as fire" you can see that it will scale by physical also since it was mentioned.
If it's "Adds 50-100 fire damage" it's only going to scale with elemental/fire nodes.

Use of Melee Physical VS Weapon Elemental Damage gem depends on how are you getting your elemental damage.
If all of your elemental damage is coming through Phys=>Ele conversion, then Melee Physical works at 100% capacity, but if you are running flat damage auras like Anger and flat damage heralds WED should give more dps (given you convert 100% of phys to ele).

Fortify has a 4 or 8 second duration, think that is enough to jump in on a pack, proc fortify and kill them before it expires.
Obviously you can put it on your primary link also :P
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Last edited by Mannoth on Jun 19, 2015, 3:47:41 AM
Mannoth wrote:
Fortify has a 4 or 8 second duration, think that is enough to jump in on a pack, proc fortify and kill them before it expires.
Obviously you can put it on your primary link also :P

Well in that case, it's perfect for a secondary attack :o Even better, it's a welcome style.

Mannoth wrote:

Use of Melee Physical VS Weapon Elemental Damage gem depends on how are you getting your elemental damage.

Given you recommended to get WED on Rings Amulet Belt I figure you'd prefer the elemental adds?
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Last edited by rusher21 on Jun 19, 2015, 8:23:31 AM
Depends on your main weapon, on a lower physical damage weapon flat elemental auras and rolls on jewelry will benefit you a lot.

On a fully conversion build which uses +% phys from tree also, flat phys rolls might even outdps flat elemental rolls.
%weapon elemental damage is mandatory in both cases imo, as they should give out the most dps in any case.

In the end it comes down to preference and gearing options.
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Ok, thanks alot. I appreciate it!

Let's not forget it's a hybrid build. Thus Weapon Elemental damage will not be supporting the totem. Luckily the Doryani Weapon does (which I don't have yet). Then again I am not experienced with Melees, as mentioned.

Anyways since WED is so strong, I found another nice short cut which gives +34% WED for just + 1 point and - 10 Dex.
Even though it only supports the Attack and even assuming the Attack and Flame Totem would be 50% of my dps each, it would still increase all of my damage by an inreased 17%, like a
[+17% Elemental Dam -10 Dex +10str] node. Looks worth it?

Auras Question:
I suggest Haste was very strong aswell, since it increases Attack as well as Castspeed.
3L: Haste-Herald of Ice-Clarity, 4L: Herald of Thunder: If I could manage to get some Aura nodes (or a unique which reduces mana reserved).
With that in mind, sine all those auras support the character perfectly (GH + Totem), investing 6 points into aura nodes might be very effective, Aura calculator:

Passive Tree [cut Shock (-2pt), got Aura nodes (+6pt)]

Just a comment: Discipline - It would of course be quite strong, but since I am using a shield I suggest not to get more defense from an aura but instead from equip to make perfect use of the hybrid auras!

edit: fixed a link (second)

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Last edited by rusher21 on Jun 22, 2015, 1:07:38 PM
In closed beta Anger provides both damage to spells and attacks, so it should scale your damage the most.

I was never a fan of Haste, dunno if it was buffed but the reserve/power ratio is too low.
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Mannoth wrote:
In closed beta Anger provides both damage to spells and attacks, so it should scale your damage the most.

Edit2: Hm how are the new numbers? I couldn't find them, yet. I also asked in the beta forum - but no one answered.

Edit3: Are the +%90 Defences for the shield additive or multiplicative with general increased modifiers to armor/es?

p.s.: I will make a new thread soon (not today), since other people don't know the topic which evolved. I will link it here.

p.p.s: By the way I could reduce the build back to 108 points after taking the aura nodes
Christmas comes early - The Awakening!
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Last edited by rusher21 on Jun 20, 2015, 7:58:19 PM

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