[3.1] BERSERKER/JUGGERNAUT 288k DPS Ice Crash/EQ Crit Staff AKA "The Shattering Karui"
" That's what I like to hear, people experimenting with new stuff and not looking at the build as a straight-jacket :) 1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037 Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888 |
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" Vaal Pact is nowhere near, there's no chance you can spec into it. Assassin's only if you have like at least 0.6 mana leech on gear, otherwise warlords. 1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037 Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888 |
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" Ok, so I just bought an era and tested it, and I don't understand how you had problems with power charge generation. There is absolutely no need for PCoC, at all. I can link you my stream recording if you don't believe me. So, my question is, did you spec into all the nodes in the tree? Cause without Blunt Trauma: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Blunt_Trauma it's obviously impossible to generate charges with Hegemony's. However, with that node, it works like a charm, and I'm almost constantly full with 6 charges. 1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037 Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888 |
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What do you think about revelry and why did you not take Endurance charges?
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I'm not a pro but u should try link that staff :P
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Oh well I rip'd against Malachai Cruel at level 61.
3.7k hp with capped resistances, good regen ( 170 or so. I've skipped all the damage nodes ). The main problem was IC attack mechanic, I think. I put Conc Effect ( over 5k dps with just an average Staff ) but it was so slow at attacking. So slow, so slow I could not hit Piety or him without getting hit a couple times. The floor was so full of sh*t I couldn't even Leap without getting hit again ( I like this boss to be hard, really. What I don't like is there's so little space to move around, so it's hard to attack AND move ), so I basically panicked a bit ( cause I'm not that good, I admit ) and I got one shotted but its Slam. The build is good so far, really, but I will probably play something different in the future. |
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just got hegemoncys era and i can confirm that it generates power charges like theres no tomorrow.
I also think its possible to reach 150k dps since im almoast at 100k only using a 4link. ![]() Last edited by Nexzer#5069 on Jul 20, 2015, 2:19:38 PM
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I dont know if someone already asked this or not but anyways, on your hardcore skillthree you are taking Unwavering Stance which makes all your evasion useless, so why not take Iron Reflexes?
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Got this today :
I may need to take some mana nodes, Mana Flows or Revelry (Ice Crash cost 41 mana and I have only 104 unreserved), which one could be better ? I will definitely take Unyielding for my next 3 points before, I only have 4k4 armor.. (31% phys reduction..) |
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Hi there,
there was an insane crit staff build on 1.3 i used as duelist with cyclone. I forgot who postet the guide for this build. I really liked that build because of its insane killspeed. This is the buildtree for 2.0 on level 90 https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwQAAdwFtQixCZYPqxNxFCAVIBXsFm8Wvxm0GjgdFCP2JP0mlSoLLYMwcTB8Nj05DjpCP_xBckWOR35LeE2SUEdRR1VLWK5Z813yXqVfP2HiYqxlTWaebIxtbHBScNVyD3Kpdqx343lofXWE2YVSh2qJ04rwjAuMNo19jb-PRpBVkn2XeZhvnaqjiqluqZSsqq2NtMW1SLkduXy8mr02vqfBBMLsyWfKkM9-037UI9lh3CPdqONq5FHlz-dU6GbpRuoY6wnssO1E7g7vDu968-r2o_cy-tL7i_66_94WQIV9 I know this build is endgame and is not cheap. It requires Atziris Aquity I use Acrobatics for Defense. The Lifereg and CwDt with Warlords Mark negates the Blood rage completly. I generate Power Charges by using Leapslam-Bloodmagic-Faster Attack-Power Charge on Crit in a 5-Linked. With 6 Charges up while jumping through the Mobs i reach 95% Crit Cap and sitting on 450% Crit Multi with bad rings and amu. With 6 Linked Cyclone-Faster Atk-Melee Phys-Added Fire-Weapon Ele Dmg-Increase Crit I get 80k DPS. With IceCrash the tooltip Dps would be much higher. Last edited by Deltatheone#2743 on Jul 20, 2015, 6:07:42 PM
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