New Skill Teaser Image - Ice Crash

neat cant wait to try it :-)
seems nice
stop the tease and release the game
Looks sick, good job as always, guys. And...

Slow'n'Steady-Proud Standard Player
Litenheat 77 LS|Onroids 67 IC|Iendis 82 SA|LeslieMagnafuzz 76 Arc|Rakta 83 Tank|Kalika 78 Reaver|Borealis 78 BoRWoE|lendis 74 TS|Astreex 74 WS|Ignitium 88 IW|Ignitia 75 SRS|Mahakali 81 CoC|Selenne 81 FB|LesIieMagnafuzz 70 IC|Ulfhedinn 75 Sweeper
Looks like a Melee Cold Snap.

You have my curiosity GGG
Designing Cospri's Will:
Designing Cospri's Malice:
Iron Heart/Iron Fortress too!
Single target: Glacial Hammer. AoE: this stuff. Cold melee is playable now?
Looks like glacial cascade's little sister to me... :P nice, nice...
Don't fool yourself exile... your end is just around the corner!
Seems you have already decided what build I will play after the wipe. Looks awesome!
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
"Crash" and the pic make me lean towards it being a trigger gem a la Tempest Shield or Vengeance. CC on hit? Could help in some cases.

Hope it's a dex based melee skill though.

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