How the Closed Beta is going so far
" <Edited by support> He wants into the beta as we all do and the current state of affairs with keys rewarded doesn't help peoples opinions on the matter. Nothing you can say about how he is selfish and self-entitled can do a thing to change that. ANY supporter (not just from supporter packs) should be considered before accounts created in the month of April 2015 (whom of which havent supported or given feedback/forum posts) but if they do get good information from logs I can see new players passively providing them useful information. Instead we have a beta where streamers are selected (which is fine i guess) randoms are added (excruciatingly slowly) but the rest of the community who would gladly participate in bug reporting and polite criticisms are left to rot and fester at the hands of the beta clock. Id like to believe that GGG are vigilant with the invite process regarding multiple accounts etc, unfortunately though it's probably not so. Some of the very people who tested this game in closed beta first time around are being neglected and that's kinda sad given the quality of game I and others experienced which evolved from that. For some it isn't entitlement and privilege (which are the two most common words used to describe the type posting negative feedback on the beta selection process) We simply want to be involved in the process of shaping the game we all love so much. Demeaning and degrading others who have rational complaints is beyond the pale sir. The draconian attitude that a person isn't allowed to express ones disappointment or voice a complaint belongs in the past. Make Things For Smile! Last edited by AdzPoE#5624 on Apr 22, 2015, 2:02:29 PM
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" I'm not entitled to anything, and I'm certainly not a kid (unless being 40 qualifies as a kid). In real life, whan you want something, you say it and you work for it. You certainly don't passively wait for a lottery to feed you with something, or you can wait for a long time. And while we're at it, if you can't have a discussion without calling others with names, you are the one who need to grow up and start behaving like an adult... Last edited by Eben_GGG#0000 on Apr 22, 2015, 8:08:42 AM
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The tears coming from people that werent not selected is impressivelol
Seriously brush it off, the worse that can happen is that you gonna play in two months Do something else of your life a small PoE break might do some goods meanwhile :) Last edited by ffogell#6809 on Apr 22, 2015, 8:00:20 AM
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It's hilarious how you make a free game, share it with the world, update people on how are you planning to develop it and in return you get a whole bunch of different people that feel you're doing it all wrong and you should change your ways because they know how to do it better. And in addition, it all in the core is born from everyone feeling so smart and elitist. And for what? It's about an early game access, to which access you will be entitled FREE in a month or maybe too. TRAGEDY. WORLD DOWNFALL. "I spent 500000 points and for what?" Well, you spent it because you felt like helping GGG or maybe only to aquire some nice effects, have it your way - you helped if you want it or not and that's cool. BUT to expect something in return for your help, and to do it in a way that makes the ones you helped like they OWE you something is very, very, very NOT-NICE if not just plain wrong. We are all equal, and the beta timer shows just that. That's probably why you people can't stand it so much, cause you think you are special. Well, you're not and there's nothing wrong with it, life is made this way, better accept it or remain a crybaby.
Last edited by 612#5607 on Apr 22, 2015, 8:01:39 AM
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" you called? |
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" How do you know they arent already doing greater things than your closed mind could possibly grasp? Make Things For Smile! Last edited by AdzPoE#5624 on Apr 22, 2015, 8:04:25 AM
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" made my day |
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Where's the ResidentSleeper Smiley when you need it...
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21 April 2015 gets chosen glad to see the system is working as intended |
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Desync prone servers cant handle more than a pathetically small amount of users at one time .... 5 minutes per invite TROOLOLOLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
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