NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions
Any chance for update on customsounds preset? Currently some drops uses default poe sound, which is really loud compared to sounds that i use myself (garden seeds and high ilvl influenced items)
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Updated to 7.9.1
- Resorted most tiers to adjust them the current economy. This economy "snapshot" is fairly volatile, as the league is very very fresh. Updating again after a few days is highly recommended - Revamped the highlight strategy for seeds. Every tier/color now has it's own appearance. I might add a overarching tier to highlight economy-expensive seeds later. - Added a small section with magic/normal items for the endgame, to provide some material to craft with on Harvest. The section is intentionally kept short and simple. Currently featuring the following bases: "Vaal Regalia" "Two-Stone Ring" "Onyx Amulet" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Eternal Burgonet" - bases where players might opt for a rare and won't be using atlas bases such as Spiked Gloves/Two-Tone Boots. If you want more or different bases here: use filterblade. Section is hidden on very strict. I'm very split if there should be more bases like the Hubris Circlet or not, but I'd rathr keep the list short. - Introduced beast lures - Magic/Normal Two-Stone Rings, Leather Belts and Onyx amulets are now shown throughout the leveling process to have some food for harvest crafting - Resorted the new divination cards - Adjusted the highlight for Rare/Crafting weapons, giving Karui Maul/Chopper way more priority, due to their top tier damage potential. - Added the terror maul to the list of optional bases - Allowed the economy-updated filters to move currency into/from the alteration orb tier (with the gray icon and beam) - Reduced map icon size for talismans with specific mods - Early endgame life/mana flasks are now only shown in T1 maps, instead of T1-T2 Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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Is there anything wrong with the Simulator at the moment?
I'm seeing randomly generated Influenced items get filtered in the Simulator at a point when I don't believe they should be filtered in-game. 1) I reset filter to NeverSink (stable), Regular Strictness 2) Under 'Endgame - Rare Items (lvl 65+), I changed 'Hide Rares By Tier' to strictness 'Hides all rares, excluding jewellery' and set it to 'Hide' 3) Changing nothing else, I went to the simulator & set it to Gear only, zone level 70, and clicked Generated Valuable Loot about a dozen times until I got a Shaper/Elder item: ![]() Conclusion: The influenced item is hidden by the 'hide rares by tier' in the Simulator, but I believe that in-game the same item should be displayed by that filter. (It would be covered by the final rule in section "[1102] Item Layer - T3 - REMAINING RULES" and hence override 'hide rares by tier', which would be covered somewhere in the [3000]'s section of the filter text?) | |
this is my strict version updated to harvest without those grey markers (imo the worst decision ever for NS to put them) |
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Im getting this notify about cartographers sextant if I try to use any filter above stricktness level 0.. (1, 2, 3.. etc) and filter fails to load. I have removed old filter files, downloaded new ones but problem seems to be quite persistent..
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somehow I got no "gem" section and many more that are missing on the website, the "prophecy" section is empty ... is this a bug or did i change something without knowing?
Edit: Deleting the browsercache for the website helped! Last edited by Filli_#3213 on Jun 25, 2020, 11:22:12 AM
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Created a custom filter in but when I use the filter in-game, it treats currencies (e.g Chaos Orbs/ Alchs) like a Scroll of Wisdom. Also tried using regular as the strictness but it still doesn't change it's color and doesn't give off a sound. Any advice? Thanks! :)
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" Yeah the simulator needs to be updated. It's currently not handling influences correctly. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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" Well that obviously should not be happening and without a sharing URL I can't tell what you've done wrong. My advice to you is to reset the currency section, you might've messed up somehow. " Check your game files with the ggpk tester/steam integrity. Some people are getting a bug with exact matching of item names. It's weird. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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Ok, thanks. I don't know would this have helped, since I just reinstalled poe again to another SSD and removed all old files. Now its working tho. :P
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