NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Grelwood Shank, Eternal Sword the effect is like that of a conventional legend, but it is expensive
Hi, very nice loot filter. Thank you.
The 20% Quality Rule not working.

Figured it out it depends on zone level too. Sorry.
Last edited by Azzadal#6586 on Dec 23, 2018, 1:38:28 AM
Hey, thanks for this. I am playing SSF HC and need to show every claw on every map (so, above level 67)- how can I do this? I'v tried adjusting the advanced filter but I can't get it to work.
InsiderTradingX wrote:
Hey, thanks for this. I am playing SSF HC and need to show every claw on every map (so, above level 67)- how can I do this? I'v tried adjusting the advanced filter but I can't get it to work.

FilterBlade -> Customize -> Add Custom Show/Hide rules -> Highlight by item slot/class -> Select Claws and set ItemLevel to >= 68
- ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
u should reconsider worth of blacksmith whetstone, its worse than scroll of wisdom and should not be shown above regular.
SlayerSv wrote:
u should reconsider worth of blacksmith whetstone, its worse than scroll of wisdom and should not be shown above regular.

they're needed to add quality to weapons and you can convert them into armourer's scraps. Also you can sell one for four wisdom scrolls.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Jan 1, 2019, 7:47:19 AM
so i think i have an issue, just want to clarify, you have it on your folder for poe and a text document? or do you make a folder on have the text document inside the folder. everytime i download it and put it in, it dosent matter what strictness i have always seems to show me the same things, and under ui-only says default or none. does this mean im doing it wrong?
Diseasedmeat wrote:
so i think i have an issue, just want to clarify, you have it on your folder for poe and a text document? or do you make a folder on have the text document inside the folder. everytime i download it and put it in, it dosent matter what strictness i have always seems to show me the same things, and under ui-only says default or none. does this mean im doing it wrong?

^this should be the directory for your filters and custom filter sounds.
I had a question for Neversink.

I'm using Filterblade for a custom sound pack I created. However, I can't find anywhere on the site to change the sound for Oni-Goroshi (I farmed a few this league).

When the swords dropped, I would hear one of the default custom sounds which tells me it was overriding the base rule for 6L items.

Unfortunately, I no longer have a sword to test the filter with but could I add Charan's Sword under "Add Basetype-Based Rules", unique, 6S, 6L with "override ALL rules" strictness? That seems like it would work, no?

Edit: It looks like Charan's Sword isn't an available base using that method. So I'm out of ideas.
Last edited by muzein#2324 on Jan 5, 2019, 9:50:16 AM
Hello from Venezuela, and thanks to Neversink for this amazing tool, I was wondering if it possible to create a filter or preset with neversink, using i dont know strict filter, but at the same time, making a rule to just high-ligh divination cards that are worth 10c or more?

Cause im from Venezuela i'm struggling with the economy to spend 20% in extra stash wish is a lot for me

Is there a way to configure never-sink to only show important divination cards that are worth in 7c? mostly for divination im okay with everything.

Thanks alot, sorry for my poor grammar.

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