NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Squirrel_of_doom wrote:
Any idea how I can remove all rares but the one explicitely said as shown? Seems not customizable.

I'm trying to do a very selective filter with mostly consumables and pricey uniques and I keep getting random yellow junk that I do not want to pick up (not worth it on average so late in the league).

Are you talking about the FilterBlade website or the Filter?

Yeah, this be available in the next FilterBlade patch.

Mr Sink.
I have to say the filterblade site is top notch. Thank you to you and your team of bros that have made this filtering so very simple for those of use too lazy to bother with it. You are a hero!

Thank you so much for the helpful Loot Filter!

You're very welcome guys!
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.

thanks a lot for your great work on this lootfilter!
I played my first character totally blind until lvl80~ and I don't even wanna know how much stuff I missed picking up what with all those vendor recipes.
But I do know how much I messed up the skill tree. xD

And sorry if I missed it somewhere, but I couldn't really find a answer in the FAQ or in the Filterblade options to this one,

Is it possible to hide the crafting benches, waypoint and forsaken masters when the "Always Highlight" Option is turned on?
Himither wrote:

thanks a lot for your great work on this lootfilter!
I played my first character totally blind until lvl80~ and I don't even wanna know how much stuff I missed picking up what with all those vendor recipes.
But I do know how much I messed up the skill tree. xD

And sorry if I missed it somewhere, but I couldn't really find a answer in the FAQ or in the Filterblade options to this one,

Is it possible to hide the crafting benches, waypoint and forsaken masters when the "Always Highlight" Option is turned on?

Nope, this can't be configured in a lootfilter (maybe there's an option for it in the ESC->options->UI). That being said, I don't think so.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Seems amazing I need to try this out!
NeverSink wrote:

Nope, this can't be configured in a lootfilter (maybe there's an option for it in the ESC->options->UI). That being said, I don't think so.

Damn. >_<
Then again, to my embarrassment I finally noticed that there's a key (standard is Z) to toggle highlighting. >_>
Not as good as an automatic solution, but still miles better than always hitting the options. o_O

I swapped that one out with the usual Alt-Key highlighting and it's so much better, at least imho.

Last edited by Himither#0483 on Jul 8, 2017, 4:12:16 AM

I'm new to the game, and after many recommendations I install Neversink's Lootfilter. I think something does not work for me, but it might be how it suppose to work and I was just fed with wrong information by other people.

As I'm mentioned I'm quite new (Level 10 Shadow). I installed the latest Lootfilter (4.72) from the git repository, and reloaded the 'Regular' filter. I think installation went as I can see all the filter in-game menu, and when switching between 'None' and the 'Regular' I can clearly see items are being colored differently - so I guess the filter does work.

However, when playing with 'Always Highlight' being toggle on, I see basically everything that drops, I didn't yet encounter a situation yet where some Grey item dropped as was Filter. Now - At the very start, I thought that's because I'm level 10, and nothing is filtered on level 10, but I was told otherwise on a reddit thread. Also, when I play with 'Always Highlight' being toggle off, the Filter acts differently. I can only see things like Orbs/Scrolls/League Badges for couple of seconds - so with Always Highlight being off, some filtering do happen. But I'm not sure if that's the game of the LootFilter that does it.

So, can someone clear about the fog about how is it suppose to work? Should I be running with 'Always highlight' on? is it OK that at level 10 nothing basically is being filtered yet?
Last edited by Ranculos#4263 on Jul 10, 2017, 2:56:07 AM
Ranculos wrote:

I'm new to the game, and after many recommendations I install Neversink's Lootfilter. I think something does not work for me, but it might be how it suppose to work and I was just fed with wrong information by other people.

As I'm mentioned I'm quite new (Level 10 Shadow). I installed the latest Lootfilter (4.72) from the git repository, and reloaded the 'Regular' filter. I think installation went as I can see all the filter in-game menu, and when switching between 'None' and the 'Regular' I can clearly see items are being colored differently - so I guess the filter does work.

However, when playing with 'Always Highlight' being toggle on, I see basically everything that drops, I didn't yet encounter a situation yet where some Grey item dropped as was Filter. Now - At the very start, I thought that's because I'm level 10, and nothing is filtered on level 10, but I was told otherwise on a reddit thread. Also, when I play with 'Always Highlight' being toggle off, the Filter acts differently. I can only see things like Orbs/Scrolls/League Badges for couple of seconds - so with Always Highlight being off, some filtering do happen. But I'm not sure if that's the game of the LootFilter that does it.

So, can someone clear about the fog about how is it suppose to work? Should I be running with 'Always highlight' on? is it OK that at level 10 nothing basically is being filtered yet?

The majority of players prefer to keep "Always On" on. Some players turn it off in big fights, such as endgame breaches to preserve clarity (hotkey: "Z"), but reactivate it afterwards.

The filter barely hides anything during the first levels, because even white items can be useful at this point to get some wisdom fragments and basic equipment (gloves, boots etc).

You should start noticing hidden items at level 12+
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
NeverSink wrote:
You should start noticing hidden items at level 12+

The assumption where grey item should be getting filtered early on was probably a wrong one. Thanks for clearing it out and for the time invested on the Lootfilter :)
Last edited by Ranculos#4263 on Jul 10, 2017, 3:53:45 AM
Ranculos wrote:
NeverSink wrote:
You should start noticing hidden items at level 12+

The assumption where grey item should be getting filtered early on was probably a wrong one. Thanks for clearing it out and for the time invested on the Lootfilter :)

There are 2 types of "grey" items during the early levels.

1) Grey/pale text items - those are body armors and large shields. These things slow down your movementspeed. A lot of experienced players prefer to not wear any until act 2 or even later to be faster. They're also fairly large, so it's not efficient to pick them up if you just want wisdom fragments

2) Grey background items. Those are recipe items and are often worth picking up.

Check for more information.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
NeverSink wrote:
Check for more information.

Excellent. This will help. I was wondering what the colors means.
Thank you :)

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