NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Thread title should be updated. Latest version is 4.42
Why do you hide sorc boots on your strict filter? Kind of dumb if you ask me.
Orange border = regal jewelery
what does it mean?
this is white objects.

WHITE ITEMS (sometimes blue too):

- Green border = chancing

- Orange border = regal jewelery

what does it mean? (- Orange border = regal jewelery )
this is white objects, how this regal jewelery

first i like your work it saved me a lot of time and ChaosOrbs; Thats why i did Tip you 1$ just as THX!

Here are some issues im running into maybe you want to improve your filter in this way maybe not but at least i can mention my issues

- Catographer Chissels are Cheap they should not make such a hughe impact by dropping specialy the sound
- low level maps should not make a sound i would give them a diffrent color though
- Townportal is less important than Scrolls of Wisdome i would make the text of the wisdom scrolls bigger and easyer to click
- clunky chromatic recipies should be filtert slitly diffrent like a diffrent color specialy since they are cheap anyway
- Uniqs without at least a bit of worth should not make such a hughe sound maye a little "bling" instead

Those would be my wishes everything else is great!

Best Regards!
Great work as always =] Next elague again with your filter!
Last edited by Ovvy#5268 on Dec 12, 2016, 10:00:02 AM
Rob1n_Hood wrote:

WHITE ITEMS (sometimes blue too):

- Green border = chancing

- Orange border = regal jewelery

what does it mean? (- Orange border = regal jewelery )
this is white objects, how this regal jewelery

I don't know what chancing is. It could either be for the chance recipe (ilvl 59-) or a base item for a chance orb gamble.

Regal jewelry is an item you use for the regal orb vendor recipe. Item is ilvl 75 i think it is.
I'm trying to add
Quality >= 15
showing items quality that is 15 or more for chaos recipe, not sure what i'm doing wrong or something is canceling out the command?
Are valuable base items easy to spot (steel ring, crystal belt etc)? Just so i dont miss a blue steel ring somewhere in a pile of loot.
I'm unsure if this is a bug or not, but after opening a corrupted strongbox, a white (though corrupted) Jade Amulet (no mods, not a unique, nothing) dropped with a purple border. Picking it up and dropping it in a different area did not remove the purple border. I know that color border indicates a Fated unique, but as a white Jade amulet is definitely not a unique item, I don't think that's the reason. It also came with a mirrored version, so that might have something to do with it... though another corrupted mirrored pair of items didn't have the purple border.

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