NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions
Anyone else been having font issues with the filter since the patch? Doesn't happen with every item, and only with the filter on. |
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Thanks for the awesome lootfilter! Is there a way to display Grasped Hands during breaches without having to press alt?
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Is it just me or are the sections for filtration gone?
or how to fix this? |
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In FAQ its said, if want to hide scrolls then
Search for "ALPHA". Under the section (second search result), enter the following lines: " Hide BaseType "Wisdom Scroll" "Portal Scroll" It seems outdated, can you fix it. |
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Could you add any background on rare chrom items?
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" crude bow is for crafting a srs weapon for summoners. |
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Is their an explanation of colours/borders for the slick version anywhere?
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Instead of using default gem colors wouldnt it be better to use stat colored? i made my own for the last filter that uses stat colors so you can see what gem is for what stat fast
This makes gems stand out and just look much better to me but its not fixed for the new filter style Also maps are really bad (at least low tier ones)
Class Gem BaseType "Portal" "Detonate Mines" "Vaal Breach" "Cast while Channelling" SetTextColor 30 150 180 255 SetBorderColor 30 150 180 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 6 300 Show # Empower (red) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Empower" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 55 55 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # Empower+ (red) Class "Gems" Quality > 0 BaseType "Empower" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 55 55 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # Enhance (green) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Enhance" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 55 255 55 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # Enhance+ (green) Class "Gems" Quality > 0 BaseType "Enhance" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 55 255 55 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # Enlighten (blue) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Enlighten" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 55 155 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # Enlighten+ (blue) Class "Gems" Quality > 0 BaseType "Enlighten" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 55 155 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # str gems (active) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Anger" "Abyssal Cry" "Ancestral Protector" "Ancestral Warchief" "Anger" "Animate Guardian" "Cleave" "Decoy Totem" "Determination" "Devouring Totem" "Dominating Blow" "Earthquake" "Enduring Cry" "Flame Totem" "Glacial Hammer" "Ground Slam" "Heavy Strike" "Herald of Ash" "Ice Crash" "Immortal Call" "Infernal Blow" "Leap Slam" "Molten Shell" "Molten Strike" "Punishment" "Purity of Fire" "Rallying Cry" "Reckoning" "Rejuvenation Totem" "Searing Bond" "Shield Charge" "Shockwave Totem" "Static Strike" "Summon Flame Golem" "Summon Stone Golem" "Sunder" "Sweep" "Vaal Glacial Hammer" "Vaal Ground Slam" "Vaal Immortal Call" "Vaal Molten Shell" "Vengeance" "Vigilant Strike" "Vitality" "Warlord's Mark" SetTextColor 255 55 55 255 Show # str gems+ (active) Class "Gems" Quality <= 19 BaseType "Anger" "Abyssal Cry" "Ancestral Protector" "Ancestral Warchief" "Anger" "Animate Guardian" "Cleave" "Decoy Totem" "Determination" "Devouring Totem" "Dominating Blow" "Earthquake" "Enduring Cry" "Flame Totem" "Glacial Hammer" "Ground Slam" "Heavy Strike" "Herald of Ash" "Ice Crash" "Immortal Call" "Infernal Blow" "Leap Slam" "Molten Shell" "Molten Strike" "Punishment" "Purity of Fire" "Rallying Cry" "Reckoning" "Rejuvenation Totem" "Searing Bond" "Shield Charge" "Shockwave Totem" "Static Strike" "Summon Flame Golem" "Summon Stone Golem" "Sunder" "Sweep" "Vaal Glacial Hammer" "Vaal Ground Slam" "Vaal Immortal Call" "Vaal Molten Shell" "Vengeance" "Vigilant Strike" "Vitality" "Warlord's Mark" SetTextColor 255 55 55 255 SetBorderColor 255 55 55 255 SetFontSize 38 Show # str gems++ (active) Class Gem Quality = 20 BaseType "Anger" "Abyssal Cry" "Ancestral Protector" "Ancestral Warchief" "Anger" "Animate Guardian" "Cleave" "Decoy Totem" "Determination" "Devouring Totem" "Dominating Blow" "Earthquake" "Enduring Cry" "Flame Totem" "Glacial Hammer" "Ground Slam" "Heavy Strike" "Herald of Ash" "Ice Crash" "Immortal Call" "Infernal Blow" "Leap Slam" "Molten Shell" "Molten Strike" "Punishment" "Purity of Fire" "Rallying Cry" "Reckoning" "Rejuvenation Totem" "Searing Bond" "Shield Charge" "Shockwave Totem" "Static Strike" "Summon Flame Golem" "Summon Stone Golem" "Sunder" "Sweep" "Vaal Glacial Hammer" "Vaal Ground Slam" "Vaal Immortal Call" "Vaal Molten Shell" "Vengeance" "Vigilant Strike" "Vitality" "Warlord's Mark" SetTextColor 255 55 55 255 SetBorderColor 255 55 55 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # str gems (support) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Added Fire Damage Support" "Blood Magic Support" "Bloodlust Support" "Cast on Melee Kill Support" "Cast when Damage Taken Support" "Cold to Fire Support" "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" "Fire Penetration Support" "Fortify Support" "Generosity Support" "Increased Burning Damage Support" "Increased Duration Support" "Iron Grip Support" "Iron Will Support" "Item Quantity Support" "Knockback Support" "Less Duration Support" "Life Gain on Hit Support" "Life Leech Support" "Melee Damage on Full Life Support" "Melee Physical Damage Support" "Melee Splash Support" "Multistrike Support" "Ranged Attack Totem Support" "Reduced Mana Support" "Spell Totem Support" "Stun Support" "Weapon Elemental Damage Support" SetTextColor 255 55 55 255 Show # str gems+ (support) Class "Gems" Quality <= 19 BaseType "Added Fire Damage Support" "Blood Magic Support" "Bloodlust Support" "Cast on Melee Kill Support" "Cast when Damage Taken Support" "Cold to Fire Support" "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" "Fire Penetration Support" "Fortify Support" "Generosity Support" "Increased Burning Damage Support" "Increased Duration Support" "Iron Grip Support" "Iron Will Support" "Item Quantity Support" "Knockback Support" "Less Duration Support" "Life Gain on Hit Support" "Life Leech Support" "Melee Damage on Full Life Support" "Melee Physical Damage Support" "Melee Splash Support" "Multistrike Support" "Ranged Attack Totem Support" "Reduced Mana Support" "Spell Totem Support" "Stun Support" "Weapon Elemental Damage Support" SetTextColor 255 55 55 255 SetBorderColor 255 55 55 255 SetFontSize 38 Show # str gems++ (support) Class Gem Quality = 20 BaseType "Added Fire Damage Support" "Blood Magic Support" "Bloodlust Support" "Cast on Melee Kill Support" "Cast when Damage Taken Support" "Cold to Fire Support" "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" "Fire Penetration Support" "Fortify Support" "Generosity Support" "Increased Burning Damage Support" "Increased Duration Support" "Iron Grip Support" "Iron Will Support" "Item Quantity Support" "Knockback Support" "Less Duration Support" "Life Gain on Hit Support" "Life Leech Support" "Melee Damage on Full Life Support" "Melee Physical Damage Support" "Melee Splash Support" "Multistrike Support" "Ranged Attack Totem Support" "Reduced Mana Support" "Spell Totem Support" "Stun Support" "Weapon Elemental Damage Support" SetTextColor 255 55 55 255 SetBorderColor 255 55 55 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # dex gems (active) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Animate Weapon" "Arctic Armour" "Barrage" "Bear Trap" "Blade Vortex" "Bladefall" "Blast Rain" "Blink Arrow" "Blood Rage" "Burning Arrow" "Caustic Arrow" "Cyclone" "Desecrate" "Detonate Dead" "Double Strike" "Dual Strike" "Elemental Hit" "Ethereal Knives" "Explosive Arrow" "Fire Trap" "Flicker Strike" "Freeze Mine" "Frenzy" "Frost Blades" "Grace" "Haste" "Hatred" "Herald of Ice" "Ice Shot" "Ice Trap" "Lacerate" "Lightning Arrow" "Lightning Strike" "Mirror Arrow" "Phase Run" "Poacher's Mark" "Projectile Weakness" "Puncture" "Purity of Ice" "Rain of Arrows" "Reave" "Riposte" "Shrapnel Shot" "Siege Ballista" "Smoke Mine" "Spectral Throw" "Split Arrow" "Summon Ice Golem" "Temporal Chains" "Tornado Shot" "Viper Strike" "Whirling Blades" "Wild Strike" "Blade Flurry" SetTextColor 55 255 55 255 Show # dex gems+ (active) Class "Gems" Quality <= 19 BaseType "Animate Weapon" "Arctic Armour" "Barrage" "Bear Trap" "Blade Vortex" "Bladefall" "Blast Rain" "Blink Arrow" "Blood Rage" "Burning Arrow" "Caustic Arrow" "Cyclone" "Desecrate" "Detonate Dead" "Double Strike" "Dual Strike" "Elemental Hit" "Ethereal Knives" "Explosive Arrow" "Fire Trap" "Flicker Strike" "Freeze Mine" "Frenzy" "Frost Blades" "Grace" "Haste" "Hatred" "Herald of Ice" "Ice Shot" "Ice Trap" "Lacerate" "Lightning Arrow" "Lightning Strike" "Mirror Arrow" "Phase Run" "Poacher's Mark" "Projectile Weakness" "Puncture" "Purity of Ice" "Rain of Arrows" "Reave" "Riposte" "Shrapnel Shot" "Siege Ballista" "Smoke Mine" "Spectral Throw" "Split Arrow" "Summon Ice Golem" "Temporal Chains" "Tornado Shot" "Viper Strike" "Whirling Blades" "Wild Strike" "Blade Flurry" SetTextColor 55 255 55 255 SetBorderColor 55 255 55 255 SetFontSize 38 Show # dex gems++ (active) Class "Gems" Quality = 20 BaseType "Animate Weapon" "Arctic Armour" "Barrage" "Bear Trap" "Blade Vortex" "Bladefall" "Blast Rain" "Blink Arrow" "Blood Rage" "Burning Arrow" "Caustic Arrow" "Cyclone" "Desecrate" "Detonate Dead" "Double Strike" "Dual Strike" "Elemental Hit" "Ethereal Knives" "Explosive Arrow" "Fire Trap" "Flicker Strike" "Freeze Mine" "Frenzy" "Frost Blades" "Grace" "Haste" "Hatred" "Herald of Ice" "Ice Shot" "Ice Trap" "Lacerate" "Lightning Arrow" "Lightning Strike" "Mirror Arrow" "Phase Run" "Poacher's Mark" "Projectile Weakness" "Puncture" "Purity of Ice" "Rain of Arrows" "Reave" "Riposte" "Shrapnel Shot" "Siege Ballista" "Smoke Mine" "Spectral Throw" "Split Arrow" "Summon Ice Golem" "Temporal Chains" "Tornado Shot" "Viper Strike" "Whirling Blades" "Wild Strike" "Blade Flurry" SetTextColor 55 255 55 255 SetBorderColor 55 255 55 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # dex gems (support) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Added Cold Damage Support" "Additional Accuracy Support" "Blind Support" "Block Chance Reduction Support" "Cast On Critical Strike Support" "Cast on Death Support" "Chain Support" "Chance to Flee Support" "Cluster Traps Support" "Cold Penetration Support" "Culling Strike Support" "Enhance Support" "Faster Attacks Support" "Faster Projectiles Support" "Fork Support" "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" "Hypothermia Support" "Ice Bite Support" "Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support" "Mana Leech Support" "Multiple Traps Support" "Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support" "Pierce Support" "Point Blank Support" "Poison Support" "Rapid Decay Support" "Slower Projectiles Support" "Trap Cooldown Support" "Trap Support" "Trap and Mine Damage Support" "Void Manipulation Support" SetTextColor 55 255 55 255 Show # dex gems+ (support) Class "Gems" Quality <= 19 BaseType "Added Cold Damage Support" "Additional Accuracy Support" "Blind Support" "Block Chance Reduction Support" "Cast On Critical Strike Support" "Cast on Death Support" "Chain Support" "Chance to Flee Support" "Cluster Traps Support" "Cold Penetration Support" "Culling Strike Support" "Enhance Support" "Faster Attacks Support" "Faster Projectiles Support" "Fork Support" "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" "Hypothermia Support" "Ice Bite Support" "Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support" "Mana Leech Support" "Multiple Traps Support" "Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support" "Pierce Support" "Point Blank Support" "Poison Support" "Rapid Decay Support" "Slower Projectiles Support" "Trap Cooldown Support" "Trap Support" "Trap and Mine Damage Support" "Void Manipulation Support" SetTextColor 55 255 55 255 SetBorderColor 55 255 55 255 SetFontSize 38 Show # dex gems++ (support) Class Gem Quality = 20 BaseType "Added Cold Damage Support" "Additional Accuracy Support" "Blind Support" "Block Chance Reduction Support" "Cast On Critical Strike Support" "Cast on Death Support" "Chain Support" "Chance to Flee Support" "Cluster Traps Support" "Cold Penetration Support" "Culling Strike Support" "Enhance Support" "Faster Attacks Support" "Faster Projectiles Support" "Fork Support" "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" "Hypothermia Support" "Ice Bite Support" "Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support" "Mana Leech Support" "Multiple Traps Support" "Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support" "Pierce Support" "Point Blank Support" "Poison Support" "Rapid Decay Support" "Slower Projectiles Support" "Trap Cooldown Support" "Trap Support" "Trap and Mine Damage Support" "Void Manipulation Support" SetTextColor 55 255 55 255 SetBorderColor 55 255 55 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # int gems (active) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Arc" "Arctic Breath" "Assassin's Mark" "Ball Lightning" "Bone Offering" "Clarity" "Cold Snap" "Conductivity" "Contagion" "Conversion Trap" "Convocation" "Discharge" "Discipline" "Elemental Weakness" "Enfeeble" "Essence Drain" "Fire Nova Mine" "Fireball" "Firestorm" "Flame Dash" "Flame Surge" "Flameblast" "Flammability" "Flesh Offering" "Freezing Pulse" "Frost Bomb" "Frost Wall" "Frostbite" "Frostbolt" "Glacial Cascade" "Herald of Thunder" "Ice Nova" "Ice Spear" "Incinerate" "Kinetic Blast" "Lightning Tendrils" "Lightning Trap" "Lightning Warp" "Magma Orb" "Orb of Storms" "Power Siphon" "Purity of Elements" "Purity of Lightning" "Raise Spectre" "Raise Zombie" "Righteous Fire" "Shock Nova" "Spark" "Spirit Offering" "Storm Call" "Summon Chaos Golem" "Summon Lightning Golem" "Summon Raging Spirit" "Summon Skeletons" "Tempest Shield" "Vaal Arc" "Vaal Clarity" "Vaal Cold Snap" "Vaal Discipline" "Vaal Fireball" "Vaal Flameblast" "Vaal Ice Nova" "Vaal Lightning Trap" "Vaal Lightning Warp" "Vaal Power Siphon" "Vaal Righteous Fire" "Vaal Spark" "Vaal Storm Call" "Vaal Summon Skeletons" "Vortex" "Vulnerability" "Wither" "Wrath" "Blight" "Scorching Ray" SetTextColor 55 155 255 255 Show # int gems+ (active) Class "Gems" Quality <= 19 BaseType "Arc" "Arctic Breath" "Assassin's Mark" "Ball Lightning" "Bone Offering" "Clarity" "Cold Snap" "Conductivity" "Contagion" "Conversion Trap" "Convocation" "Discharge" "Discipline" "Elemental Weakness" "Enfeeble" "Essence Drain" "Fire Nova Mine" "Fireball" "Firestorm" "Flame Dash" "Flame Surge" "Flameblast" "Flammability" "Flesh Offering" "Freezing Pulse" "Frost Bomb" "Frost Wall" "Frostbite" "Frostbolt" "Glacial Cascade" "Herald of Thunder" "Ice Nova" "Ice Spear" "Incinerate" "Kinetic Blast" "Lightning Tendrils" "Lightning Trap" "Lightning Warp" "Magma Orb" "Orb of Storms" "Power Siphon" "Purity of Elements" "Purity of Lightning" "Raise Spectre" "Raise Zombie" "Righteous Fire" "Shock Nova" "Spark" "Spirit Offering" "Storm Call" "Summon Chaos Golem" "Summon Lightning Golem" "Summon Raging Spirit" "Summon Skeletons" "Tempest Shield" "Vaal Arc" "Vaal Clarity" "Vaal Cold Snap" "Vaal Discipline" "Vaal Fireball" "Vaal Flameblast" "Vaal Ice Nova" "Vaal Lightning Trap" "Vaal Lightning Warp" "Vaal Power Siphon" "Vaal Righteous Fire" "Vaal Spark" "Vaal Storm Call" "Vaal Summon Skeletons" "Vortex" "Vulnerability" "Wither" "Wrath" "Blight" "Scorching Ray" SetTextColor 55 155 255 255 SetBorderColor 55 155 255 255 SetFontSize 38 Show # int gems++ (active) Class "Gems" Quality = 20 BaseType "Arc" "Arctic Breath" "Assassin's Mark" "Ball Lightning" "Bone Offering" "Clarity" "Cold Snap" "Conductivity" "Contagion" "Conversion Trap" "Convocation" "Discharge" "Discipline" "Elemental Weakness" "Enfeeble" "Essence Drain" "Fire Nova Mine" "Fireball" "Firestorm" "Flame Dash" "Flame Surge" "Flameblast" "Flammability" "Flesh Offering" "Freezing Pulse" "Frost Bomb" "Frost Wall" "Frostbite" "Frostbolt" "Glacial Cascade" "Herald of Thunder" "Ice Nova" "Ice Spear" "Incinerate" "Kinetic Blast" "Lightning Tendrils" "Lightning Trap" "Lightning Warp" "Magma Orb" "Orb of Storms" "Power Siphon" "Purity of Elements" "Purity of Lightning" "Raise Spectre" "Raise Zombie" "Righteous Fire" "Shock Nova" "Spark" "Spirit Offering" "Storm Call" "Summon Chaos Golem" "Summon Lightning Golem" "Summon Raging Spirit" "Summon Skeletons" "Tempest Shield" "Vaal Arc" "Vaal Clarity" "Vaal Cold Snap" "Vaal Discipline" "Vaal Fireball" "Vaal Flameblast" "Vaal Ice Nova" "Vaal Lightning Trap" "Vaal Lightning Warp" "Vaal Power Siphon" "Vaal Righteous Fire" "Vaal Spark" "Vaal Storm Call" "Vaal Summon Skeletons" "Vortex" "Vulnerability" "Wither" "Wrath" "Blight" "Scorching Ray" SetTextColor 55 155 255 255 SetBorderColor 55 155 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 Show # int gems (support) Class "Gems" Quality = 0 BaseType "Added Chaos Damage Support" "Added Lightning Damage Support" "Blasphemy Support" "Cast when Stunned Support" "Chance to Ignite Support" "Concentrated Effect Support" "Controlled Destruction Support" "Curse On Hit Support" "Elemental Focus Support" "Elemental Proliferation Support" "Enlighten Support" "Faster Casting Support" "Increased Area of Effect Support" "Increased Critical Damage Support" "Increased Critical Strikes Support" "Innervate Support" "Item Rarity Support" "Lightning Penetration Support" "Minefield Support" "Minion Damage Support" "Minion Life Support" "Minion Speed Support" "Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support" "Physical to Lightning Support" "Power Charge On Critical Support" "Remote Mine Support" "Spell Echo Support" SetTextColor 55 155 255 255 Show # int gems+ (support) Class "Gems" Quality <= 19 BaseType "Added Chaos Damage Support" "Added Lightning Damage Support" "Blasphemy Support" "Cast when Stunned Support" "Chance to Ignite Support" "Concentrated Effect Support" "Controlled Destruction Support" "Curse On Hit Support" "Elemental Focus Support" "Elemental Proliferation Support" "Enlighten Support" "Faster Casting Support" "Increased Area of Effect Support" "Increased Critical Damage Support" "Increased Critical Strikes Support" "Innervate Support" "Item Rarity Support" "Lightning Penetration Support" "Minefield Support" "Minion Damage Support" "Minion Life Support" "Minion Speed Support" "Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support" "Physical to Lightning Support" "Power Charge On Critical Support" "Remote Mine Support" "Spell Echo Support" SetTextColor 55 155 255 255 SetBorderColor 55 155 255 255 SetFontSize 38 Show # int gems++ (support) Class Gem Quality = 20 BaseType "Added Chaos Damage Support" "Added Lightning Damage Support" "Blasphemy Support" "Cast when Stunned Support" "Chance to Ignite Support" "Concentrated Effect Support" "Controlled Destruction Support" "Curse On Hit Support" "Elemental Focus Support" "Elemental Proliferation Support" "Enlighten Support" "Faster Casting Support" "Increased Area of Effect Support" "Increased Critical Damage Support" "Increased Critical Strikes Support" "Innervate Support" "Item Rarity Support" "Lightning Penetration Support" "Minefield Support" "Minion Damage Support" "Minion Life Support" "Minion Speed Support" "Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support" "Physical to Lightning Support" "Power Charge On Critical Support" "Remote Mine Support" "Spell Echo Support" SetTextColor 55 155 255 255 SetBorderColor 55 155 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 3 300 |
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I don't know who you are.
I don't know where you're from. But I would like to find you. And shake your hand for this mod. :) |
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" Actually not only that but double their size and make them a brighter color. This loot filter doesn't actually make the hands that easy to click on. I can usually see them but their names aren't as big as the names of say even just a fusing orb. |
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