NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

When I press alt some itens are highlighted in red, border and background. What is that?
White boots with green boarder = ?
bitt_tb wrote:
When I press alt some itens are highlighted in red, border and background. What is that?

FAQ page 1! Check warband items.


White boots with green boarder = ?

FAQ page 1 ;)
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Please delete, GitHub is working for me now!
Last edited by bvanharjr#5617 on Oct 11, 2016, 7:13:12 AM
Why do we have so loud sound for Sorcerer Boots? Are they any usful?
sorc boots chance into skyforth boots which are like 45-50 ex
destrock wrote:
Hi, I just tried your loot script 5 min. and I have to disable it already. So far, here is 2 things bugging me (well, 3)

1. I would want to see the paua ring, the euh the hp ring, itemlevel 60+ showing, as well as all iron rings all color and all itemlevel. (recipe mp/hp ring ilv 60 + 7 iron rings = rare amulet unidentified ilv60 ==> easier to make the 2 chaos recipe...)

2. What's the use, as lv 71, to see the belts under itemlevel 20 not even perfectly rolled to be shown ? I don't understand. I would want to see only the ilv60+ and perfectly rolled (except when I make a new char on a new league...)

3. Thats the color you use for the texts. I don't know if this is different with your screens, but with mine, this is very ugly and look amateur (with the slick version too). Like, I dropped an item with the font grey and the text grey, its was barely readable, very ugly...

Thank you for your feedback.

1) the iron ring recipe is way too time and requirement inefficient. I'm not interested in including it in the current meta.

2) filters don't know your level. They only know the item level. If you go into a lower zone where you'd usually only level, it'll behaves appropriately for the zone level.

3) Matter of taste really, also I have no idea what exact item you're talking about. I never used grey texts. If you mean the utility items, such as RGB-items, I'm actually pretty pleased with the color. If you mean half transparent white items at level 1-12, it's intended too, to prevent speedleveling players to pick up items that slow them down.

That being said, those are things i have no interest in changes, since I'm pleased with the way the filter works in those aspects.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Oct 12, 2016, 4:19:18 AM

I am baffled, what does this mean? Maybe I don't have the latest update?
Azurestrike wrote:

I am baffled, what does this mean? Maybe I don't have the latest update?

Check the FAQ on page 1

Why do we have so loud sound for Sorcerer Boots? Are they any usful?

Also check the FAQ on page 1 please


It is oddly satisfying to tell people to check the FAQ, maybe because I wrote it for that or maybe because it has a bit of the "told you so" feeling. Maybe I'll make a small hobby out of counting the number of times I do this... wonder if I can make a macro for that.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Oct 12, 2016, 3:50:17 AM
Thx for great lootfilter. Big Big thx :)

One question. I read in FAQ how to see all base chanse for item what cost 1-2 ex and more, but i dont understand) My english not so good.
Can you do lootfilter with that item for chanse ? Or explain how to do this more simple)
And how to see belt what need to chance Headhunter ? It would be nice as Skyfort i think :)

Truing to add Leather belt like Sorcerer boots..its write "Unable to parse parameter for basetype rule: No base types found matching "Leather belt" (
And Headhunter can be chansed in Essence in map with nemesis mod ? Sometimes it can be add by random in map)

Anyway thx again for your filter and time what you spend for it.

Fly safe /
Last edited by isimak#5726 on Oct 13, 2016, 8:28:14 AM

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