NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

awesome work. thank you.
I love the new colours for regrets, vaals and chaos orbs. Much better than before.
Would it be possible for you to include an Animate Weapon filter?
Love your work, and couldn't bear playing without those filter! thanks a lot! One simple question tho, what's the Orange border on items? can't seem to figure it out, i've drop some random white Boots, black background but orange border. (Educated guess here; are they base for specific uniques?)

Again, thanks a whole bunch for your work!
Loving your lootfilter!! I've been using your regular lootfilter ever since I started this game. Howeever, this league I decided to make a mf Vaal spark for dried lakes farming only. Which filter would you recommend me?(semi-strict, strict,uber-strict) I have 290%rarity,40%quantity. Thanks again.
DarkNostos wrote:
Love your work, and couldn't bear playing without those filter! thanks a lot! One simple question tho, what's the Orange border on items? can't seem to figure it out, i've drop some random white Boots, black background but orange border. (Educated guess here; are they base for specific uniques?)

Again, thanks a whole bunch for your work!

They're the new boot base. The same will happen with the new gloves bases and possibly the jewelry and belt.
the oasis map was filtered out for me with the regular filter.

it should be droplevel >= 69, instead of = 69, since the oasis tier 2 map has an ilevel of 72.

Show # Maps:T2 %H3
Class Maps
DropLevel >= 69
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 180
SetFontSize 35
PlayAlertSound 4 200
Pendarric wrote:
the oasis map was filtered out for me with the regular filter.

it should be droplevel >= 69, instead of = 69, since the oasis tier 2 map has an ilevel of 72.

Show # Maps:T2 %H3
Class Maps
DropLevel >= 69
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 180
SetFontSize 35
PlayAlertSound 4 200

It's not filtered out as you can see in the screenshot. Itemlevel is not DropLevel. Check wiki for the difference. The "=" is absolutely correct.

Also it's only filtered out in the uber-strict version, where it's intended.

Redownload the filter ( you either did some wrong edits or try clicking "Z", maybe you're hiding all items). Either way, it's on your end.

Loving your lootfilter!! I've been using your regular lootfilter ever since I started this game. Howeever, this league I decided to make a mf Vaal spark for dried lakes farming only. Which filter would you recommend me?(semi-strict, strict,uber-strict) I have 290%rarity,40%quantity. Thanks again.

I'd use strict, if you end up with too few items, you can go back to semi-strict.

Would it be possible for you to include an Animate Weapon filter?

There are animated weapon sections in the filter, you just need to search for them and comment them in.

What does green border on white items mean? "Chancing" doesn't really explain anything.

Chancing refers to using orbs of chance in hopes of getting a high value unique of that basetype. It's an unlikely event, but if it happens, you usually end up with something very very valuable.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Oct 9, 2016, 8:46:21 AM
so what should I be doing with these 75-80 white rings the filter lets through? I have like 20 of the two-stone ones. just essence them and sell if bad?
soujiro707 wrote:
so what should I be doing with these 75-80 white rings the filter lets through? I have like 20 of the two-stone ones. just essence them and sell if bad?

Yes or use for the regal vendor recipe. The two stone rings can be exchanged for prismatic rings.

I am wondering if it is possible to configure an item filter to always show the current zone's best white base items. It'd be great to always have new white items to use essences on.
Is it possible to setup something like that?
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Oct 9, 2016, 12:58:36 PM

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