Closed Beta FAQ for Path of Exile: The Awakening

Felix35071 wrote:
xxArturoxx wrote:
All accounts have an equal chance of being selected.

except streamers and alpha testers...

They used an orb of Alchemy, no Chance involved.

WTB alcs 2:1c

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Last edited by xxArturoxx#6005 on Apr 13, 2015, 4:36:48 AM
Then why the hell is there a timer? Why are you hyping this when so few will get in? You guys handled the whole situation terribly.
Chris mentioned "We want a spread of new and experienced players to test the content." yesterday on reddit. I just have a HARD time to believe "All random" is the way they found.
Thx for the info !
Are certain accounts more likely than others to get in? I've played PoE for 3000 hours.

All accounts have an equal chance of being selected. It's important that we get a mix of new players and veterans. Their feedback and data is equally useful.

I'm a popular Streamer. Can I get access?

Possibly. Our community manager Bex will reach out to some streamers over time and will invite them into the Beta. If you have a lot of channel views (more than a million) then get in touch with her.

Right. Because some are more equal than others.
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right.
The salt coming from certain people here just shows they are just players that want to play the game in advance, not testers or anything like that. But that's how players consider Beta nowadays : just an early-access to the game, gathering informations for so-called "competitive purpose" with the extra possibility of playing it beyond sanity and getting burnt-out before the game is actually released. The Beta is not mainly about playing new content or being on top of the upcoming ladders. It's about testing.
IGN : @Morgoth
Last edited by Morgoth2356#3009 on Apr 13, 2015, 4:57:23 AM
some of these questions... why do people want other languages, isn't that always kinda splitting the community into nations?? next thing you know global chat is bound to your location.^^
english isn't that complicated.

do people really ask in numbers if they can cheat in the beta? wow. so these guys don't wanna see the new content but only endgame stuff, where's the fun in that? I guess I just don't wanna miss a thing if I ever get invited :D

that said good luck to everyone who's gotta rely on their luck to get the key! :D
Hey, hey! It's the Postal Dude! Get him!
Ever since the announcement was made about closed beta, I feel like there is nothing but negativity from players. GGG has other important things to do and has no time for your negativity. Its better to just be positive and be appreciative for what they offered to us. I am grateful for what they have done with the game.
Rafurion wrote:
Ever since the announcement was made about closed beta, I feel like there is nothing but negativity from players. GGG has other important things to do and has no time for your negativity. Its better to just be positive and be appreciative for what they offered to us. I am grateful for what they have done with the game.

Maybe if they didn't hyped act4 so much when it's not coming for months??? Maybe if there wasn't this ridiculous timer that counts down to what??? What exactly gonna happen when it hits Zero???
Damn Steam generation that is used to consider Beta's as "Early access to the game". It's not about playing the game in advance and being on the hype train "choo chooo all aboard lel". It's a Beta test. People whining because they think some players are being given new content or unfair advantage when they are not just miss the point of what a real Beta test is about.
IGN : @Morgoth
Last edited by Morgoth2356#3009 on Apr 13, 2015, 5:12:16 AM

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